摘要 这篇设计的知识面是比较多的,有机械加工工艺,有设计机床夹具,还有金属切削加工机床,公差配合跟测量等等。 支承套零件的加工工艺分析及其钻孔夹具设计是包括零件加工的工艺设计、工序设计以及专用夹具的设计三部分。设计工艺的时候,一开始分析零件,要知道它的具体工艺,之后才能将毛坯的构造设计出来,之后确定产品的加工工艺,将加工产品的工艺路线写出来;之后将产品每一个工序的大小算出来,主要就是在于每一道工序用什么工具,还有切削加工量是多少;之后设计专用夹具,将夹具每一个部分的零部件设计出来,比方说定位零件,夹紧零件等等;在用夹具对产品进行定位时候会有偏差,对于夹具构造哪些地方好,哪些地方不好都分析出来,之后对他进行修正。 关键词:支承套;加工工艺;钻孔;专用夹具;夹具体 Abstract There are ma
ny k
nowledge areas i
n this paper, such as mecha
nical processi
ng tech
nology, machi
ne tool fixture desig
n, metal cutti
ng machi
ne tool, tolera
nce matchi
ng a
nd measureme
nt, etc. The a
nalysis of the processi
ng tech
nology of supporti
ng sleeve parts a
nd the desig
n of drilli
ng fixture i
nclude three parts: the process desig
n of parts processi
ng, the process desig
n a
nd the desig
n of special fixture. Whe
n desig
ng the process,we should first a
nalyze the parts a
nd k
now their specific process, the
nwe ca
n desig
n the structure of the bla
nk, the
n determi
ne the processi
ng tech
nology of the product, a
ndwrite out the process route of the processed product; the
n calculate the size of each process of the product,which is mai
nly aboutwhatwork is used i
n each process. After that, special fixture is desig
ned to desig
n parts of each part of the fixture, such as positio
ng parts, clampi
ng parts a
nd so o
n. Whe
n fixture is used to locate the product, therewill be deviatio
n,which parts are good for fixture co
n a
ndwhich parts are bad are a
nalyzed, a
nd the
n o
n. He made ame
nts. Keywords: supporti
ng sleeve; processi
ng tech
nology; drilli
ng; special fixture; folder specific 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1序言1 1.1前言1 1.2夹具设计中的特点1 1.3夹具设计需保证的条件1 1.4夹具的发展趋势1 2零件的分析1 2.1零件的作用1 2.2零件的工艺分析1 3工艺规程设计1 3.1确定毛坯的制造形式1 3.2零件生产类型的确定1 3.3零件制造形式及毛坯尺寸的确定1 3.4基面的确定3 3.5制定工艺路线4 3.6确定各工序的加工余量5 3.7确定切削用量及基本工时8 4钻床夹具设计29 4.1问题提出29 4.2定位基准的确定29 4.3定位元件的设计29 4.4定位误差分析30 4.5切削力的计算与夹紧力分析30 4.6夹具设计及操作简要说明31 结束语32 谢辞33 参考文献34
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