Edible oil is a
n esse
ntial material resource i
n people's lives. Its extractio
n tech
nology has always bee
n a
n importa
nt productio
n tech
nology i
n our cou
ntry.From the former pure ma
nual processi
ng to the moder
n mecha
nical oil extractio
n, the oil extractio
n tech
nology has u
ne treme
ndous improveme
nts a
nd cha
nges,while providi
ng peoplewith a healthier a
nd more co
nt life. Amo
ng them, the spiral oil press is the mostwidely used oil extractio
n machi
ne i
n productio
n a
nd life. It is characterized by co
nuous, si
ne processi
ng, a
nd is usually applied to the high-pressure oil material i
n o
ne-time pressi
ng a
nd pre-pressi
ng process. This machi
ne is mai
nly suitable for extracti
ng soybea
n oil, rapeseed, pea
nut, sesame, tea seeds, su
nflower seeds a
nd othervegetable oils. This desig
n is mai
nly desig
ned for the overall structure of small a
nd medium screw presses. These i
nclude the structure desig
n of the oil extractio
n mecha
nism, gears a
nd belt tra
n mecha
nism, oil delivery device a
nd feedi
ng mecha
nism. Desig
n calculatio
ns i
nclude selectio
n of i
nput a
nd output motor power a
nd speed, selectio
n a
nd desig
n of gear a
nd belt drives, desig
n calculatio
n of shafts, desig
n calculatio
n of extrudi
ng cages, selectio
n of beari
ngs, keys, coupli
ngs, etc. Wait. Amo
ng them, the squeezi
ng screw a
nd the pressi
ng cage are the mai
ng parts of the oil press. The mai
n part of the crushi
ng screw is the extrudi
ng screw shaft a
nd the pressi
ng screw, adjusti
ng the cake head. Lock
nut a
nd adjusti
ng bolt a
nd other compo
nts. I
n order to e
nsure the tight
ness of the extrudi
ng screw cavity assembly, the locki
nut is used to clamp the e
nd of the screw cavity to preve
nt the oil cake from i
ng i
nto the squeezi
ng screw hole a
nd affect the smooth i
n a
nd disassembly of the squeezi
ng screw. The squeezi
ng press of a cage is composed of two parts. The fro
nt part is composed of pressi
ng bars a
nd the latter part is composed of pressi
ng bars. Tra
n desig
n should pay atte
n to the relatio
nship betwee
n the mutual compo
nts, tra
n ratio a
nd torque meet theworki
ng co
ns a
nd other requireme
nts. Keywords:Oil press;Jack screw;Cage;Squeeze. 目录 第一章引言1 1.1设计目的及其意义1 1.2螺旋榨油机的工作原理1 1.3榨油的工序2 1.4榨油机的设计过程2 1.4.1计划过程2 1.4.2方案选择过程2 1.4.3计算绘图过程3 第二章螺旋榨油机的设计计算5 2.1确定电动机的参数5 2.2螺旋榨油机主要参数的确定5 2.2.1确定榨膛压缩比ε 5 2.2.2确定入料端的榨膛容积6 2.2.3确定螺旋榨油机功率的消耗7 2.2.4确定榨油机榨膛的压力7 2.3榨螺轴的设计7 2.3.1确定连续型榨螺轴尺寸8 2.3.2确定榨螺的齿形8 2.3.3确定榨螺材料9 2.4带传动的设计计算9 2.4.1 V带的设计9 2.4.2平带轮的设计11 2.5Ⅰ轴和Ⅱ轴齿轮传动的计算13 2.5.1齿轮的选择13 2.5.2确定小齿轮的齿形参数19 2.6轴的设计计算20 2.6.1轴的选材及其表面预处理20 2.6.2轴的强度校核计算20 2.7键的选择校核23 2.7.1键的设计23 2.7.2校核键连接的强度23 2.8轴承的设计计算24 2.8.1滚动轴承寿命24 2.8.2轴承寿命的验算25 第三章螺旋榨油机的结构设计26 3.1榨螺轴的设计26 3.2榨笼的设计26 3.3齿轮箱和入料器的设计26 3.4带轮的构造设计27 3.5设计调节装置27 3.6键的选择28 3.6.1Ⅰ轴上的键的选择28 3.6.2Ⅱ轴上的键的选择28 3.6.3心轴上的键的选择28 3.7轴承的选择28 3.7.1Ⅲ轴上的轴承的选择28 3.7.2Ⅰ轴和Ⅱ轴的轴承29 3.8齿轮轴与榨螺轴的联接设计29 第四章结束语31 参考文献32 致谢33
n esse
ntial material resource i
n people's lives. Its extractio
n tech
nology has always bee
n a
n importa
nt productio
n tech
nology i
n our cou
ntry.From the former pure ma
nual processi
ng to the moder
n mecha
nical oil extractio
n, the oil extractio
n tech
nology has u
ne treme
ndous improveme
nts a
nd cha
nges,while providi
ng peoplewith a healthier a
nd more co
nt life. Amo
ng them, the spiral oil press is the mostwidely used oil extractio
n machi
ne i
n productio
n a
nd life. It is characterized by co
nuous, si
ne processi
ng, a
nd is usually applied to the high-pressure oil material i
n o
ne-time pressi
ng a
nd pre-pressi
ng process. This machi
ne is mai
nly suitable for extracti
ng soybea
n oil, rapeseed, pea
nut, sesame, tea seeds, su
nflower seeds a
nd othervegetable oils. This desig
n is mai
nly desig
ned for the overall structure of small a
nd medium screw presses. These i
nclude the structure desig
n of the oil extractio
n mecha
nism, gears a
nd belt tra
n mecha
nism, oil delivery device a
nd feedi
ng mecha
nism. Desig
n calculatio
ns i
nclude selectio
n of i
nput a
nd output motor power a
nd speed, selectio
n a
nd desig
n of gear a
nd belt drives, desig
n calculatio
n of shafts, desig
n calculatio
n of extrudi
ng cages, selectio
n of beari
ngs, keys, coupli
ngs, etc. Wait. Amo
ng them, the squeezi
ng screw a
nd the pressi
ng cage are the mai
ng parts of the oil press. The mai
n part of the crushi
ng screw is the extrudi
ng screw shaft a
nd the pressi
ng screw, adjusti
ng the cake head. Lock
nut a
nd adjusti
ng bolt a
nd other compo
nts. I
n order to e
nsure the tight
ness of the extrudi
ng screw cavity assembly, the locki
nut is used to clamp the e
nd of the screw cavity to preve
nt the oil cake from i
ng i
nto the squeezi
ng screw hole a
nd affect the smooth i
n a
nd disassembly of the squeezi
ng screw. The squeezi
ng press of a cage is composed of two parts. The fro
nt part is composed of pressi
ng bars a
nd the latter part is composed of pressi
ng bars. Tra
n desig
n should pay atte
n to the relatio
nship betwee
n the mutual compo
nts, tra
n ratio a
nd torque meet theworki
ng co
ns a
nd other requireme
nts. Keywords:Oil press;Jack screw;Cage;Squeeze. 目录 第一章引言1 1.1设计目的及其意义1 1.2螺旋榨油机的工作原理1 1.3榨油的工序2 1.4榨油机的设计过程2 1.4.1计划过程2 1.4.2方案选择过程2 1.4.3计算绘图过程3 第二章螺旋榨油机的设计计算5 2.1确定电动机的参数5 2.2螺旋榨油机主要参数的确定5 2.2.1确定榨膛压缩比ε 5 2.2.2确定入料端的榨膛容积6 2.2.3确定螺旋榨油机功率的消耗7 2.2.4确定榨油机榨膛的压力7 2.3榨螺轴的设计7 2.3.1确定连续型榨螺轴尺寸8 2.3.2确定榨螺的齿形8 2.3.3确定榨螺材料9 2.4带传动的设计计算9 2.4.1 V带的设计9 2.4.2平带轮的设计11 2.5Ⅰ轴和Ⅱ轴齿轮传动的计算13 2.5.1齿轮的选择13 2.5.2确定小齿轮的齿形参数19 2.6轴的设计计算20 2.6.1轴的选材及其表面预处理20 2.6.2轴的强度校核计算20 2.7键的选择校核23 2.7.1键的设计23 2.7.2校核键连接的强度23 2.8轴承的设计计算24 2.8.1滚动轴承寿命24 2.8.2轴承寿命的验算25 第三章螺旋榨油机的结构设计26 3.1榨螺轴的设计26 3.2榨笼的设计26 3.3齿轮箱和入料器的设计26 3.4带轮的构造设计27 3.5设计调节装置27 3.6键的选择28 3.6.1Ⅰ轴上的键的选择28 3.6.2Ⅱ轴上的键的选择28 3.6.3心轴上的键的选择28 3.7轴承的选择28 3.7.1Ⅲ轴上的轴承的选择28 3.7.2Ⅰ轴和Ⅱ轴的轴承29 3.8齿轮轴与榨螺轴的联接设计29 第四章结束语31 参考文献32 致谢33