仿形切割机设计 摘要 随着科学技术的发展和专业化程度的提高,很多企业的产品产量越来越大。采用手动切割、半自动切割的常用切割方式不能很好地满足其生产要求。数控仿形切割机的出现不但可以切割出多种多样形状不同的工件,而且切割起来相当方便,同时也能解决某些工件的产量大的问题,另一方面由于其轻巧而且移动方便,特适合野外作业。如今,该切割机广泛的用于各种工厂企业。机械设计的目的就是从社会的需求出发;创造性的设计出具有特定功能的新机械或者改进原有机械的性能,以此来满足人们在生活和生产之中的需要。通过本课题设计,掌握机械设计的一般方法,培养完善的设计思路,锻炼分析问题、解决问题的能力,特别是掌握总体设计和零部件设计的的方法与技巧。机械的综合运用和机械原理的目的就是让我们在日常的生产生活中合理的分析和解决问题,做到实践是检验真理的唯一标准。进一步巩固自己所学到的知识。随着焊接技术的迅速发展,各种高效、节能、高能量密度焊接新方法的相继出现并在推广中应用,气焊方法的应用范围有减少之势。但是在目前生产中某些金属材料或异种金属材料的焊接以及某些金属结构的焊接或焊补,还是可以或者是很需要采用气焊方法。气焊是最早应用生产的焊接方法之一,其设备及工艺进年来虽无明显的重大发展,但对于氧乙炔的应用,还是有新的开拓,其中气割就应用的很广泛。我针对样板进行了设计,提高成批量生产时生产效率。该气割与手工气割相比,还有劳动强度低,气割质量好,成本低,等优点。因此我认为机械气割正逐步代替手工气割。所以本设计主要是提高气割生产效率,降低劳动成本。 关键词:仿形切割;设计;生产;效率高;能耗低 ABSTRACT With the developme
nt of scie
nce a
nd tech
nology a
nd to improve the degree of specializatio
n, ma
ny compa
nies are i
ng productyield. Ma
nual cutti
ng, cutti
ng methods used semi-automatic cutti
ng ca
not satisfy their productio
n requireme
ntsC profile cutti
ng machi
ne appears
not o
nly ca
n easily cut avariety of shapes of theworkpiece, is more suitable for mass productio
n, but also especially suitable for fieldwork a
nd for play, medium a
nd small pla
nts.The purpose of the mecha
nical desig
n is starti
ng from the
needs of the commu
nity; creative desig
n of
new machi
nery has a specific fu
n or improve the mecha
nical properties of the origi
nal, i
n order to meet people's
needs i
n life a
nd productio
n amo
ng.Through this graduatio
n desig
n issues, the ge
neral method of mecha
nical desig
n mastery, trai
ng perfect desig
n ideas, exercise to a
nalyze problems, problem-solvi
ng skills, especially methods a
nd tech
niques to master the overall desig
n a
nd compo
nts desig
ned for. I
ntegrated use of mecha
nical desig
n a
nd pri
nciples a
nd other releva
nt expertise to a
nalyze a
nd solve problems i
n life a
ndwork, so that theorywith practice, to further co
nsolidate their acquired k
nowledge. With the rapid developme
nt ofweldi
ng tech
ng methodswith high efficie
ncy, e
nergy savi
ng a
nd high e
nergy de
nsity have appeared a
nd bee
n applied i
n the popularizatio
n. But i
n the curre
nt productio
n of some metal materials or dissimilar metal materials a
nd some metal structure of theweldi
ng orweldi
ng, or it is
necessary to use gasweldi
ng method. Gasweldi
ng is o
ne of the earliestweldi
ng methods used i
n productio
n, its equipme
nt a
nd process i
n rece
ntyears, although there is
no obvious sig
nt developme
nt, but for the applicatio
n of oxyge
ne, or a
new developme
nt, gas cutti
ng iswidely used. I desig
ned the sample to improve the productio
n efficie
ncy i
n batch productio
n. Comparedwith ma
nual gas cutti
ng, there are adva
ntages such as low labor i
nsity, good quality a
nd low cost. Therefore, I thi
nk mecha
nical gas cutti
ng is gradually replaci
ng ma
nual gas cutti
ng. So the desig
n is mai
nly to improve the gas cutti
ng productio
n efficie
ncy, reduce labor costs. Keywords: desig
n;profile cutti
ng;High efficie
ncy; Low e
nergy co
n 目录 1、绪论1 1.1仿形切割机的概况1 1.2仿形切割机的特点与简介1 2、仿形切割机设计参数的确定2 2.1总体方案的确定3 2.2.1机械传动部分的计算的选用与选型3 3、仿形切割机各个设计部分的计算4 3.1机架的选材及设计4 3.1.1机架设计的准则4 3.1.2机架的分类4 3.1.3力的基本类型4 3.2机架的材料及制造方法6 3.2.1立柱的选择7 3.2.2轴的设计8 3.2.3精确的校核该轴的疲劳强度9 3.2.4轴的支撑座的设计10 3.2.5机臂结构的设计10 3.2.6对本设计的机臂进行强度校核12 3.3割炬的设计12 3.3.1管道的设计13 4、结论15 5、参考文献16 6、致谢17
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