ng radius elbow)是修改管路放向的管件存在于管路的系统里面,被广泛的应用在化工、石油、冶金、国防、轻工等工业中。在准备使用弯头之前需要加工坡口来使弯头在焊接时候更加紧固。国内现在一般的管道施工中,坡口加工都采用氧气-乙炔焰高温切割和手工砂轮打磨的方法。但是温升会因为手工砂轮对坡口的打磨而存在,产生热影响区,产生微裂纹并形成隐患。手工操作也会让坡口的尺寸、表面质量和形式不易保证。综合对比下,美国的坡口机材质优秀,意大利的坡口机工作稳定,日本的坡口机安全便捷,而在我国目前较落后的机身材质研究以及结构设计情况下,需学习国外先进技术,加大对弯头坡口机的研究与开发。我国现在一般制造厂内对弯头坡口的加工尚没有专用设备,加工设备复杂,没有良好安全措施。目前我国对长半径弯头坡口的研究优化变化不大,很多制造厂仍然按照落后的切割办法对弯头坡口进行加工。本文是负责研究给90°长半径弯头设计加工坡口装置。坡口装置主要由夹具、切割刀具、减速器和电动机组成。综合考虑其加工应用面、加工对象、加工精度、切割方式、安全以及成本,设计出符合我国当前现状的90°长半径弯头坡口装置。 关键词:长半径弯头;坡口装置;夹具;减速器 Abstract Elbow is the system i
nwhich the pipe fitti
ng is modified a
nd iswidely used i
n chemical i
ndustry, petroleum, metallurgy, defe
nse, light i
ndustry a
nd other i
ndustries. It is
necessary to process the groove before usi
ng the elbow to tighte
n the elbow duri
ng. At prese
nt i
n ge
neral pipeli
ne co
n i
n Chi
na, groove processi
ng adopts the method of oxyge
ne flame cutti
ng a
nd ma
nual gri
ngwheel gri
ng. However, the temperature risewill be caused by the gri
ng of the groove by ha
nd gri
ngwheel,whichwill produce the thermal i
ne,whichwill cause the micro crack a
nd form hidde
n trouble. Ma
nual operatio
nwill also make the groove size, surface quality a
nd form
not easy to guara
ntee. U
nder comprehe
nsive compariso
n, the U
nited States, have excelle
nt material of beveli
ng machi
ng stability of beveli
ng machi
ne, Italy, Japa
n's security of beveli
ng machi
ne is co
nt, but i
n our cou
ntry at prese
nt is lower fuselage material research a
nd desig
n cases,
need to lear
n foreig
n adva
nced tech
nology, to be
nd the groove machi
ne research a
nd developme
nt. At prese
nt, there is
no special equipme
nt for the processi
ng of elbow groove i
n Chi
na, a
nd the processi
ng equipme
nt is complicated a
nd there is
no good safety measure. At prese
nt, there is little cha
nge i
n the research a
nd improveme
nt of the lo
ng radius elbow groove, a
nd ma
ny ma
nufacturers still process the curved head groove accordi
ng to the backward cutti
ng method. This article is respo
nsible for research to 90° lo
ng radius elbow desig
n processi
ng groove device. Groove device is mai
nly composed of jig, cutti
ng tool, reducer a
nd motor. Co
ng its processi
ng a
nd applicatio
n, processi
ng object, machi
ng accuracy, cutti
ngway, safety, a
nd cost, desig
ned i
n accorda
ncewith the curre
nt situatio
n of 90° lo
ng radius elbow groove device. Keywords: lo
ng radius elbow; Groove device; Fixture; reducer 目录 绪论1 第一章坡口装置的总体设计2 1.1坡口装置总体方案设计的依据2 1.2工艺分析2 1.3坡口装置主要参数的确定3 第二章坡口装置的传动部分设计7 2.1传动部分的设计7 2.2传动轴最小直径的计算8 2.3带的设计选择8 2.4齿轮的选取和设计12 第三章坡口装置的机械部分设计24 3.1轴承的选取24 3.2刀盘的设计24 3.3进给装置设计24 总结25 参考文献26 致谢27
ng radius elbow)是修改管路放向的管件存在于管路的系统里面,被广泛的应用在化工、石油、冶金、国防、轻工等工业中。在准备使用弯头之前需要加工坡口来使弯头在焊接时候更加紧固。国内现在一般的管道施工中,坡口加工都采用氧气-乙炔焰高温切割和手工砂轮打磨的方法。但是温升会因为手工砂轮对坡口的打磨而存在,产生热影响区,产生微裂纹并形成隐患。手工操作也会让坡口的尺寸、表面质量和形式不易保证。综合对比下,美国的坡口机材质优秀,意大利的坡口机工作稳定,日本的坡口机安全便捷,而在我国目前较落后的机身材质研究以及结构设计情况下,需学习国外先进技术,加大对弯头坡口机的研究与开发。我国现在一般制造厂内对弯头坡口的加工尚没有专用设备,加工设备复杂,没有良好安全措施。目前我国对长半径弯头坡口的研究优化变化不大,很多制造厂仍然按照落后的切割办法对弯头坡口进行加工。本文是负责研究给90°长半径弯头设计加工坡口装置。坡口装置主要由夹具、切割刀具、减速器和电动机组成。综合考虑其加工应用面、加工对象、加工精度、切割方式、安全以及成本,设计出符合我国当前现状的90°长半径弯头坡口装置。 关键词:长半径弯头;坡口装置;夹具;减速器 Abstract Elbow is the system i
nwhich the pipe fitti
ng is modified a
nd iswidely used i
n chemical i
ndustry, petroleum, metallurgy, defe
nse, light i
ndustry a
nd other i
ndustries. It is
necessary to process the groove before usi
ng the elbow to tighte
n the elbow duri
ng. At prese
nt i
n ge
neral pipeli
ne co
n i
n Chi
na, groove processi
ng adopts the method of oxyge
ne flame cutti
ng a
nd ma
nual gri
ngwheel gri
ng. However, the temperature risewill be caused by the gri
ng of the groove by ha
nd gri
ngwheel,whichwill produce the thermal i
ne,whichwill cause the micro crack a
nd form hidde
n trouble. Ma
nual operatio
nwill also make the groove size, surface quality a
nd form
not easy to guara
ntee. U
nder comprehe
nsive compariso
n, the U
nited States, have excelle
nt material of beveli
ng machi
ng stability of beveli
ng machi
ne, Italy, Japa
n's security of beveli
ng machi
ne is co
nt, but i
n our cou
ntry at prese
nt is lower fuselage material research a
nd desig
n cases,
need to lear
n foreig
n adva
nced tech
nology, to be
nd the groove machi
ne research a
nd developme
nt. At prese
nt, there is
no special equipme
nt for the processi
ng of elbow groove i
n Chi
na, a
nd the processi
ng equipme
nt is complicated a
nd there is
no good safety measure. At prese
nt, there is little cha
nge i
n the research a
nd improveme
nt of the lo
ng radius elbow groove, a
nd ma
ny ma
nufacturers still process the curved head groove accordi
ng to the backward cutti
ng method. This article is respo
nsible for research to 90° lo
ng radius elbow desig
n processi
ng groove device. Groove device is mai
nly composed of jig, cutti
ng tool, reducer a
nd motor. Co
ng its processi
ng a
nd applicatio
n, processi
ng object, machi
ng accuracy, cutti
ngway, safety, a
nd cost, desig
ned i
n accorda
ncewith the curre
nt situatio
n of 90° lo
ng radius elbow groove device. Keywords: lo
ng radius elbow; Groove device; Fixture; reducer 目录 绪论1 第一章坡口装置的总体设计2 1.1坡口装置总体方案设计的依据2 1.2工艺分析2 1.3坡口装置主要参数的确定3 第二章坡口装置的传动部分设计7 2.1传动部分的设计7 2.2传动轴最小直径的计算8 2.3带的设计选择8 2.4齿轮的选取和设计12 第三章坡口装置的机械部分设计24 3.1轴承的选取24 3.2刀盘的设计24 3.3进给装置设计24 总结25 参考文献26 致谢27