nts Chapter 1 Process a
nalysis of parts 4 1.1 Part actio
n a
nd structure 4 1.1.1 The role of the part 4 1.1.2 Part structure characteristics 4 1.2 Key surface tech
nical requireme
nts for parts 4 Chapter 2 Process desig
n 6 2.1 Bla
nk selectio
n a
nd bla
nk size determi
n 6 2.2 Drafti
ng of the route 7 2.2.1 Rough a
nd precise be
nchmark selectio
n 7 2.2.2 Surface processi
ng method 7 2.3 Preparatio
n of processi
ng pla
n 7 Chapter 3 Process desig
n 9 (1) rough milli
ng 9 (2) Semi-fi
ng 10 (1) rough milli
ng 12 Chapter 4 Drill six small hole fixture desig
n 13 (1) Cutti
ng force calculatio
n 14 (2) Calculatio
n of clampi
ng force 15 Co
n 18 Refere
nces 19 Tha
nks 21 Preface I
n rece
nt years, with the rapid developme
nt of the machi
nery ma
ng i
ndustry, the ma
ng tech
nology i
n processi
ng is also co
ntly developi
ng, the applicatio
n of various machi
ne tools is becomi
ng wider a
nd wider, a
nd various parts are becomi
ng more a
nd more dema
ng. This desig
n is for the process a
nalysis of the beari
ng housi
ng parts. It is a
n effective measure to e
nsure the processi
ng quality of the parts by formulati
ng reaso
nable processi
ng procedures for the parts. Accordi
ng to this issue, the basic desig
n co
nts listed i
nclude: 1. Accordi
ng to the “beari
ng seat” part drawi
ng, carry out process a
nalysis a
nd complete the bla
nk drawi
ng; 2. Develop a mecha
nical process flow sy
nthesis card based o
n the mecha
nical process of the part; 3. Draw a fixture assembly drawi
ng of the special process; 4. Write a desig
n specificatio
n. Key words: beari
ng housi
ng; fixture desig
n; process desig
n Chapter 1 Process a
nalysis of parts 1.1 Part actio
n a
nd structure 1.1.1 The role of the part The part is a beari
ng seat, a
nd the beari
ng seat is ge
nerally mou
nted o
n a certai
n machi
ne tool. The correspo
ng co
ng hole of the beari
ng seat is co
nected with the correspo
ng co
ng screw or the co
ng rotati
ng shaft, a
nd the ce
nter hole a
nd the correspo
ng shaft beari
ng cooperate with each other. As the shaft rotates, it is
necessary to e
nsure that the ce
nter hole has a certai
n co
ntric effect with the shaft. 1.1.2 Part structure characteristics The parts are still relatively sta
ndardized i
n terms of shape. The mai
n part structure i
ncludes the basic features of the mai
n hole as the mai
n processi
ng, a
nd the
n assists the machi
ng features to be performed o
n the two side pla
nes. 1.2 Key surface tech
nical requireme
nts for parts Some of the surfaces to be machi
ned i
n this housi
ng part mai
nly i
nclude wide grooves o
n the upper e
nd surface a
nd the upper e
nd surface, wide grooves o
n the lower right side e
nd surface a
nd the lower right side e
nd surface, upper lower edge surface a
nd lower right left edge surface. , fro
nt a
nd rear e
nd faces of φ250, etc., the surface rough
ness of the fro
nt a
nd rear e
nd faces of φ250 is Ra6.3, a
nd the width of 50h11 of the two parts is also Ra6.3, except for the other specified surface rough
ness requireme
nts. For Ra12.5,
no surface rough
ness is i
ndicated. The characteristics of the hole i
nclude a large circular hole φ180H7 o
n the ce
nter refere
nce, the surface rough
ness of the hole is required to be Ra1.6, the surface rough
ness of the upper a
nd lower right 2-φ25 holes is required to be Ra12.5, a
nd the 6-φ13 through hole o
n the large e
nd face The requireme
nt is also Ra12.5. The geometrical tolera
nce requires 0.12mm betwee
n the upper middle e
nd a
nd the lower right e
nd. The ce
nter large rou
nd hole φ180 requires a rou
ness of 0.008mm, the large e
nd surface φ250 is the refere
nce B, a
nd the ce
nter large rou
nd hole φ180 is the refere
nce C. The two wide slots are relative to The B-refere
nce has a positio
nality of 0.4 mm, a
nd the fro
nt a
nd rear large e
nd faces have a verticality of 0.1 mm with respect to the C-refere
nce ce
nter. Chapter 2 Process desig
n 2.1 Bla
nk selectio
n a
nd bla
nk size determi
n The correct selectio
n of the bla
nk has a very importa
nt i
nce o
n the subseque
nt processi
ng. For the material a
nd ma
ng method of the bla
nk, the ma
ng precisio
n of the bla
nk also has a sig
nt impact o
n the subseque
nt processi
ng quality of the workpiece. Therefore, it is very importa
nt to determi
ne the ma
ng form of the bla
nk. The beari
ng housi
ng is co
nsidered to be mass productio
n. The bla
nk is determi
ned to be HT200 accordi
ng to the shape of the part. The material of this time is gray cast iro
n. The casti
ng is required to carry out the bla
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