n our daily lives i
n both i
ndustrial productio
n a
nd play a
n importa
nt role. This bri
ngs us a lot of be
nefits. Lift feature isvery much, i
n our lifewe i
n ma
ny busi
ness buildi
ngwill use the elevator, lift as the elevator performa
ncevery much the same,we use the lift time ca
n also be based o
n their ow
needs to elevator set. Elevator, as a ki
nd ofvery commo
n goods, plays a
n importa
nt role i
n daily life a
nd i
ndustrial productio
n. The lift provides co
nce for our travel a
nd productio
n operatio
ns. I
n real life, the elevator has averywide ra
nge of applicatio
ns, its performa
nce a
nd the elevator isvery similar or almost the same. Ma
ny commercial properties of the buildi
ngwill use the elevator,we use the elevator ca
n be based o
n their ow
needs to be set. It ca
n be see
n that the lift is of great importa
nce to us. The role of the elevator i
n the productio
n process isvery importa
nt, for example, i
n the high-altitude operatio
n. With the rapid developme
nt of eco
nomy, the
need of the society is i
ng, the dema
nd for high altitude operatio
n is i
ng, a
nd the elevator plays a
n importa
nt role. Accordi
ng to this study the heavy tra
nsport of floor material is applied to the floor material.Accordi
ng to the actual dema
nd ca
n be take
n as follows: motor choice( belt reducer) as the drivi
ng force, usi
ng a chai
n tra
n to drive form, the mai
n mecha
nism adopts a frame type structure desig
n. O
n the Z axis lift key parts desig
n calculatio
n a
nd checki
ng, afterverificatio
n ca
n achieve the desired desig
n objectives a
nd requireme
nts. Key Words: Elevator; Material lifti
ng; Chai
n drive; Frame struc 目录 第一章绪论1 1.1升降机在生产和生活中的作用和意义1 1.2升降机国内研究发展情况1 1.2.1进外资,合作办厂1 1.2.2稳步发展,不断创新2 1.2.3迅猛发展,日新月异3 1.3升降机国外发展现状和发展趋向3 1.4课题条件5 1.5总体设计方案框架5 第二章小型垂直升降机的动力机构设计6 2.1动力系统选择依据6 2.2动力计算6 2.3动力选型7 第三章小型垂直升降机的传动系统设计8 3.1常见机构的特点和应用8 3.2传动机构的确定9 3.3链传动计算9 3.3.1链的类型选择9 3.3.2滚子链的基本参数和尺寸10 3.3.3滚子链链轮的基本参数和主要尺寸10 3.3.4齿槽形状的选取11 3.3.5链轮材料的选择和热处理12 3.4链传动校核12 3.4.1链传动的主要失效形式12 3.4.2链传动的承载能力13 第四章框架主体(格构式)结构设计17 4.1设计准则17 4.2格构式定义及优缺点17 4.3格构型框架主材截面形式选择分析17 4.3.1不考虑风荷载影响的格构型框架主材形式选择分析18 4.3.2考虑风荷载影响的格构型框架主材形式选择分析20 总结24 参考文献25 致谢26
n our daily lives i
n both i
ndustrial productio
n a
nd play a
n importa
nt role. This bri
ngs us a lot of be
nefits. Lift feature isvery much, i
n our lifewe i
n ma
ny busi
ness buildi
ngwill use the elevator, lift as the elevator performa
ncevery much the same,we use the lift time ca
n also be based o
n their ow
needs to elevator set. Elevator, as a ki
nd ofvery commo
n goods, plays a
n importa
nt role i
n daily life a
nd i
ndustrial productio
n. The lift provides co
nce for our travel a
nd productio
n operatio
ns. I
n real life, the elevator has averywide ra
nge of applicatio
ns, its performa
nce a
nd the elevator isvery similar or almost the same. Ma
ny commercial properties of the buildi
ngwill use the elevator,we use the elevator ca
n be based o
n their ow
needs to be set. It ca
n be see
n that the lift is of great importa
nce to us. The role of the elevator i
n the productio
n process isvery importa
nt, for example, i
n the high-altitude operatio
n. With the rapid developme
nt of eco
nomy, the
need of the society is i
ng, the dema
nd for high altitude operatio
n is i
ng, a
nd the elevator plays a
n importa
nt role. Accordi
ng to this study the heavy tra
nsport of floor material is applied to the floor material.Accordi
ng to the actual dema
nd ca
n be take
n as follows: motor choice( belt reducer) as the drivi
ng force, usi
ng a chai
n tra
n to drive form, the mai
n mecha
nism adopts a frame type structure desig
n. O
n the Z axis lift key parts desig
n calculatio
n a
nd checki
ng, afterverificatio
n ca
n achieve the desired desig
n objectives a
nd requireme
nts. Key Words: Elevator; Material lifti
ng; Chai
n drive; Frame struc 目录 第一章绪论1 1.1升降机在生产和生活中的作用和意义1 1.2升降机国内研究发展情况1 1.2.1进外资,合作办厂1 1.2.2稳步发展,不断创新2 1.2.3迅猛发展,日新月异3 1.3升降机国外发展现状和发展趋向3 1.4课题条件5 1.5总体设计方案框架5 第二章小型垂直升降机的动力机构设计6 2.1动力系统选择依据6 2.2动力计算6 2.3动力选型7 第三章小型垂直升降机的传动系统设计8 3.1常见机构的特点和应用8 3.2传动机构的确定9 3.3链传动计算9 3.3.1链的类型选择9 3.3.2滚子链的基本参数和尺寸10 3.3.3滚子链链轮的基本参数和主要尺寸10 3.3.4齿槽形状的选取11 3.3.5链轮材料的选择和热处理12 3.4链传动校核12 3.4.1链传动的主要失效形式12 3.4.2链传动的承载能力13 第四章框架主体(格构式)结构设计17 4.1设计准则17 4.2格构式定义及优缺点17 4.3格构型框架主材截面形式选择分析17 4.3.1不考虑风荷载影响的格构型框架主材形式选择分析18 4.3.2考虑风荷载影响的格构型框架主材形式选择分析20 总结24 参考文献25 致谢26