Φ28外舌止动垫圈冲孔落料剪切级进模具设计 摘要:设计首先对冷冲压模具的基本成形机理及现状发展趋势做出简要阐释,指出冲模是一种低能耗高效率的产出方式,在综合分析产品工艺性指标及对比不同结构预案后,确定本次工件易采用连续模具的方案进行。 模具设计之前进行了排样结构设计和工艺计算两部分内容。第一部分通过排样参数选用和工件各工位的合理分解排布确定了包含冲裁,冲孔弯曲落料在内的多工位的合理结构,并以此为基础进行了第二部分,主要涵盖材料利用率,基本冲裁力参数,刃口精度公差等几部分的计算与校核,为后续模具结构具体实施打下基矗模具结构设计是在确保总体原则的情况下针对凸模,凹模,以及凸模固定板,辅助部件这几大方向完成了本体参数的设计和选用,最终将他们合理的装配,完成了本次工件级进模结构的设计。最后选用合理的压力设备与模具适配,以满足后续试模的需要。 关键词:级进模;冷冲压;结构设计 Abstract Abstract:The desig
n firstly describes the basic formi
ng mecha
nism a
nd the curre
nt developme
nt tre
nd of the die, a
nd poi
nts out that the die is a ki
nd of low-e
nergy a
nd high-efficie
ncy output method. After a comprehe
nsive a
nalysis of product process i
ndicators a
nd compariso
n of differe
nt structural pla
ns, this article is easy to determi
ne. Use a co
nuous die program to complete the part desig
n. Before the die desig
n, the desig
n of the layout structure a
nd the process calculatio
nwere performed i
n two parts. The first part determi
nes the reaso
nable structure of multiple statio
ns i
ng pu
ng, pu
ng a
nd bla
ng, through the selectio
n of the layout parameters a
nd the ratio
nal decompositio
n of thework statio
ns. The seco
nd part is based o
n this. Covers the calculatio
n of the material utilizatio
n rate, the basic bla
ng force parameters, a
nd the precisio
n of the cutti
ng edge, a
nd lays the fou
n for the subseque
nt impleme
n of the die structure. The die structure desig
n is to e
nsure the ge
neral pri
nciple of the desig
n of the body parameters a
nd the selectio
n of the pu
nch, die, pu
nch fixi
ng plate, auxiliary compo
nts i
n these major directio
ns, a
nd fi
nally theywill be reaso
nable assembly, completed this time Desig
n ofwork piece progressive die structure. Fi
nally, a reaso
nable pressure device a
nd die are selected to meet the
needs of the subseque
nt test mode. Keywords:Progressive Die, Cold Stampi
ng,Structural Desig
n 目录 Φ28外舌止动垫圈冲孔落料剪切级进模具设计I Abstract II 1绪论1 1.1课题研究目的及意义1 1.1.1研究目的1 1.1.2研究意义1 1.2国内模具发展状况1 1.3主要研究内容2 2零件工艺性分析及冲压方案确定3 2.1零件的工艺性分析3 2.2确定工艺方案4 2.3排样设计5 2.3.1排样参数确定5 2.3.2排样图的绘制6 2.3.3材料利用率η 6 3模具主要工艺参数计算9 3.1冲压力参数的计算9 3.1.1冲裁力计算9 3.1.2卸料力、推料力、顶料力的计算9 3.2冲压压力中心11 4凸凹模设计13 4.1冲裁间隙13 4.2凸模与凹模刃口尺寸计算13 4.3凹模的设计16 4.4凸模的设计17 4.5凹模刃口类型18 5模具总体设计19 5.1定位零件的设计19 5.2卸料板的设计19 5.3模柄20 5.4模架及其他零部件的选用20 5.5冲压设备的选择21 5.6压力机相关参数的校核21 6总结23 参考文献25 附录A外文文献及翻译27
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