摘要 现如今,社会发展的速度之快让人难以想象,尤其是近些年,经济的发展让人们的生活变得越来越好,其中很明显的一点体现就是越来越多的人都购买了私家车。众所周知,我国是一个人口大国,私家车的普及带来的直接影响就是交通的拥挤,相信这一点每个人都深有体会,但是问题不止这些,就像住房紧张一样,停车场地有限的问题一样给我们的生活带来困扰。不仅如此,私家车数量的增长速度有增无减,停车难问题对人们生活的影响也越来越严重。因此,一些小型的立体停车设备渐渐得到人们的关注。立体停车场将停车空间向空中,地下延伸,有效地利用有限的土地资源,能在很大的程度上缓解停车难问题,国外有些地方对于已经很好的使用起这种设备,相信随着技术的不断成熟,这种停车场不久之后也会出现在国内。 本文在对国内外立体停车场的发展情况有了一定了解后,根据住宅小区的环境和建筑特点,设计研究一种两层三列的立体停车库。立体停车场的组成有车库框架,传动机构控制系统等部分。车库框架中有支柱,横梁,载车板,完成对他们的受力分析,强度校核以及结构特点的介绍。传动部分有传动机构的选择,原理,不同传动机构的优缺点的比较。在控制系统的设计中,本文以单片机控制器,控制存取车过程的同时,设计安全检测系统,保证系统安全运行。两部分组成了停车场的自动控制系统。在软件方面,本文设计控制系统的程序流程图。自动控制的立体停车场可以实现无人值守、自助操作、自动运行,同时计时收费又可有效地限制车主存车时间,提高停车场的循环利用率,具有一定的社会意义。 关键词:立体;停车场;私家车. Abstract Nowadays, the speed of social developme
nt is difficult to imagi
ne, especially i
n rece
ntyears, the developme
nt of the eco
nomy so that people's lives become better a
nd better,which is clearly reflected i
n the more a
nd more people are buyi
ng Private car. Aswe all k
now, Chi
na is a large populatio
n, the popularity of private cars brought about by the direct impact of the traffic is crowded, I believe that everyo
ne is deeply u
nd, but the problem is more tha
n that, like housi
ng te
n, parki
ng, Our life is troubli
ng. Not o
nly that, the growth rate of the
number of private cars i
ncreased, parki
ng problems o
n the impact of people's lives more a
nd more serious. Therefore, some small three-dime
nal parki
ng equipme
nt gradually get people's atte
n. Three-dime
nal parki
ng lotwill be parki
ng space to the air, u
nd exte
n, the effective use of limited la
nd resources, to a large exte
nt ease the parki
ng problem, some places abroad has bee
nvery good use of such equipme
nt, I believe thatwith the tech
nology Of the mature, this parki
ng lotwill soo
n appear i
n the cou
ntry. I
n this paper, the developme
nt of three-dime
nal parki
ng garage is desig
ned a
nd studied accordi
ng to the e
nt a
nd architectural characteristics of the reside
ntial district. The three-dime
nal garage is composed of garage frame, tra
n mecha
nism a
nd co
ntrol system. Garage framewith pillars, beams, load plate, to complete their stress a
nalysis, stre
ngth check a
nd structural characteristics of the i
n. Tra
n part of the tra
n mecha
nism selectio
n, pri
nciples, differe
nt tra
n of the adva
ntages a
nd disadva
ntages of compariso
n. I
n the desig
n of the co
ntrol system, this paper takes the MCU as the co
ntroller a
nd co
ntrols the access process, a
nd desig
ns the time chargi
ng subsystem to complete the parki
ng fee collectio
nwork. The two parts make up the parki
ng lot of the automatic co
ntrol system. I
n the software, this paper desig
ns the co
ntrol system program flow chart. Automatic co
ntrol of the three-dime
nal parki
ng lot ca
n be u
nded, self-service operatio
n, automatic operatio
n,while the time charge ca
n effectively limit the ow
ner of the storage time, improve the parki
ng lot of recycli
ng, has a certai
n social sig
nce. Keywords: dime
nl,park,private car 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论1 1.1课题背景1 1.2立体停车库发展概况1 1.3应用前景分析3 第2章立体停车系统整体设计方案4 2.1车库的类型4 2.2立体停车场的主体框架4 2.3提升装置和横移系统4 第3章立体停车系统主体框架的设计5 3.1主体框架钢结构的选择5 3.1.1支撑柱的设计6 3.1.2横梁的受力分析8 3.1.3纵梁的受力分析9 3.1.4载车板的受力分析11 第4章立体停车场传动系统设计13 4.1提升系统的选择和设计13 4.2提升系统链轮设计16 4.3提升系统传动轴设计17 4.4下载车板横移系统的设计18 第5章立体停车场的控制系统19 5.1控制系统的原理19 5.2控制单片机的选取21 5.3控制系统的简单电路22 5.3.1动力控制电路的设计22 5.3.2检测装置电路的设计22 致谢24 参考文献25
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