HWT200 reducer cover machi
ng process specificatio
n a
nd fixture desig
n Abstract The graduatio
n desig
n topic is "the machi
ne cover tech
nological process a
nd the desig
n of drilli
ng jig", its mai
n task two: the first is to desig
n procedures process parts processi
ng; the seco
nd is the desig
n of box parts fixture. I
n the desig
n process, first of all to draw out the drawi
ngs, a
nd the
n o
n the a
nalysis of parts, the parts that use a
nd models, a
nd widely used, its accordi
ng to productio
n pla
n, material a
nd other requireme
nts to determi
ne the ma
nufacture of bla
nk forms; its root accordi
ng to the be
nchmark selectio
n pri
nciple of coarse a
nd fi
ne refere
nce base choice, the
n develop processi
ng route, fi
nal process through comprehe
nsive compariso
n a
nd a
nalysis; determi
ne the fi
nal machi
ng allowa
nce, process size, bla
nk size, the amou
nt of cutti
ng a
nd the basic worki
ng hours. Desig
n of fixture part i
n work, is to determi
ne the first positio
ng scheme,accordi
ng to the selected locatio
n processi
ng procedures of the reaso
n able sta
ndard a
nd error a
nalysis; calculatio
n of the cutti
ng force accordi
ng to the processi
ng characteristics. Clampi
ng scheme above factors of reaso
nable desig
n a
nd calculatio
n of clampi
ng force, the fi
nal fixture desig
n. Keywords: reducer; process pla
ng; fixture 目录 摘要i Abstract ii 1绪论1 1.1机床夹具的概述1 1.2工件在夹具中的定位4 2零件结构的确定及分析6 2.1零件的工艺分析7 2.2零件的材料7 2.3工艺规程设计7 3制定工艺路线10 3.1分离式箱体工艺路线10 3.2表面加工方法的选择10 3.3工序先后顺序的安排10 3.4机床设备和工艺装备的选择11 3.5工艺路线拟定12 4机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定15 5确定切削用量及基本工时17 5.1切削用量原则17 5.2时间定额17 5.3工序Ⅰ粗铣机体上端面和结合面18 5.4工序Ⅱ精铣结合面25 5.5工序Ⅲ钻4--¢22螺栓孔,铰对角线上的两个孔27 5.6工序IV粗铣各轴承孔端面32 5.7工序Ⅴ精铣轴承孔的两侧端面35 5.8工序Ⅵ钻铰2—¢10定位销孔37 5.9工序Ⅶ粗镗蜗杆轴承孔42 5.10工序Ⅷ粗镗蜗轮轴承孔43 5.11工序Ⅸ精镗蜗杆轴承孔45 5.12工序Ⅹ精镗蜗轮轴承孔46 5.13工序ⅩI钻攻蜗杆端面螺纹孔12×M16、蜗轮端面6×M16 47 5.14工序ⅩⅡ锪平φ40凸台、锪平φ35凸台52 6钻顶端面4-M8螺纹孔的专用夹具的设计55 6.1钻床专用夹具的主要类型55 6.2钻床专用夹具设计要点57 6.3定位基准的选择59 6.4定位元件的设计59 6.5定位误差分析60 6.6切削力及夹紧力的计算60 6.7主要零件的设计62 7钻蜗杆、涡轮轴承端盖上M16螺纹孔夹具的设计66 7.1定位基准的选择66 7.2主要零件的设计66 7.3切削力及夹紧力的计算71 7.4导向元件的设计73 7.5夹紧元件的设计76 7.6夹具体的设计79 7.7夹具操作的简要说明79 参考文献80 外文文献82 中文翻译88 致谢92 1绪论 机床夹具是机械加工工艺系统的一个重要组成部分。为保证工件某工序的加工要求,必须使工件在机床上相对刀具的切削或成形运动处于准确的相对位置。 用夹具装夹加工一批工件时,是通过夹具来实现这一要求,要实现这一要求,必须满足三个条件:1、工件在夹具中占有正确的加工位置;2、夹具装夹在机床上的准确位置;3、刀具相对夹具的准确位置。这里涉及了三层关系:零件相对夹具;夹具相对于机床;零件相对于机床。 工件的最终精度是由零件相对于机床获得的,所以“定位”也涉及到三层关系:工件在夹具上的定位;夹具相对于机床的定位;而工件相对于机床的定位是间接通过夹具来保证的。
ng process specificatio
n a
nd fixture desig
n Abstract The graduatio
n desig
n topic is "the machi
ne cover tech
nological process a
nd the desig
n of drilli
ng jig", its mai
n task two: the first is to desig
n procedures process parts processi
ng; the seco
nd is the desig
n of box parts fixture. I
n the desig
n process, first of all to draw out the drawi
ngs, a
nd the
n o
n the a
nalysis of parts, the parts that use a
nd models, a
nd widely used, its accordi
ng to productio
n pla
n, material a
nd other requireme
nts to determi
ne the ma
nufacture of bla
nk forms; its root accordi
ng to the be
nchmark selectio
n pri
nciple of coarse a
nd fi
ne refere
nce base choice, the
n develop processi
ng route, fi
nal process through comprehe
nsive compariso
n a
nd a
nalysis; determi
ne the fi
nal machi
ng allowa
nce, process size, bla
nk size, the amou
nt of cutti
ng a
nd the basic worki
ng hours. Desig
n of fixture part i
n work, is to determi
ne the first positio
ng scheme,accordi
ng to the selected locatio
n processi
ng procedures of the reaso
n able sta
ndard a
nd error a
nalysis; calculatio
n of the cutti
ng force accordi
ng to the processi
ng characteristics. Clampi
ng scheme above factors of reaso
nable desig
n a
nd calculatio
n of clampi
ng force, the fi
nal fixture desig
n. Keywords: reducer; process pla
ng; fixture 目录 摘要i Abstract ii 1绪论1 1.1机床夹具的概述1 1.2工件在夹具中的定位4 2零件结构的确定及分析6 2.1零件的工艺分析7 2.2零件的材料7 2.3工艺规程设计7 3制定工艺路线10 3.1分离式箱体工艺路线10 3.2表面加工方法的选择10 3.3工序先后顺序的安排10 3.4机床设备和工艺装备的选择11 3.5工艺路线拟定12 4机械加工余量、工序尺寸及毛坯尺寸的确定15 5确定切削用量及基本工时17 5.1切削用量原则17 5.2时间定额17 5.3工序Ⅰ粗铣机体上端面和结合面18 5.4工序Ⅱ精铣结合面25 5.5工序Ⅲ钻4--¢22螺栓孔,铰对角线上的两个孔27 5.6工序IV粗铣各轴承孔端面32 5.7工序Ⅴ精铣轴承孔的两侧端面35 5.8工序Ⅵ钻铰2—¢10定位销孔37 5.9工序Ⅶ粗镗蜗杆轴承孔42 5.10工序Ⅷ粗镗蜗轮轴承孔43 5.11工序Ⅸ精镗蜗杆轴承孔45 5.12工序Ⅹ精镗蜗轮轴承孔46 5.13工序ⅩI钻攻蜗杆端面螺纹孔12×M16、蜗轮端面6×M16 47 5.14工序ⅩⅡ锪平φ40凸台、锪平φ35凸台52 6钻顶端面4-M8螺纹孔的专用夹具的设计55 6.1钻床专用夹具的主要类型55 6.2钻床专用夹具设计要点57 6.3定位基准的选择59 6.4定位元件的设计59 6.5定位误差分析60 6.6切削力及夹紧力的计算60 6.7主要零件的设计62 7钻蜗杆、涡轮轴承端盖上M16螺纹孔夹具的设计66 7.1定位基准的选择66 7.2主要零件的设计66 7.3切削力及夹紧力的计算71 7.4导向元件的设计73 7.5夹紧元件的设计76 7.6夹具体的设计79 7.7夹具操作的简要说明79 参考文献80 外文文献82 中文翻译88 致谢92 1绪论 机床夹具是机械加工工艺系统的一个重要组成部分。为保证工件某工序的加工要求,必须使工件在机床上相对刀具的切削或成形运动处于准确的相对位置。 用夹具装夹加工一批工件时,是通过夹具来实现这一要求,要实现这一要求,必须满足三个条件:1、工件在夹具中占有正确的加工位置;2、夹具装夹在机床上的准确位置;3、刀具相对夹具的准确位置。这里涉及了三层关系:零件相对夹具;夹具相对于机床;零件相对于机床。 工件的最终精度是由零件相对于机床获得的,所以“定位”也涉及到三层关系:工件在夹具上的定位;夹具相对于机床的定位;而工件相对于机床的定位是间接通过夹具来保证的。