插件冲压工艺及模具设计 摘要:本设计题目为复合模具设计,体现了典型复合模具设计的要求,内容与方向。通过工艺分析,工艺方案的确定,确定了模具设计的方向,零件的选择以及加工过程中对毛坯尺的确定,计算冲裁力,来计算压力中心,选择压力机和压力机的吨位。 本设计运用冲压成型工艺及模具设计的基础知识,首先对零件进行工艺性分析,以确定冲压工序,然后计算零件的体积,便于选取合适的压力机,最后分析了零件的特征,确定模具的设计参数、设计要点及卸料装置的选龋 设计运用了冲裁工艺及模具设计的基础知识。首先,分析了板材的性能要求,为选去模具的类型做了准备,同时,也为凸,凹模的材料有了依据。后分析冲裁件的特征,确定了模具设计参数,选择其他零件及卸料装置。也为凸,凹模尺寸的计算有了根据。还有零件的加工工艺。 关键词:复合模凸模凹模 I
nsert stampi
ng process a
nd die desig
n Abstract: This desig
n topic desig
ns for The pierci
ng die desig
n of the du
nage backup plate,body
nowtypical model The pierci
ng die desig
n of request,co
nts a
nd directio
n.Pass the craft a
nalysis,the craft project reallysettles,maki
ng sure the directio
n of The pierci
ng die desig
ng to the bla
nk product size,computi
ng to the bla
ng pressure,compute the pressure ce
nter,choose the to
nage of the pressure machi
ne a
nd the pressure machi
ne. Through the fou
n k
nowledge,firstly,the processibilityof the part is a
nalyzed to determi
ne the process of the stamp.Seco
ndly,thevolume of the part is computed to choose the pressi
ng machi
ne.Lastlythe character of the part is a
nalyzed to determi
ne the mould desig
n parameter a
nd desig
n poi
nt a
nd choose the sheddi
ng mecha
nism. This desig
n made use of to hurtle fou
n k
nowledge of bla
ng craft a
nd The pierci
ng die desig
nalyzed the fu
n request of the pla
nk material,did preparatio
n for the type that chooses to the die,is also co
n the mea
ntime,the material of pu
nch a
nd cavitydie had a basis.A
nalyze to hurtle a characteristic of cut the piece behi
nd,make sure the moldi
ng tool desig
n parameter,choose other spare partses a
nd u
nload to a
nticipate device.Is also co
nvex,the calculatio
n of the cave mold size had a basis.Still there is spare parts to process a craft. Keywords: The pierci
ng die pu
nch cavitydie 目录 1绪论1 1.1国内模具的现状与发展趋势1 1.1.1国内模具的现状1 1.1.2国内模具的发展趋势2 1.2国外模具的现状与发展趋势2 2模具工艺分析4 2.1原始资料: 4 2.2工艺方案的确定5 2.3主要设计计算6 2.3.1排样方式的确6 2.3.2、冲压力的计算7 2.3.3、压力中心的确定及相关尺寸的计算8 2.3.4、工作零部件刃口尺寸的计算10 2.3.5、卸料件的设计12 3模具的总体设计14 3.1模具零部件的选择14 3.1.1模具结构的确定14 3.1.2定位方式的选择14 3.1.3卸料、出件方式的选择14 3.1.4导向方式的选择14 4模架及工作零件设计加工15 4.1工作零件的结构设计15 4.1.1冲孔凸模的设计15 4.1.2落料凹模的设计16 4.1.3凸凹模的设计17 4.1.4导料销及挡料销的设计18 4.1.5卸料部件的设计18 4.1.6推件块的设计19 4.2模架的设计19 4.3冲压设备的选定20 4.4模具零件的加工工艺21 4.5模具的装配21 5.结束语23 致谢25 参考文献26
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