The applicatio
n of crusher i
n the mi
ne excavatio
n alo
ngwith the use of the tra
nsfer machi
ne, thework of the esse
nce of the fully mecha
nized mi
ng face mi
ng a
nd co
ng the larger fast coal through thewheel crusher(or Hammer crusher) broke
n i
nto small lump coal block a
nd the
n through the co
nveyor Tra
nsport Departme
nt of the trough, i
n the desig
n, We
need to complete the desig
n of the module has completed the desig
n of the total tra
n of the crusher, the desig
n of the crusher cutter, complete the Crusher crusher shaft desig
n, complete crusher crusher desig
n, complete the crusher spray system a
nd dust curtai
n desig
n. After the completio
n of these tasks,we
need to thevarious parts of the crusher desig
n, i
n, positio
ng, lubricatio
n a
nd other issues, the stre
ngth of the parts of the check a
nd a
nalysis, a
nd i
n the releva
nt topics, o
n the Crusher k
nife head life exte
n problem for a relatively detailed a
nalysis a
nd research. I
n the process of desig
ng the parts of the crusher,
need to i
nclude material selectio
n, size determi
n, processi
ng accuracy, tolera
nce, processi
ng procedures a
nd processi
ng of a
number of aspects, a
nd the
need to co
nsider the cost a
nd co
n of labor, as far as possible to e
nsure the desig
n of the Crusher's eco
nomy, practicality a
nd reliability. Keywords:wheel type ; hammerhead ; allowable error ; tech
nology 目录 摘要1 Abstart 2 第一章绪论1 1.煤矿用破碎机的国内外技术的发展情况及现状1 2、研究的目的与意义6 1)目的: 6 2)意义: 6 第二章破碎的定义和破碎机的分类7 1、破碎的含义7 2、破碎的的方式7 1)压碎7 2)劈碎8 3)折碎8 4)冲击破碎8 5)磨碎8 3、破碎机的类型9 1)圆锥式破碎机9 2)颚式破碎机10 4)辊式破碎机11 6)立轴式破碎机13 7)锤式破碎机13 第三章破碎机传动方案的设计14 1、传动方案的选择14 2、V带传动的设计计算15 3、V带轮的设计18 1)材料:HT200 18 2)带轮的结构形式18 4、V带传动的张紧、安装与防护19 1)张紧19 2)安装19 3)防护19 第四章刀头的设计与改进20 1、刀头形状的确定20 图4-1 20 2、刀头质量的计算20 2、刀齿座的设计21 第五章破碎轴的设计与校核22 1、轴的用途与分类22 2、轴材料的选择22 3、初选最小轴径23 3、轴的结构设计23 5、求轴上的载荷24 6、按照弯扭合成强度条件来校核轴25 7、按照疲劳强度精确校核轴26 1)判断危险截面26 2)IV截面左侧26 3)IV截面右侧31 第六章滚动轴承和键的选择及校核32 1、滚动的选择与计算32 1)轴承概述32 2)轴承的选择32 3)滚动轴承寿命的计算32 4)轴承座刚度与同心度33 5)轴承的轴向紧固34 6)滚动轴承的预紧34 7)滚动轴承的润滑34 8)滚动轴承的密封35 第七章破碎机箱体的设计及联轴器的选择35 1、箱体及附件的设计35 2、联轴器的选择36 1)液力偶合器的选型36 2)限矩型液力偶合器36 第八章喷雾系统和防尘帘的设计与安装37 1、性能与参数37 2、安装38 3、日常维护38 第九章部件的公差与配合39 1、配合的选择39 1)配合的类别的选择39 2)配合的种类的选择39 2、一般公差的选取40 3、形位公差40 1)形位公差项目的选择40 2)公差原则的选择41 3)形位公差值的选择或确定41 结论43 致谢44 参考文献45
n of crusher i
n the mi
ne excavatio
n alo
ngwith the use of the tra
nsfer machi
ne, thework of the esse
nce of the fully mecha
nized mi
ng face mi
ng a
nd co
ng the larger fast coal through thewheel crusher(or Hammer crusher) broke
n i
nto small lump coal block a
nd the
n through the co
nveyor Tra
nsport Departme
nt of the trough, i
n the desig
n, We
need to complete the desig
n of the module has completed the desig
n of the total tra
n of the crusher, the desig
n of the crusher cutter, complete the Crusher crusher shaft desig
n, complete crusher crusher desig
n, complete the crusher spray system a
nd dust curtai
n desig
n. After the completio
n of these tasks,we
need to thevarious parts of the crusher desig
n, i
n, positio
ng, lubricatio
n a
nd other issues, the stre
ngth of the parts of the check a
nd a
nalysis, a
nd i
n the releva
nt topics, o
n the Crusher k
nife head life exte
n problem for a relatively detailed a
nalysis a
nd research. I
n the process of desig
ng the parts of the crusher,
need to i
nclude material selectio
n, size determi
n, processi
ng accuracy, tolera
nce, processi
ng procedures a
nd processi
ng of a
number of aspects, a
nd the
need to co
nsider the cost a
nd co
n of labor, as far as possible to e
nsure the desig
n of the Crusher's eco
nomy, practicality a
nd reliability. Keywords:wheel type ; hammerhead ; allowable error ; tech
nology 目录 摘要1 Abstart 2 第一章绪论1 1.煤矿用破碎机的国内外技术的发展情况及现状1 2、研究的目的与意义6 1)目的: 6 2)意义: 6 第二章破碎的定义和破碎机的分类7 1、破碎的含义7 2、破碎的的方式7 1)压碎7 2)劈碎8 3)折碎8 4)冲击破碎8 5)磨碎8 3、破碎机的类型9 1)圆锥式破碎机9 2)颚式破碎机10 4)辊式破碎机11 6)立轴式破碎机13 7)锤式破碎机13 第三章破碎机传动方案的设计14 1、传动方案的选择14 2、V带传动的设计计算15 3、V带轮的设计18 1)材料:HT200 18 2)带轮的结构形式18 4、V带传动的张紧、安装与防护19 1)张紧19 2)安装19 3)防护19 第四章刀头的设计与改进20 1、刀头形状的确定20 图4-1 20 2、刀头质量的计算20 2、刀齿座的设计21 第五章破碎轴的设计与校核22 1、轴的用途与分类22 2、轴材料的选择22 3、初选最小轴径23 3、轴的结构设计23 5、求轴上的载荷24 6、按照弯扭合成强度条件来校核轴25 7、按照疲劳强度精确校核轴26 1)判断危险截面26 2)IV截面左侧26 3)IV截面右侧31 第六章滚动轴承和键的选择及校核32 1、滚动的选择与计算32 1)轴承概述32 2)轴承的选择32 3)滚动轴承寿命的计算32 4)轴承座刚度与同心度33 5)轴承的轴向紧固34 6)滚动轴承的预紧34 7)滚动轴承的润滑34 8)滚动轴承的密封35 第七章破碎机箱体的设计及联轴器的选择35 1、箱体及附件的设计35 2、联轴器的选择36 1)液力偶合器的选型36 2)限矩型液力偶合器36 第八章喷雾系统和防尘帘的设计与安装37 1、性能与参数37 2、安装38 3、日常维护38 第九章部件的公差与配合39 1、配合的选择39 1)配合的类别的选择39 2)配合的种类的选择39 2、一般公差的选取40 3、形位公差40 1)形位公差项目的选择40 2)公差原则的选择41 3)形位公差值的选择或确定41 结论43 致谢44 参考文献45