This thesis iswritte
n to e
ngage the clutch fork,wrote its processi
ng tech
nology, aswell as its tooli
ng desig
n, accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of the drawi
ngs of mecha
nical process desig
n a
nd tooli
ng desig
n, based o
n masteri
ng the role of parts, the parts of the process a
nalysis. For the desig
n of a give
n topic, desig
ned a milli
ng machi
ne special fixture, specifically for the size of 7mm groove milli
ng. The mai
n k
nowledge poi
nts i
n this paper i
nclude the desig
n of machi
ne tools, tolera
nces a
nd so o
n. First make clear of the processi
ng parts, a
nd the
n a
nalyzes it, so that it ca
n be precisio
n i
n the processi
ng time is higher, the sta
ndard partswill settle dow
n, after the cou
nt of cutti
ng each step size; fixture desig
n i
ng positio
ng parts, clampi
ng parts, i
n additio
n towhat parts of guide the. This also is of particular co
n, i
n the positio
ng of the parts, there must be a deviatio
n, the deviatio
n must be i
n the specified ra
nge, so that it ca
n be o
n the fixture of the be
nefits, disadva
ntages of u
ng, to improve it. Through the above desig
n, a
nalysis a
nd calculatio
n, successfully completed all the tasks of the graduatio
n project, i
n co
ng the u
niversity k
nowledge at the same time, but also for their steppi
ng i
nto society to lay a solid fou
n.. Keywords Automobile clutch, joi
nt fork, processi
ng tech
nology, 7mm groove, milli
ng machi
ne, special clamp 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 第一章绪论1 1.1机床夹具的概述1 1.2机床夹具的分类1 1.3夹具设计的基本要求2 1.4机床夹具在机械加工中的作用3 1.5机床夹具的发展趋势3 第二章零件的分析5 2.1零件的作用5 2.2零件的工艺、结构及技术要求的分析5 2.2.1零件的工艺分析5 2.2.2零件结构分析6 2.2.3零件的技术要求分析6 2.2.4零件组成表面7 2.2.5零件加工的要求7 2.3毛坯制造形式及结构的确定7 2.3.1选择毛坯的原则7 2.3.2毛坯结构的确定8 第三章零件加工工艺规程设计9 3.1定位基准的选择9 3.2加工工艺路线的确定9 3.3选择加工设备和工艺装备11 3.3.1加工机床的选择11 3.3.2加工刀具的选择11 3.3.3测量量具的选择12 3.4加工余量的确定12 3.5切削用量及切削时间的确定13 第四章专用夹具设计21 4.1工件定位的基本原理21 4.2夹具设计对定位元件的基本要求21 4.3定位方案及定位元件的确定与选择22 4.3.1确定定位方案与定位元件的原则22 4.3.2定位方案的确定22 4.3.3定位元件的选择22 4.4夹紧方案及装置的确定与选择23 4.4.1夹紧装置设计的基本要求及遵循原则23 4.4.2夹紧方案的确定23 4.4.3夹紧元件的选择23 4.5夹具体的确定24 4.5.1夹具体的设计要点24 4.5.2夹具体类型及结构的确定24 4.6导向装置的确定25 4.7铣削力的计算25 4.8定位误差分析26 4.9加工精度误差分析26 结论27 致谢28 参考文献29
n to e
ngage the clutch fork,wrote its processi
ng tech
nology, aswell as its tooli
ng desig
n, accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of the drawi
ngs of mecha
nical process desig
n a
nd tooli
ng desig
n, based o
n masteri
ng the role of parts, the parts of the process a
nalysis. For the desig
n of a give
n topic, desig
ned a milli
ng machi
ne special fixture, specifically for the size of 7mm groove milli
ng. The mai
n k
nowledge poi
nts i
n this paper i
nclude the desig
n of machi
ne tools, tolera
nces a
nd so o
n. First make clear of the processi
ng parts, a
nd the
n a
nalyzes it, so that it ca
n be precisio
n i
n the processi
ng time is higher, the sta
ndard partswill settle dow
n, after the cou
nt of cutti
ng each step size; fixture desig
n i
ng positio
ng parts, clampi
ng parts, i
n additio
n towhat parts of guide the. This also is of particular co
n, i
n the positio
ng of the parts, there must be a deviatio
n, the deviatio
n must be i
n the specified ra
nge, so that it ca
n be o
n the fixture of the be
nefits, disadva
ntages of u
ng, to improve it. Through the above desig
n, a
nalysis a
nd calculatio
n, successfully completed all the tasks of the graduatio
n project, i
n co
ng the u
niversity k
nowledge at the same time, but also for their steppi
ng i
nto society to lay a solid fou
n.. Keywords Automobile clutch, joi
nt fork, processi
ng tech
nology, 7mm groove, milli
ng machi
ne, special clamp 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 第一章绪论1 1.1机床夹具的概述1 1.2机床夹具的分类1 1.3夹具设计的基本要求2 1.4机床夹具在机械加工中的作用3 1.5机床夹具的发展趋势3 第二章零件的分析5 2.1零件的作用5 2.2零件的工艺、结构及技术要求的分析5 2.2.1零件的工艺分析5 2.2.2零件结构分析6 2.2.3零件的技术要求分析6 2.2.4零件组成表面7 2.2.5零件加工的要求7 2.3毛坯制造形式及结构的确定7 2.3.1选择毛坯的原则7 2.3.2毛坯结构的确定8 第三章零件加工工艺规程设计9 3.1定位基准的选择9 3.2加工工艺路线的确定9 3.3选择加工设备和工艺装备11 3.3.1加工机床的选择11 3.3.2加工刀具的选择11 3.3.3测量量具的选择12 3.4加工余量的确定12 3.5切削用量及切削时间的确定13 第四章专用夹具设计21 4.1工件定位的基本原理21 4.2夹具设计对定位元件的基本要求21 4.3定位方案及定位元件的确定与选择22 4.3.1确定定位方案与定位元件的原则22 4.3.2定位方案的确定22 4.3.3定位元件的选择22 4.4夹紧方案及装置的确定与选择23 4.4.1夹紧装置设计的基本要求及遵循原则23 4.4.2夹紧方案的确定23 4.4.3夹紧元件的选择23 4.5夹具体的确定24 4.5.1夹具体的设计要点24 4.5.2夹具体类型及结构的确定24 4.6导向装置的确定25 4.7铣削力的计算25 4.8定位误差分析26 4.9加工精度误差分析26 结论27 致谢28 参考文献29