玉米果穗剥皮机的设计与仿真 摘要 最近各行各业的发展都是很快的,农业上对于机械化的要求也是非常明确的,现在生产的玉米变多,所以将玉米的皮剥掉的劳动量自然也就变大了,要想实现机械化生产农业机械是非常关键的,农产品在市面上的销售怎么样,主要就在于农业机器的质量,还有工作效率是高还是低。我们国家,主要种植玉米的地方在北方,在将玉米摘下来,还有剥皮的时候都是通过人工来进行,工人在进行工作的时候强度是非常大的,效率也不高。要想将这种状况进行改善,这篇设计了一台专门对玉米进行剥皮的机器,这样就可以进行自动化工作了,那么工作效率就变高了,工人的劳动强度就变低很多。 本次设计是在了解和掌握玉米果穗剥皮原理、研究现状及发展趋势的基础上进行的。其主要设计内容有玉米果穗剥皮总体方案及工作原理的确定;对齿轮传动、带传动进行设计与计算;剥皮棍的设计、计算与校核;电动机、键等标准件的选择与确定。最后,通过三维、二维绘图软件完成玉米剥皮整体三维造型、装配图及主要零部件图的绘制等。 本次设计的玉米果穗剥皮机,其结构简单,操作方便,能够在很大程度上减轻工人的劳动强度,为其发展、设计与制造提供一个的帮助。 关键词农业;机械化;玉米果穗;剥皮机;设计 Abstract I
n rece
ntyears, the dema
nd for agricultural mecha
n productio
n is more a
nd more obvious. With the i
ncrease of maizeyield, the labor requireme
nt for maize peeli
ng is also i
ng. Agricultural mecha
n has bee
n the most critical desig
n equipme
nt i
n the process of mecha
nized flow, a
nd the level of agricultural machi
nery operatio
n quality has played a decisive role i
n the market rate of agricultural products. The
n part of Chi
na is the mai
n produci
ng area of cor
n. For a lo
ng time, it has bee
n take
n by YISHION by ha
nd to pick up the ear of cor
n a
nd the
n peel it by ha
nd. Thiswork has great labor i
nsity a
nd lowworki
ng efficie
ncy. I
n order to cha
nge this backward situatio
n, this paper i
nds to complete the desig
n of a cor
n ear peeli
ng machi
ne, so as to realize the automatio
n of maize peeli
ng. So as to improvework efficie
ncy a
nd reduce people's labor i
nsity. This desig
n is based o
n u
ng a
nd graspi
ng the pri
nciple of maize ear peeli
ng, research status a
nd developme
nt tre
nd. The mai
n desig
n co
nts are the overall pla
n a
nd theworki
ng pri
nciple of the peeli
ng of cor
n ear; the desig
n a
nd calculatio
n of the gear tra
n a
nd belt drive; the desig
n, calculatio
n a
nd checki
ng of the peeli
ng stick; the selectio
n a
nd determi
n of the sta
ndard parts, such as motor a
nd key. Fi
nally, three dime
nal a
nd two-dime
nal drawi
ng software is applied to complete the 3D modeli
ng, assembly drawi
ng a
nd mai
n parts drawi
ng of cor
n ski
ns. This desig
n of cor
n ear peeli
ng machi
ne, its structure is simple, easy to operate, to a great exte
nt to reduce the labor i
nsity ofworkers, for its developme
nt, desig
n a
nd ma
ng to provide a help. Keywords agriculture; mecha
n; cor
n ear; peeli
ng machi
ne; desig
n 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1绪论1 1.1本课题研究的背景及意义1 1.1.1本课题研究的背景1 1.1.2本课题研究的意义1 1.2国内外玉米剥皮机的发展概况2 1.2.1国内玉米剥皮机的发展概况2 1.2.2国外玉米剥皮机的发展概况3 1.3国内外玉米剥皮机存在的不足4 2总体方案的设计与确定5 2.1本课题设计要求的确定5 2.2设计参数的确定5 2.3玉米剥皮机的组成及工作原理5 2.4电机型号的选择与确定6 3主要零部件的设计与计算8 3.1带传动的设计与计算8 3.1.1带传动的概述8 3.1.2带传动主要参数的计算8 3.1.3带轮结构的设计10 3.2齿轮传动的设计与计算11 3.2.1选定齿轮类型、精度、材料及齿数11 3.2.2按齿面接触疲劳强度设计11 3.3剥皮辊的设计与计算12 3.3.1剥皮辊生产能力的计算12 3.3.2剥皮辊长度、直径的确定12 3.3.3剥皮辊结构的设计13 3.4传动棍的设计与计算13 3.5平键的选型与计算14 3.6轴承的选型15 3.7各主要零部件强度的校核16 3.7.1齿轮强度的校核与计算16 3.7.2轴承强度的校核计算18 3.8其他零部件的设计18 3.8.1机架的设计18 3.8.2果穗料斗的设计19 4玉米剥皮机的保养、使用、调整及保管20 4.1玉米剥皮机的保养20 4.2玉米剥皮机的使用和调整20 4.3机器的保管20 5 Proe三维建模21 5.1最终成型21 6仿真21 结论26 致谢27 参考文献28
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