495发动机缸体左右面攻丝的组合机床总体设计及夹具设计 摘要 机械制造业是一个国家经济发展的重要支柱。而制造业的生产能力主要取决于制造装备——机床的先进程度。组合机床兼有低成本和高效率的优点,在大批、大量生产中得到广泛应用,并可用以组成自动生产线。 通过对495发动机缸体的调研,了解了其功用和结构特点,从而制定出最佳的工艺方案。重点对组合机床专用夹具的参数及结构进行了优化设计,完成了夹具定位支承系统及夹紧机构的设计和分析计算。使夹具的结构合理、紧凑,满足设计要求。 该组合机床由立柱、立柱底座、中间底座、液压滑台、动力箱、多轴箱、夹具等组成。本文对各部分的设计进行了详细的计算和论证。 关键词:组合机床;攻丝;发动机缸体;夹具 The overall desig
n a
nd fixture desig
n of the combi
ned machi
ne toolwith right a
nd left side tappi
ng of the 495 e
ne cyli
nder block ABSTRACT The machi
nery Ma
nufacture is a
n importa
nt pillar of eco
nomic developme
nt i
n a cou
ntry. The ma
ng i
ndustry's productio
n capacity depe
nds mai
nly o
n the adva
nced degree of ma
ng equipme
ne tools. Combi
n machi
ne tools have the adva
ntages of low cost a
nd high efficie
ncy. They arewidely used i
n large qua
ntities a
nd mass productio
n, a
nd ca
n be used to form automatic productio
n li
nes. Through the i
n of the 495 e
ne cyli
nder, the fu
n a
nd structure characteristics of the e
newere u
nderstood, a
nd the best process pla
nwas formulated. The parameters a
nd structure of the special fixture of the combi
ned machi
ne tool are optimized, a
nd the desig
n a
nd a
nalysis of the fixture positio
ng support system a
nd clampi
ng mecha
nism are completed. The structure of the fixture is reaso
nable a
nd compact, a
nd meets the desig
n requireme
nts. The combi
ned machi
ne tool co
nsists of a colum
n, a colum
n base, a
n i
ntermediate base, a hydraulic slidi
ng platform, a power box, a multi-axle box, a
nd a fixture. I
n this paper, the desig
n of each part is calculated a
nd demo
nstrated i
n detail. Keywords:Combi
n machi
ne tool;Tappi
ngwire; E
ne cyli
nder; Fixture 目录 摘要 Abstract 1绪论1 1.1机床在国民经济的地位及其发展简史1 1.2组合机床的国内、外现状4 1.2.1国内组合机床现状4 1.2.2国外组合机床现状6 1.3机床设计的目的、内容、要求7 1.3.1设计的目的7 1.3.2设计内容7 1.3.3设计要求7 1.4机床的设计步骤8 1.4.1调查研究8 1.4.2拟定方案8 1.4.3工作图设计8 2组合机床的总体设计9 2.1组合机床工艺方案的拟定9 2.1.1确定组合机床工艺方案的基本原则9 2.1.2确定组合机床工艺方案应注意的问题10 2.1.3分析、研究加工要求和现场工艺10 2.1.4定位基准和夹压部位的选择11 2.2确定组合机床配置型式及结构方案应考虑的问题11 2.3工艺规程12 2.4“三图一卡”的编制12 2.4.1被加工零件工序图12 2.4.2加工示意图13 2.4.3绘制加工示意图的有关计算14 2.4.4机床联系尺寸总图19 2.4.5机床分组25 2.4.6机床生产率计算卡25 3夹具设计27 3.1组合机床夹具概述27 3.2定位支承系统27 3.2.1定位装置及机构29 3.2.2导向装置及机构30 3.3夹紧机构31 3.4夹紧力计算32 3.5误差的分析与计算33 3.5.1定位误差34 3.5.2夹紧误差35 3.6夹具精度分析计算36 3.7人工智能的思考37 结论42 参考文献44 附录46 外文资料48 中文译文56 致谢62
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