With the progress of social developme
nt a
nd scie
nce tech
nology, product processi
ng is tra
nsformed from ma
nual ma
ng to semi-automatic processi
ng a
nd automatic processi
ng. Thus drivi
ng the rapid developme
nt of the machi
ne tool i
ndustry, CNC machi
ng ce
nter came i
nto bei
ng a
nd developed quickly, but how to improve the positio
ng accuracy a
nd repeat precisio
n a
nd reduce the automatic tool cha
nge time i
n order to improve the machi
ng efficie
ncy has bee
n the importa
nt topic studied by people. This graduatio
n desig
n is desig
n of machi
ng ce
nter 24 disc k
nife library a
nd automatic tool cha
nge of mecha
nical structure desig
n, the ma
nipulator i
n the k
nife tool cha
nge betwee
n library a
nd tool spi
ndle automatic tool cha
nge device, k
nife library is i
nstalled o
n the top of the machi
ne tool colum
n, used i
n ge
neral machi
ne tool of i
ntermediate size k
nife library. Si
ngle disc k
nife library,vertical cutter a
nd cutti
ngwheel, drive
n by hydraulic motor a
nd servo motor k
nife library, maki
ng it possible to rotary motio
n, a
nd use theworm gear a
ndworm drive as a ki
nd of speed reducer. The key part of this desig
n is the desig
n a
nd calculatio
n ofworm gear,worm a
nd mai
n shaft, a
nd the co
ntrol of the part of the operatio
n k
nife,which is co
ntrolled by hydraulic a
nd PLC. The desig
n part of the ma
nipulator is a si
ngle arm double claw. Keywords: machi
ng ce
nter;disc cutter base;ma
nipulator;PLC 目录 引言1 第一章加工中心的简介2 1.1加工中心的发展历史2 1.2加工中心的组成结构3 1.3加工中心的类型4 1.3.1立式加工中心4 1.3.2卧式加工中心5 1.3.3五坐标加工中心5 1.4加工中心的多个优点6 1.5加工中心的未来发展势态6 第二章刀库种类9 2.1刀库总体类型介绍9 2.2加工中心常用刀库类型10 2.3刀库传动原理12 2.3.1刀库结构和传动12 2.4刀库相关参数设定13 2.4.1计算电机的传动比13 2.4.2电动机的校核14 第三章刀库传动部分的设计16 3.1刀库部分设计16 3.1.1确定蜗杆和蜗轮的基础尺寸参数16 3.1.2相关校核验算17 3.2传动轴部分的设计18 3.2.1蜗杆部分的尺寸设计18 3.2.2蜗轮部分的尺寸设计19 第四章各设计尺寸及零件的验算校核21 4.1蜗杆轴验算21 4.2蜗轮轴验算23 4.3轴承校核24 第五章其它主要部分设计26 5.1刀套结构设计26 5.2刀具的识别装置26 5.3设计液压系统27 5.3.1液压缸载荷的有关计算27 5.3.2确定液压缸的相关尺寸27 5.3.3初步设定液压系统29 5.3.4PLC控制原理30 结论31 参考文献32 致谢33
nt a
nd scie
nce tech
nology, product processi
ng is tra
nsformed from ma
nual ma
ng to semi-automatic processi
ng a
nd automatic processi
ng. Thus drivi
ng the rapid developme
nt of the machi
ne tool i
ndustry, CNC machi
ng ce
nter came i
nto bei
ng a
nd developed quickly, but how to improve the positio
ng accuracy a
nd repeat precisio
n a
nd reduce the automatic tool cha
nge time i
n order to improve the machi
ng efficie
ncy has bee
n the importa
nt topic studied by people. This graduatio
n desig
n is desig
n of machi
ng ce
nter 24 disc k
nife library a
nd automatic tool cha
nge of mecha
nical structure desig
n, the ma
nipulator i
n the k
nife tool cha
nge betwee
n library a
nd tool spi
ndle automatic tool cha
nge device, k
nife library is i
nstalled o
n the top of the machi
ne tool colum
n, used i
n ge
neral machi
ne tool of i
ntermediate size k
nife library. Si
ngle disc k
nife library,vertical cutter a
nd cutti
ngwheel, drive
n by hydraulic motor a
nd servo motor k
nife library, maki
ng it possible to rotary motio
n, a
nd use theworm gear a
ndworm drive as a ki
nd of speed reducer. The key part of this desig
n is the desig
n a
nd calculatio
n ofworm gear,worm a
nd mai
n shaft, a
nd the co
ntrol of the part of the operatio
n k
nife,which is co
ntrolled by hydraulic a
nd PLC. The desig
n part of the ma
nipulator is a si
ngle arm double claw. Keywords: machi
ng ce
nter;disc cutter base;ma
nipulator;PLC 目录 引言1 第一章加工中心的简介2 1.1加工中心的发展历史2 1.2加工中心的组成结构3 1.3加工中心的类型4 1.3.1立式加工中心4 1.3.2卧式加工中心5 1.3.3五坐标加工中心5 1.4加工中心的多个优点6 1.5加工中心的未来发展势态6 第二章刀库种类9 2.1刀库总体类型介绍9 2.2加工中心常用刀库类型10 2.3刀库传动原理12 2.3.1刀库结构和传动12 2.4刀库相关参数设定13 2.4.1计算电机的传动比13 2.4.2电动机的校核14 第三章刀库传动部分的设计16 3.1刀库部分设计16 3.1.1确定蜗杆和蜗轮的基础尺寸参数16 3.1.2相关校核验算17 3.2传动轴部分的设计18 3.2.1蜗杆部分的尺寸设计18 3.2.2蜗轮部分的尺寸设计19 第四章各设计尺寸及零件的验算校核21 4.1蜗杆轴验算21 4.2蜗轮轴验算23 4.3轴承校核24 第五章其它主要部分设计26 5.1刀套结构设计26 5.2刀具的识别装置26 5.3设计液压系统27 5.3.1液压缸载荷的有关计算27 5.3.2确定液压缸的相关尺寸27 5.3.3初步设定液压系统29 5.3.4PLC控制原理30 结论31 参考文献32 致谢33