n moder
n life, the clea
ng of su
ndries o
n the water surface, especially the clea
ng of floati
ng su
ndries i
n small water areas. It is a
n urge
nt problem to be solved. I
n order to effectively solve the problem of floati
ng debris clea
ng i
n small water area, it is of great sig
nce to develop a low-cost surface clea
ng robot capable of collecti
ng debris. I
n this paper, a ki
nd of su
ndry collectio
n robot o
n the surface of lake is desig
ned. This robot adopts the structure of left a
nd right hulls, a
nd is powered by batteries. It drives the dc motor a
nd propeller respectively, a
nd the propeller drives the forward a
nd steeri
ng of the ship. The salvage co
nveyor belt is drive
n by a belt drive, which tra
nsports the su
ndries from the surface of the water to the su
ndries collectio
n box. Whe
n the su
ndries collectio
n box is full, the robot retur
ns to the desig
nated place to ma
nually dump the su
ndries, thus completi
ng the collectio
n of su
ndries. The robot collects images of su
ndries a
nd obstacles o
n the water surface at a dista
nce through the graph tra
n system, a
nd co
ntrols the directio
n a
nd speed with the co
ntrol system based o
n STM32 si
ngle chip microcomputer. It ca
n reduce the e
ntal pollutio
n of the water area, reduce the labor cost, a
nd has a good prospect of i
ndustrial applicatio
n. At prese
nt, the clea
ng of small waters mai
nly adopts ma
nual clea
ng. The clea
ng boats o
n the market are mai
nly for large waters. As prese
nt, the developme
nt prospect of small water surface su
ndries collectio
n is to replace ma
nual su
ndries collectio
n by robot. Keywords: robotizatio
n ; i
ntialize ; Se
nsor; Collectio
n of su
ndries 目录 第一章绪论1 1.1课题研究的背景和意义1 1.2国内外发展状况2 1.3主要设计内容3 第二章总体方案设计5 第三章机械系统设计7 3.1机械本体设计7 3.2动力驱动部分设计8 3.3收集装置电动机选择10 3.4蓄电池选择10 3.5执行机构设计10 3.5.1同步带轮的选择10 3.5.2轴的计算11 3.6杂物收集箱设计12 第四章控制系统设计13 4.1控制方案选择13 4.2单片机的介绍及选型14 4.2.1单片机的介绍14 4.2.2单片机的选型14 4.3检测传感部分设计15 4.3.1图像收集装置选型15 4.3.2光束遮断式传感器选型16 4.4继电器模块设计17 4.5电机驱动模块设计17 4.6程序设计17 结束语19 致谢20 参考文献21 附录22 第一章绪论 1.1课题研究的背景和意义 最近几年,虽然我们国家越来越重视对于环境的保护,但是环境污染问题特别是水域污染问题依旧严重,这是因为人们在重视其经济发展的同时却往往会忽略对环境的保护,譬如,在水面上飘浮着的各种垃圾日益增多。这些漂浮杂物,不仅会污染相关水域的生态环境,危害该水域生存的各类植物、鱼类以及藻类等生物,更是会危害到在该水域附近生活人民群众的身体健康和生活质量。甚至在某些水域,大量的杂物堆积会堵塞航道,不利于船只的通行。如果杂物堆积在水库等重要水域,不仅会影响人们的日常用水,甚至会危害大坝的安全。当大坝的安全受到危害,轻者造成大量财产损失,更有甚至会危害到人民群众的人身安全。因此,水域杂物收集(就本文而言是湖泊水面杂物收集)已经成为美化环境和促进社会可持续、高效发展的重要内容之一。
n moder
n life, the clea
ng of su
ndries o
n the water surface, especially the clea
ng of floati
ng su
ndries i
n small water areas. It is a
n urge
nt problem to be solved. I
n order to effectively solve the problem of floati
ng debris clea
ng i
n small water area, it is of great sig
nce to develop a low-cost surface clea
ng robot capable of collecti
ng debris. I
n this paper, a ki
nd of su
ndry collectio
n robot o
n the surface of lake is desig
ned. This robot adopts the structure of left a
nd right hulls, a
nd is powered by batteries. It drives the dc motor a
nd propeller respectively, a
nd the propeller drives the forward a
nd steeri
ng of the ship. The salvage co
nveyor belt is drive
n by a belt drive, which tra
nsports the su
ndries from the surface of the water to the su
ndries collectio
n box. Whe
n the su
ndries collectio
n box is full, the robot retur
ns to the desig
nated place to ma
nually dump the su
ndries, thus completi
ng the collectio
n of su
ndries. The robot collects images of su
ndries a
nd obstacles o
n the water surface at a dista
nce through the graph tra
n system, a
nd co
ntrols the directio
n a
nd speed with the co
ntrol system based o
n STM32 si
ngle chip microcomputer. It ca
n reduce the e
ntal pollutio
n of the water area, reduce the labor cost, a
nd has a good prospect of i
ndustrial applicatio
n. At prese
nt, the clea
ng of small waters mai
nly adopts ma
nual clea
ng. The clea
ng boats o
n the market are mai
nly for large waters. As prese
nt, the developme
nt prospect of small water surface su
ndries collectio
n is to replace ma
nual su
ndries collectio
n by robot. Keywords: robotizatio
n ; i
ntialize ; Se
nsor; Collectio
n of su
ndries 目录 第一章绪论1 1.1课题研究的背景和意义1 1.2国内外发展状况2 1.3主要设计内容3 第二章总体方案设计5 第三章机械系统设计7 3.1机械本体设计7 3.2动力驱动部分设计8 3.3收集装置电动机选择10 3.4蓄电池选择10 3.5执行机构设计10 3.5.1同步带轮的选择10 3.5.2轴的计算11 3.6杂物收集箱设计12 第四章控制系统设计13 4.1控制方案选择13 4.2单片机的介绍及选型14 4.2.1单片机的介绍14 4.2.2单片机的选型14 4.3检测传感部分设计15 4.3.1图像收集装置选型15 4.3.2光束遮断式传感器选型16 4.4继电器模块设计17 4.5电机驱动模块设计17 4.6程序设计17 结束语19 致谢20 参考文献21 附录22 第一章绪论 1.1课题研究的背景和意义 最近几年,虽然我们国家越来越重视对于环境的保护,但是环境污染问题特别是水域污染问题依旧严重,这是因为人们在重视其经济发展的同时却往往会忽略对环境的保护,譬如,在水面上飘浮着的各种垃圾日益增多。这些漂浮杂物,不仅会污染相关水域的生态环境,危害该水域生存的各类植物、鱼类以及藻类等生物,更是会危害到在该水域附近生活人民群众的身体健康和生活质量。甚至在某些水域,大量的杂物堆积会堵塞航道,不利于船只的通行。如果杂物堆积在水库等重要水域,不仅会影响人们的日常用水,甚至会危害大坝的安全。当大坝的安全受到危害,轻者造成大量财产损失,更有甚至会危害到人民群众的人身安全。因此,水域杂物收集(就本文而言是湖泊水面杂物收集)已经成为美化环境和促进社会可持续、高效发展的重要内容之一。