n of fluid Mecha
nical Type selectio
n a
nd si
ngle stage ce
ntrifugal pump Desig
n i
n a Mi
ne Abstract Based o
n the calculatio
n a
nd desig
n of coal mi
ne fluid mecha
nical type selectio
n, the desig
ner completes three major tasks of coal mi
ne mai
n drai
nage equipme
nt selectio
n desig
n, fa
n selectio
n desig
n a
nd si
ngle stage ce
ntrifugal pump desig
n. The purpose is to improve the utilizatio
n rate of equipme
nt, adjust the ratio
nal utilizatio
n of the pump, a
nd realize the maximum be
nefit of the ma
nager. Accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of safety a
ng ability, the pump, ce
ntrifugal fa
n a
nd correspo
ng motor are selected i
n this paper. A
nd accordi
ng to the coal mi
needs, calculate the a
nual electricity co
n, carry o
n the basic productio
n cost accou
ng. The desig
n of ce
ntrifugal pump is based o
n the desig
n calculatio
n of ce
ntrifugal pri
nciple a
nd the desig
n of suitable impeller. Its hydraulic performa
nce mai
nly depe
nds o
n the hydraulic desig
n of ce
ntrifugal pump,which i
ncludes impeller desig
n, impeller desig
n a
nd suctio
n chamber desig
n. At prese
nt, there are two methods for hydraulic desig
n of ce
ntrifugal pump: model co
n method a
ndvelocity coefficie
nt method. Thevelocity coefficie
nt method is used to calculate the parameters of the desig
n model accordi
ng to the empiricalvalue of thevelocity coefficie
nt, a
nd it also has certai
n reliability. Moreover, it is
not restricted by hydraulic model, so the speed coefficie
nt method is used i
n hydraulic desig
n. Make it achieve ideal effect, have good performa
nce. Keywords: Ce
ntrifugal pump; impeller;velocity coefficie
nt metho 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1排水设备选型计算1 1.1矿用排水设备原始数据资料1 1.2排水设备的结构和工作原理1 1.3排水设备的选型计算1 1.3.1水泵的选型计算1 1.3.2.管路的选择4 1.4验算流速,校合选型6 1.5校验计算9 1.6计算允许吸水高度10 1.7电动机功率的计算11 1.8电耗计算11 1.9按排水总费用最小原则确定最优方案12 1.10排水设备的使用、维护和故障诊断12 1.10.1泵的启动12 1.10.2泵的停止12 1.10.3排水设备的故障诊断及处理12 1.10.4水泵的维护14 2通风设备16 2.1设计提供的原始数据资料16 2.2通风设备的结构和工作原理16 2.2.1结构16 2.2.2工作原理16 2.3通风设备选型计算17 2.3.1计算风机必产生的风量和风压17 2.3.2选择风机18 2.3.3确定工况点19 2.3.4确定电动机的功率和台数20 2.3.5计算年平均耗电量20 2.4通风设备的使用、维护、故障诊断21 2.4.1通风机的使用21 2.4.2通风机的常见故障及诊断处理21 2.4.3通风机的维护24 3.单级离心泵的设计25 3.1泵的基本技术要求25 3.2国内外泵行业的发展趋势26 3.2.1行业现状26 3.2.2发展环境分析和需求预测27 3.2.3发展目标27 3.2.4泵技术发展趋势28 3.3心泵的设计参数及设计要求28 3.3.1设计参数28 3.3.2设计原则28 3.3.3设计要求29 3.3.4产品特点29 3.4离心泵的结构设计29 3.4.1离心泵机构概述29 3.4.2结构设计30 3.5电机的选择33 3.6转子轴设计33 3.7密封33 3.8叶轮的设计36 3.8.1计算设计泵的比转速及汽蚀比转速36 3.8.2确定泵的进出口直径: 36 3.8.3效率的计算37 3.8.4叶轮主要尺寸的计算: 38 3.9叶轮的绘型46 3.10压出室的水力设计49 3.10.1压水室的类型和作用原理49 3.10.2涡室的设计和计算51 3.11吸水室的设计计算55 3.12离心泵主要零部件的强度计算57 3.12.1叶轮强度计算57 3.12.2泵体强度的计算59 3.12.3泵轴的强度校核59 3.12.4离心泵的临界转速61 3.13汽蚀现象62 结论65 参考文献66 致谢75
n of fluid Mecha
nical Type selectio
n a
nd si
ngle stage ce
ntrifugal pump Desig
n i
n a Mi
ne Abstract Based o
n the calculatio
n a
nd desig
n of coal mi
ne fluid mecha
nical type selectio
n, the desig
ner completes three major tasks of coal mi
ne mai
n drai
nage equipme
nt selectio
n desig
n, fa
n selectio
n desig
n a
nd si
ngle stage ce
ntrifugal pump desig
n. The purpose is to improve the utilizatio
n rate of equipme
nt, adjust the ratio
nal utilizatio
n of the pump, a
nd realize the maximum be
nefit of the ma
nager. Accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of safety a
ng ability, the pump, ce
ntrifugal fa
n a
nd correspo
ng motor are selected i
n this paper. A
nd accordi
ng to the coal mi
needs, calculate the a
nual electricity co
n, carry o
n the basic productio
n cost accou
ng. The desig
n of ce
ntrifugal pump is based o
n the desig
n calculatio
n of ce
ntrifugal pri
nciple a
nd the desig
n of suitable impeller. Its hydraulic performa
nce mai
nly depe
nds o
n the hydraulic desig
n of ce
ntrifugal pump,which i
ncludes impeller desig
n, impeller desig
n a
nd suctio
n chamber desig
n. At prese
nt, there are two methods for hydraulic desig
n of ce
ntrifugal pump: model co
n method a
ndvelocity coefficie
nt method. Thevelocity coefficie
nt method is used to calculate the parameters of the desig
n model accordi
ng to the empiricalvalue of thevelocity coefficie
nt, a
nd it also has certai
n reliability. Moreover, it is
not restricted by hydraulic model, so the speed coefficie
nt method is used i
n hydraulic desig
n. Make it achieve ideal effect, have good performa
nce. Keywords: Ce
ntrifugal pump; impeller;velocity coefficie
nt metho 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1排水设备选型计算1 1.1矿用排水设备原始数据资料1 1.2排水设备的结构和工作原理1 1.3排水设备的选型计算1 1.3.1水泵的选型计算1 1.3.2.管路的选择4 1.4验算流速,校合选型6 1.5校验计算9 1.6计算允许吸水高度10 1.7电动机功率的计算11 1.8电耗计算11 1.9按排水总费用最小原则确定最优方案12 1.10排水设备的使用、维护和故障诊断12 1.10.1泵的启动12 1.10.2泵的停止12 1.10.3排水设备的故障诊断及处理12 1.10.4水泵的维护14 2通风设备16 2.1设计提供的原始数据资料16 2.2通风设备的结构和工作原理16 2.2.1结构16 2.2.2工作原理16 2.3通风设备选型计算17 2.3.1计算风机必产生的风量和风压17 2.3.2选择风机18 2.3.3确定工况点19 2.3.4确定电动机的功率和台数20 2.3.5计算年平均耗电量20 2.4通风设备的使用、维护、故障诊断21 2.4.1通风机的使用21 2.4.2通风机的常见故障及诊断处理21 2.4.3通风机的维护24 3.单级离心泵的设计25 3.1泵的基本技术要求25 3.2国内外泵行业的发展趋势26 3.2.1行业现状26 3.2.2发展环境分析和需求预测27 3.2.3发展目标27 3.2.4泵技术发展趋势28 3.3心泵的设计参数及设计要求28 3.3.1设计参数28 3.3.2设计原则28 3.3.3设计要求29 3.3.4产品特点29 3.4离心泵的结构设计29 3.4.1离心泵机构概述29 3.4.2结构设计30 3.5电机的选择33 3.6转子轴设计33 3.7密封33 3.8叶轮的设计36 3.8.1计算设计泵的比转速及汽蚀比转速36 3.8.2确定泵的进出口直径: 36 3.8.3效率的计算37 3.8.4叶轮主要尺寸的计算: 38 3.9叶轮的绘型46 3.10压出室的水力设计49 3.10.1压水室的类型和作用原理49 3.10.2涡室的设计和计算51 3.11吸水室的设计计算55 3.12离心泵主要零部件的强度计算57 3.12.1叶轮强度计算57 3.12.2泵体强度的计算59 3.12.3泵轴的强度校核59 3.12.4离心泵的临界转速61 3.13汽蚀现象62 结论65 参考文献66 致谢75