阀体加工工艺规程及钻Φ 10H8孔专用夹具设计 摘要 此次课程设计是对我们所学知识的总复习,同时将过去所学的知识总和在一起,提高我们查询资料和运用所学知识的能力。 拿到零件图,首先我们应当分析研究被加工零件,确定毛坯的种类、制造方法及其尺寸,其次应当正确选择基准,拟定工艺路线,然后可选择机床及工艺设备,计算各工艺,最后设计专用夹具,编写课程设计书。 我们可通过查询书籍来获得以上设计步骤更详细的内容,一本书的资料并不是那么详细,我们应多结合几本书来研究探讨。不同版本之间的书籍存在出入,建议取两者之间的平均数据。有的资料给的不是很详细,上网查询相关内容会更明白,更清楚。 关键词:阀体;工艺加工;专用夹具 Abstract This course desig
n is a ge
neral review of the k
nowledgewe have lear
ned, a
nd review the k
nowledgewe have lear
ned i
n the lo
ng time ago,i
n order to improve our ability to search for i
n a
nd apply the k
nowledge. Whe
n get the parts drawi
ng, first of all,we should a
nalyze it, determi
ne the type ofworkbla
nk, ma
ng method a
nd its size, the
nwe ought to correctly choose the sta
ndard, draw up the process route, a
nd the
nyou ca
n choose machi
ne too ls a
nd equipme
nt, calculate the process data, fi
nally desig
n special fixture, compile the desig
n of course. We ca
n get more detailed of the desig
n steps by i
ng books. The i
n of a book is
not so detailed. We should combi
ne several books to study a
nd discuss. It is suggested to take the average data betwee
n the differe
nt editio
ns of the books. Some i
n is
notvery detailed,searchi
ng for releva
nt co
nt o
newill be more a
nd more clear. Keywords:valve body; process; special fixture 目录 摘要.......................................... II 关键词.......................................... II Abstract....................................... III 1零件的工艺分析.................................. 1 1.1零件的作用................................ 1 1.2零件的工艺分析............................ 1 1.3确定生产类型.............................. 1 2设计毛坯....................................... 1 2.1毛坯尺寸的确定............................ 2 3机械加工工艺路线拟定............................ 3 3.1定位基准的选择............................ 3 3.2零件表面加工方法和加工方案的选择........... 3 3.3工序内容的确定............................ 4 3.4制定工艺路线.............................. 6 3.5机械加工设备及工艺装备的选择............... 8 4机械加工工序设计................................ 8 4.1工序余量的确定............................ 8 4.2工序尺寸及公差的确定....................... 9 4.3切削用量的确定........................... 13 4.4工时定额的计算........................... 14 5专用夹具设计................................... 14 5.1确定工件的定位方案........................ 15 5.1.1定位元件的选用...................... 15 5.1.2确定工件的加紧方案.................. 15 5.1.3定位误差的分析与计算................ 15 5.2导向装置设计............................. 16 5.3夹紧装置设计............................. 16 6总结........................................... 17 7参考文献....................................... 18
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