Structure Desig
n of Mi
ne Rescue Robot Abstract I
n order to search a
nd rescue victims i
n time after a disaster, people have developed ki
nds of search a
nd rescue equipme
nts, the search a
nd rescue robot is o
ne of them. Its apply of search a
nd rescue robots (SARR), we
need to research two problems, o
ne is the rescue strategy, a
nd the other is the developme
nt of SARR. They promote the applicatio
ns a
nd developme
nt of SARR together. The most importa
nt issue of the strategy to use of search a
nd rescue robot is how to choose the search a
nd rescue robots. By far, ki
nds of search a
nd rescue robots have bee
n developed by differe
nt cou
ntries, but there is
not a u
niform a
nd defi
nite descriptio
n sta
ndard of them,this makes it difficult to select a
nd uce appropriate robot for u
ng the co
ncrete tasks. The research a
nd developme
nt of the Mi
ne rescue robot is also o
ne of the focuses of the study Of the curre
nt Coal mi
ne rescue .This thesis described co
nstitute of crawler complex terrai
n robot platform's structure. First this thesis desig
ned the overall structure of mobile platform of robot, further the drive
n part of the structure of mobile platform. Taki
ng i
nto the mobile robot platform i
nteroperability, desig
ned a rotati
ng platform a
nd orga
n of asce
nd a
nd desce
nd to the robot ca
n adapt to the e
nt. A
nd desig
ned a
nd verified the middle spread to move orga
n of the drive system. A
nalyzed the ki
nematics a
nd dy
namics of robot's walki
ng system. Established its campaig
n model from ru
ng co
ns, researched o
n obstacle-crossi
ng a
nd the capability of a
ng. The desig
n would provide base for further researchi
ng. Key words : SAR Robot Track Tra
n 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1.绪论1 1.1研究背景1 1.2国内外发展现状4 1.3本课题的研究内容7 1.3.1本课题的任务要求7 1.3.2本课题的研究内容8 2.移动平台结构设计8 2.1移动平台总体结构设计8 2.1.1移动方式的选择8 2.1.2总体结构方案的确定9 2.1.3履带底盘总体基本尺寸的确定11 2.2驱动系统结构设计14 2.3回转平台的结构设计15 2.4剪式升降平台设计17 3.驱动系统设计19 3.1中间传动机构设计计算19 3.1.1齿轮传动的特点和应用19 3.1.2中间级齿轮传动主要参数的确定19 3.2驱动轴的校核23 3.2.1驱动轴结构设计23 3.2.2驱动轮轴受力分析24 3.2.3驱动轴强度的校核26 4.履带机器人的运动学与动力学分析29 4.1履带机器人的运动学分析29 4.1.1移动平台运动坐标系的建立29 4.1.2运动学模型29 4.1.3逆运动模型31 4.2移动平台动力学分析32 4.2.1移动机器人运动机理研究32 4.2.2电机的选择32 4.2.3移动平台在正常环境下行驶分析33 4.2.4机器人爬坡行驶分析34 4.2.5机器人越障过程分析35 4.2.6机器人越沟槽分析37 4.2.7机器人行走抗倾覆状态分析38 5.经济技术分析40 结论41 参考文献42 外文资料44 中文翻译49 致谢52 绪论 1.1研究背景 我国是世界产煤大国,而煤炭在开采过程中由于作业设备与工艺相对落后,管理水平欠缺等原因,各类矿难事故频繁发生,导致煤矿事故死亡人数较高。在煤炭开采过程中发生事故救援有难度矿难救援水平落后也是一个不可忽略的重要因素。事故发生后无法迅速准确地得到灾难现场的信息,如瓦斯浓度的高低、灾难现场是否发生火灾、被困或遇难人员的位置以及现场温度、氧气含量、CO等有害气体的含量、现场倒塌状况等。常常会因为井下复杂危险的环境而阻碍救援人员深入井下开展工作,从而延误了救援工作的开展。 血的事实告诉我们,没有高效的灾害生命搜索定位装备,没有实用的应急救助设备,在灾害发生之后,我们就无力营救我们被困的矿工,无法为我们的同胞提供应有的帮助。开展应急救灾搜索定位装备是当前函待解决的重大课题,它关系到我们的建设和谐社会主义的理念
n of Mi
ne Rescue Robot Abstract I
n order to search a
nd rescue victims i
n time after a disaster, people have developed ki
nds of search a
nd rescue equipme
nts, the search a
nd rescue robot is o
ne of them. Its apply of search a
nd rescue robots (SARR), we
need to research two problems, o
ne is the rescue strategy, a
nd the other is the developme
nt of SARR. They promote the applicatio
ns a
nd developme
nt of SARR together. The most importa
nt issue of the strategy to use of search a
nd rescue robot is how to choose the search a
nd rescue robots. By far, ki
nds of search a
nd rescue robots have bee
n developed by differe
nt cou
ntries, but there is
not a u
niform a
nd defi
nite descriptio
n sta
ndard of them,this makes it difficult to select a
nd uce appropriate robot for u
ng the co
ncrete tasks. The research a
nd developme
nt of the Mi
ne rescue robot is also o
ne of the focuses of the study Of the curre
nt Coal mi
ne rescue .This thesis described co
nstitute of crawler complex terrai
n robot platform's structure. First this thesis desig
ned the overall structure of mobile platform of robot, further the drive
n part of the structure of mobile platform. Taki
ng i
nto the mobile robot platform i
nteroperability, desig
ned a rotati
ng platform a
nd orga
n of asce
nd a
nd desce
nd to the robot ca
n adapt to the e
nt. A
nd desig
ned a
nd verified the middle spread to move orga
n of the drive system. A
nalyzed the ki
nematics a
nd dy
namics of robot's walki
ng system. Established its campaig
n model from ru
ng co
ns, researched o
n obstacle-crossi
ng a
nd the capability of a
ng. The desig
n would provide base for further researchi
ng. Key words : SAR Robot Track Tra
n 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1.绪论1 1.1研究背景1 1.2国内外发展现状4 1.3本课题的研究内容7 1.3.1本课题的任务要求7 1.3.2本课题的研究内容8 2.移动平台结构设计8 2.1移动平台总体结构设计8 2.1.1移动方式的选择8 2.1.2总体结构方案的确定9 2.1.3履带底盘总体基本尺寸的确定11 2.2驱动系统结构设计14 2.3回转平台的结构设计15 2.4剪式升降平台设计17 3.驱动系统设计19 3.1中间传动机构设计计算19 3.1.1齿轮传动的特点和应用19 3.1.2中间级齿轮传动主要参数的确定19 3.2驱动轴的校核23 3.2.1驱动轴结构设计23 3.2.2驱动轮轴受力分析24 3.2.3驱动轴强度的校核26 4.履带机器人的运动学与动力学分析29 4.1履带机器人的运动学分析29 4.1.1移动平台运动坐标系的建立29 4.1.2运动学模型29 4.1.3逆运动模型31 4.2移动平台动力学分析32 4.2.1移动机器人运动机理研究32 4.2.2电机的选择32 4.2.3移动平台在正常环境下行驶分析33 4.2.4机器人爬坡行驶分析34 4.2.5机器人越障过程分析35 4.2.6机器人越沟槽分析37 4.2.7机器人行走抗倾覆状态分析38 5.经济技术分析40 结论41 参考文献42 外文资料44 中文翻译49 致谢52 绪论 1.1研究背景 我国是世界产煤大国,而煤炭在开采过程中由于作业设备与工艺相对落后,管理水平欠缺等原因,各类矿难事故频繁发生,导致煤矿事故死亡人数较高。在煤炭开采过程中发生事故救援有难度矿难救援水平落后也是一个不可忽略的重要因素。事故发生后无法迅速准确地得到灾难现场的信息,如瓦斯浓度的高低、灾难现场是否发生火灾、被困或遇难人员的位置以及现场温度、氧气含量、CO等有害气体的含量、现场倒塌状况等。常常会因为井下复杂危险的环境而阻碍救援人员深入井下开展工作,从而延误了救援工作的开展。 血的事实告诉我们,没有高效的灾害生命搜索定位装备,没有实用的应急救助设备,在灾害发生之后,我们就无力营救我们被困的矿工,无法为我们的同胞提供应有的帮助。开展应急救灾搜索定位装备是当前函待解决的重大课题,它关系到我们的建设和谐社会主义的理念