螺旋输送机的设计 Desig
n Of Screw Co
nveyor 摘要 随着科技水平的进步与发展,出现了许多以计算机软件运用相结合的机械设计的方法,为设备的研发以及制造奠定了坚实的基矗为了能够开发更先进的螺旋输送机,对螺旋输送机设备的发展前景有着重要的研究意义。当今的时代,螺旋输送机对于机械行业来说是机械加工中重要的设备,因此它们的研究功能以及发展状况也促进了螺旋输送机整个行业的发展。当前我国的螺旋输送机机械行业的内在潜在价值还有待强有力的挖掘,螺旋输送机的进一步研究将会给企业乃至整个机械行业和社会带来重要的积极意义,在研究的同时还可以让学生的综合能力得到开发与锻炼,最为重要的是总体设计就体现了这一点。第一,我们要让现在的学生打好专业知识的基础并从而提升所学的知识,从而在以后工作中能够游刃有余。第二,可以让他们在课题中能够用发展性的眼光看待问题,充分发挥创新能力,攻破现实难题。对于螺旋输送机设计这一课题,它的涵知识面较广,具有极强的综合性,学生则必须要凭借过硬的专业能力和海量的知识,加上要有一定的在计算机上绘制图表的能力。因此,学生可以积极主动的思考和钻研这个设计课题,这样学生便可以在问题的分析解决上得到能力的提升,从而也能够积累对未来有帮助的工作经验。 这篇会对国内螺旋输送机的历来的情况进行一个简要的概述,而且加上了螺旋输送机工作的理念简述,综述国内外螺旋输送机的现在的发展情况后,也综合了它的装置构造是如何设计概念。中,做好了螺旋输送机构造与设计的方案,对该装置的参数进行设计,校对其强度,分析其运动,螺旋输送机的每个机械构造和尺寸分别得到确认和完善。 关键词:螺旋输送机;螺旋轴;连续运输 Abstract With the adva
nt a
nd developme
nt of the level of scie
nce a
nd tech
nology, there have bee
n ma
ny methods of mecha
nical desig
n combi
nedwith the use of computer software,which have laid a solid fou
n for the R&D a
nd ma
ng of equipme
nt. I
n order to develop a more adva
nced screw co
nveyor, it has importa
nt research sig
nce for the developme
nt prospects of screw co
nveyor equipme
nt. I
n today's era, screw co
nveyors are importa
nt equipme
nt for mecha
nical processi
ng i
n the machi
nery i
ndustry, so their research capabilities a
nd developme
nt status have also promoted the developme
nt of the screw co
nveyor i
ndustry as awhole. At prese
nt, the i
nt pote
ntialvalue of the screw co
nveyor machi
nery i
ndustry i
n Chi
needs to be tappedvigorously. Further research o
n the screw co
nveyorwill bri
ng importa
nt positive sig
nce to the e
nterprise a
nd the e
ntire machi
nery i
ndustry a
nd society. It ca
n also e
nable stude
nts to study at the same time. The overall capabilities have bee
n developed a
nd exercised, a
nd the most importa
nt is that the overall desig
n reflects this. First,we must let the
now-graduated stude
nts lay the fou
n for professio
nal k
nowledge a
nd thus e
nce the k
nowledge they have lear
ned so that they ca
n do their job i
n the future. Seco
nd, they ca
n allow them to look at issueswith a developme
nt perspective i
n their projects, give full play to their i
novative capabilities, a
nd break through real-world problems. For the subject of screw co
nveyor desig
n, it has awide ra
nge of culvert k
nowledge a
nd is extremely comprehe
nsive. Stude
nts must rely o
n excelle
nt professio
nal skills a
ndvast k
nowledge, plus they must have a certai
n degree of computer graphics. ability. Therefore, stude
nts ca
n actively thi
nk a
nd delve i
nto this desig
n topic, so that stude
nts ca
n gai
n the ability to a
nalyze a
nd solve problems, a
nd thus ca
n also accumulatework experie
nce thatwill help the future. This paperwill give a brief overview of the historical situatio
n of screw co
nveyors i
n Chi
na a
nd add the co
ncept of screw co
nveyorwork. After reviewi
ng the curre
nt developme
nt situatio
n of screw co
nveyors at home a
nd abroad, it also i
ntegrates the How device desig
n is desig
ned. I
n the thesis, a scheme for the co
n a
nd desig
n of the screw co
nveyorwas made. The parameters of the devicewere desig
ned, the stre
ngth of the proofreadi
ng, a
nd the moveme
ntwere a
nalyzed. Each mecha
nical structure a
nd size of the screw co
nveyorwas co
nfirmed a
nd improved. Keywords screw co
nveyor; screw axis; co
nuous tra
n 目录 摘要I Abstract II 目录III 1绪论1 1.1课题背景1 1.2螺旋输送机国内的发展现状1 1.3螺旋输送机国外的发展现状2 1.4小结2 2螺旋输送机的总体设计5 2.1电动机的选择5 2.2工作部件的设计6 2.3机体主要部件的选择计算15 2.4螺旋输送机的总体设计19 3减速系统的设计21 3.1工作原理21 3.2减速器参数21 3.3减速装置的设计22 3.4螺旋输送机3D图24 结论26 参考文献27 致谢28
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