汽车保险杠铝成型组件有限元分析及工艺优化 摘要 近年来,随着环境污染、能源枯竭等问题的日趋严重以及国家政策的支持和鼓励,汽车轻量化已越来越被人们所重视,且已逐渐成为当前和未来汽车技术发展的主要方向。基于此,在汽车车身及其零配的件的材料选择上,人们越来越关注材料本身的重量。其中,铝合金板材作为一种低密度、高强度、可塑性强的金属材料,受到了越来越多汽车厂商的青睐。然而,在板料成形技术中,起皱、断裂、变形不足和回弹等质量问题也越来越突出,这不仅造成了大量的材料浪费,还严重制约了铝合金板材在汽车制造中的使用。因此,探索出一种适合铝合金板材冲压成型的优秀工艺,成了当前众多汽车厂商研究的重点。 本文将利用有限元分析软件ANSYS Workbe
nch对汽车保险杠中铝成型组件的冲压成型进行分析研究,找出导致其出现质量问题的主要因素,并结合分析结果尝试对现有的冲压工艺进行合理优化,达到提高成品率的目的。 关键字有限元分析铝成型工艺优化 Fi
nite Eleme
nt A
nalysis a
nd Process Optimizatio
n of Alumi
num Brackets for Automobile Bumper Abstract I
n rece
ntyears,with the e
ntal pollutio
n, e
nergy depletio
n a
nd other issues become i
ngly serious a
nal policy support a
nd e
nt, automotive lightweight has bee
n more a
nd more atte
n, a
nd has gradually become the curre
nt a
nd future developme
nt of the mai
n directio
n of automotive tech
nology The Amo
ng them, the alumi
num alloy sheet as a low-de
nsity, high stre
ngth, plasticity of the metal material, by more a
nd more car ma
nufacturers of all ages. However, i
n the sheet metal formi
ng tech
ng, rupture, deformatio
n a
nd rebou
nd a
nd other quality problems are more a
nd more promi
not o
nly caused a lot of materialwaste, but also seriously restricted the use of alumi
num alloy sheet i
n the automotive i
ndustry The Therefore, to explore a suitable for alumi
num alloy sheet stampi
ng of the excelle
nt process, has become the focus of ma
ny car ma
nufacturers. I
n this paper, the fi
nite eleme
nt a
nalysis software ANSYS Workbe
nch is used to a
nalyze the stampi
ng of alumi
num formi
ng compo
nts i
n automobile bumper, a
nd the mai
n factors leadi
ng to its quality problems are fou
nd out. Combi
ngwith the a
nalysis results, the existi
ng stampi
ng process is optimized reaso
nably, To achieve the purpose of improvi
ng theyield. Keywords Fi
nite eleme
nt a
nalysis alumi
num formi
ng process optimizatio
n 目录 第1章绪论1 1.1引言1 1.2汽车保险杠铝成型组件工艺优化的科学意义1 1.3汽车保险杠铝成型组件质量问题的国内外研究状况1 1.3.1国外研究情况2 1.3.2国内研究情况2 1.4汽车保险杠铝成型组件的发展趋势2 1.5汽车保险杠铝成型组件缺陷分析3 1.5.1起皱3 1.5.2破裂4 1.5.3回弹5 1.6本文研究的主要内容5 1.7本章小结6 第2章板材冲压有限元分析理论7 2.1 ANSYS Workbe
nch软件介绍7 2.2材料的特性7 2.3材料的屈服准则8 2.3.1 Tresca屈服准则8 2.3.2 Vo
n Mises屈服准则9 2.4材料的硬化准则9 2.4.1各向同性硬化准则9 2.4.2随动硬化准则10 2.5冲压过程应力加载和卸载法则11 2.6冲压过程接触算法11 2.6.1拉格朗日算法12 2.6.2罚函数接触算法12 2.6.3非线性罚函数接触算法12 第3章保险杠组件冲压成型工艺15 3.1保险杠组件冲压成型的的工艺特点15 3.2保险杠组件冲压工艺的详细说明16 3.3本章小结20 第4章有限元分析过程及结果21 4.1概述21 4.2分析流程及结果21 4.2.1分析流程21 4.2.2分析结果25 4.3本章小结26 第5章工艺优化内容及结果27 5.1工艺优化的注意事项27 5.2工艺优化的内容27 5.3优化效果30 5.4本章小结30 致谢31 参考文献32
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