摘要 设计是对学生几年来所学成果的一种检验,本次设计的题目是汽车转向灯灯罩注塑模具设计,通过UG建模绘制塑件的三维图形进行分析,结合设计要求和实际生产确定模具的结构形式。首先分析塑件的分型面,在选择塑件的分型面时要保证便于脱模,塑件的分型面一般选择最大平面,保证塑件外观光滑,减少痕迹。塑件的材料选用要根据塑件在实际生活中的应用,所选择的材料要满足塑件在使用过程中的要求。然后是对出模数量的确定,出模数量要根据模具设计原则来进行确定,参考实际生产中的要求采用一模二腔。型腔布局时多采用整齐排列的方式进行排列布局,这样的结构更加的简单,实际生产中多数使用的就是这样的布局方式,更加的稳定可靠。浇口的设计也是本次设计当中的重点,浇口位置的选择非常的重要,在设计时浇口的位置要尽量的靠近塑件的中心,保证充填的均匀,在遇到塑件过长过大的时候,就需要考虑增设浇口的数量。成型零件一般选用718H作为材料,它又被叫做模具钢,钢度强度等性能都能够满足注塑的要求。型芯型腔采用潜入式的结构形式,便于更换维修,降低制造成本。塑件的顶出形式根据塑件的结构特点选择合适的顶出方式。 在对模具的设计完成后,最后进行注塑机的选择与确定,结合设计完成后的参数与注塑机进行计算校核。 关键词:分型面、成型零件、UG、校核 Abstract Graduatio
n desig
n is a test of the stude
nts i
n the past fewyears.The title of this desig
n is the i
n mold desig
n of the upper cover of the armrest boxi
n the car.The three-dime
nal graphics of the plastic parts are draw
n through the UG modeli
ng for a
nd the mold structure is determi
ned based o
n the desig
n requireme
nts a
nd actual productio
n.Firstly,the parti
ng surface of the plastic part is a
n choosi
ng the parti
ng surface of the plastic part,it is
necessaryto e
nsure that it is easyto demould.Ge
nerally,the parti
ng surface of the plastic part selects the largest pla
ne to e
nsure that the appeara
nce of the plastic part is smooth a
nd reduce traces.The material selectio
n of plastic parts shall be based o
n the applicatio
n of plastic parts i
n real life,a
nd the selected materials shall meet the requireme
nts of plastic parts i
n the use process.The first mock exam is to determi
ne the qua
ntityof the die,a
nd the qua
ntityof the die should be determi
ned accordi
ng to the desig
n pri
nciple of the mould.A two cavityis adopted for refere
nce i
n the actual productio
n.The cavitylayout is usuallyarra
nged i
n a
n orderlyway,which makes the structure more simple.I
n actual productio
n,most of them use this layout,which is more stable a
nd reliable.The gate desig
n is also the focus of this desig
n.The gate locatio
n selectio
n isveryimporta
n the desig
n,the gate locatio
n should be close to the ce
nter of the plastic part as much as possible to e
nsure the u
niformityof filli
n the plastic part is too lo
ng a
nd too large,the
number of additio
nal gates should be co
nerally,718H is used as the material of moldi
ng parts,which is also called die steel.The properties of steel stre
ngth ca
n meet the requireme
nts of i
n moldi
ng.The core cavityadopts a submerged structure,which is co
nt for replaceme
nt a
nd mai
nce a
nd reduces the ma
ng cost.Accordi
ng to the structural characteristics of the plastic parts,the appropriate ejectio
n form is selected. After the completio
n of the mold desig
n,the fi
nal selectio
n a
nd determi
n of the i
n moldi
ng machi
nedwith the parameters after the completio
n of the desig
n a
nd the i
n moldi
ng machi
ne for calculatio
n a
n. Keywords: parti
ng surface,formi
ng parts,UG,verificatio
n 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第一章绪论1 1.1注塑模具的概述1 1.2注塑模具发展趋势和地位2 1.3设计思路3 1.4设计目标3 第二章产品工艺和原材料分析4 2.1塑件结构分析4 2.2塑件的工艺分析5 2.2.1塑件原材料的选择5 2.2.2塑件尺寸精度和表面质量5 2.3塑件的体积质量计算6 第三章模具结构方案的确定7 3.1出模数量与型腔布局7 3.2分型面的选择7 3.2.1分型面的设计原则7 3.2.2分型面类型的选择8 第四章浇注系统的设计9 4.1浇注系统的组成9 4.2浇注系统的设计原则9 4.3流道的设计9 4.3.1主流道的设计9 4.3.2分流道的设计10 4.3.3浇口的设计11 第五章模具成型系统的设计12 5.1型腔的结构设计12 5.2型芯结构设计12 5.3型腔成型尺寸计算13 5.4型芯成型尺寸计算14 5.5型腔零件刚度校核15 第六章模温系统设计16 6.1模温系统的概述16 6.2模温冷却系统设计要求16 6.3冷却水道的类型16 6.4冷却水道的计算校核17 第七章推出机构和排气系统的设计19 7.1脱模机构的概述19 7.2顶出机构零件19 7.3脱模力的计算19 7.4推杆强度校核19 7.5排气系统的设计20 第八章抽芯机构的设计22 8.1抽芯机构的概述22 8.2抽芯机构的计算22 第九章标准模架的选用24 9.1模架的概述24 9.2标准模架的选用24 9.3模架型号的确定24 第十章注塑机的选择与校核26 10.1注塑机的工作原理26 10.2初选注塑机型号26 10.3注塑机注射容量的校核27 10.4校核压力28 10.5校核模具安装尺寸28 10.6校核移模行程28 10.7校核注塑机锁模力28 总结30 致谢31 参考文献32
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