自动跟随行李箱的设计 摘要 目前越来,越来越多的人们都爱上了旅行,大学生越来越多,出差工作的人也越来越多,出远门行李箱是必不可少的东西,它可以帮助人们放置很多的行李,不用再大包小包的出门,非常方便。但是,在方便的同时也有一个让很多人都非常惆怅的问题,那就是将这么多的物品都放到一个小箱子里是非常沉的。大家出门在外最头疼的便是行李的搬运,行李轻我们便会拥有一个轻松的旅行;而行李沉重,我们的旅行便会倍感劳累。谁都想拥有一个愉快的旅程,而传统的行李箱并不打算让我们这么愉快。而本设计的行李箱就可以让旅途中以及不远万里去上学的学子们拥有一个愉快的行程。 本设计中的行李箱是一种智能化的行李箱,利用传感器自动导航系统让我们的行李箱跟随在我们身边,它并不需要我们拉着它,它会乖巧的跟着我们跑。设计中采用超声波传感器,这种传感器成本比较低,正适合行李箱,这种传感器体积不大,可以说很小,而且安装处理非常方便。使用这种传感器可以成功让我们行李箱跟着我们跑。 关键字;行李箱;自动跟随;传感器;方便 ABSTACT Nowadays, more a
nd more people are falli
ng i
n lovewith traveli
ng, more a
nd more college stude
nts, more a
nd more people areworki
ng o
n busi
ness, a
nd the luggage is a
n i
nsable thi
ng. It ca
n help people put a lot of luggage, a
nd it isvery co
nt to go outwithout bags a
nd bags. But at the same time, there is a problem that makes ma
ny peoplevery sad. That is, it isvery heavy to put so ma
ny thi
ngs i
n a small box. O
ne of the biggest headacheswhe
nwe go out is the ha
ng of our luggage,which is light a
ndwe ca
n have a relaxed jour
ney,while heavy luggage makes our jour
neyvery tiri
ng. Everyo
nts to have a pleasa
nt jour
ney, a
nd the traditio
nal suitcase does
not i
nd to make us so happy. The luggage ca
n provide stude
ntswith a pleasa
nt jour
ney o
n the road a
nd a lo
ngway to school. I
n this desig
n, the suitcase is a ki
nd of i
nt suitcase, usi
ng se
nsor automatic
n system to let our suitcase follow us, it does
need us to pull it, itwill cleverly follow us. Ultrasou
nd se
nsor is used i
n the desig
n. This ki
nd of se
nsor is suitable for the tru
nk because of its low cost. This ki
nd of se
nsor is small i
nvolume a
nd ca
n be said to bevery small. With this se
nsor,we ca
n successfully ru
n our suitcasewith us. Keywords; tru
nk; automatic followi
ng; se
nsor; co
nce. 目录 ABSTACT 2 第一章选题背景及意义1 1.1选题背景1 1.2选题意义2 第二章设计方案3 2.1总体思路3 2.2控制系统设计思路3 第三章详细设计4 3.1控制芯片的设计4 3.2超声波传感器的设计4 3.3电源设计5 3.4无线串口模块设计5 3.5直流电机驱动设计6 3.6蓄电池的选择7 3.7传动设计8 3.8程序设计9 第四章产品成本分析及应用前景10 4.1成本分析10 4.2产品设计与创新性11 4.2.1产品创新及设计11 4.2.2行李箱的其他零件12 4.3应用前景14 第五章总结15 参考文献16 致谢17
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