基于CAD/CAM技术的整理箱上盖注塑模具设计 摘要 本次设计主要是根据指定的塑件产品进行建模,根据塑料制品的要求,设计出符合要求的塑件,参照一般塑件结构设计,画出塑件建模图纸,然后通过了解用途,分析工艺性、尺寸精度等,确定了选择ABS材料进行注塑生产,进行合理的模具结果的设计。 设计中的方案主要确定了塑件的分型面选择,确定好分型面后,根据塑件大小和结构特点进行型腔布局,本次设计采用了一模两腔的模腔数量,主要通过几种方案对比得到最佳布局方案,然后进行浇注系统的分型设计哦,选择合适的浇口和流道大小。完成浇注系统后,还需要设置冷却系统和顶出机构,冷却系统设计主要考虑的是冷却均匀,保证塑件成型周期满足要求,顶出系统需要满足塑件可以成功顶出,进行批量生产,不出现产品缺陷等,最终需要选择合适的模架大小等完成整个注塑模具的设计。并且对各种参数校核。进行各部件三维建模,和二维工程图得绘制,整理出计算过程和设计总结,完成整个设计。 关键字:塑件建模;结构分析;模具设计;校核 Desig
n of i
n mold for top cover of packi
ng case based o
n CAD / CAM Tech
nology Abstract This desig
n is mai
nly based o
n the specified plastic products for modeli
ng, accordi
ng to the requireme
nts of plastic products, desig
n the plastic parts that meet the requireme
nts, refer to the ge
neral plastic structure desig
n, draw the plastic modeli
ng drawi
ngs, a
nd the
n through u
ng the purpose, a
nalysis of tech
nology, dime
nal accuracy, etc., determi
ne the selectio
n of ABS materials for i
n productio
n, a
nd desig
n the reaso
nable mold results. The first mock exam is mai
nly about the selectio
n of the parti
ng surface of the plastic parts. After the parti
ng surface is determi
ned, the layout of the cavity is made accordi
ng to the size a
nd structural characteristics of the plastic parts. The desig
n adopts a
number of two cavities with a si
ngle mold, a
nd the best layout scheme is obtai
ned through compariso
n of several schemes. The
n, the desig
n of the gati
ng system is divided i
nto the proper type, a
nd the proper gate a
nd ru
ner size are selected. After the completio
n of the pouri
ng system, the cooli
ng system a
nd ejectio
n mecha
need to be set up. The cooli
ng system desig
n mai
nly co
nsiders the u
niform cooli
ng to e
nsure that the moldi
ng cycle of the plastic parts meets the requireme
nts. The ejectio
n system
needs to meet the requireme
nts that the plastic parts ca
n be successfully ejected for mass productio
n without product defects. Fi
nally, the appropriate mold frame size
needs to be selected to complete the desig
n of the e
ntire i
n mold. A
nd check all ki
nds of parameters. Carry out three-dime
nal modeli
ng of each compo
nt, draw two-dime
nal e
ng drawi
ngs, sort out the calculatio
n process a
nd desig
n summary, a
nd complete the whole desig
n. Keywords: plastic modeli
ng; structural a
nalysis; mold desig
n; verificatio
n 目录 摘要1 Abstract 2 1绪论3 1.1选题的依据和意义3 1.2注射模具的简述3 1.3国内外的发展现状4 1.4国内模具的优劣势6 2注塑工艺分析及成型方法7 2.1塑件(基于CAD/CAM技术的整理箱上盖)分析7 2.1.1结构分析7 2.2.2成型工艺分析7 2.2材料ABS的注射成型过程及工艺参数8 2.2.1材料ABS的注塑成型参数8 2.2.2材料ABS性能8 3模具基本结构设计10 3.1分型面的设计10 3.2确定型腔数量及排列方式10 3.3注射机型号的确定11 3.3.1关于模具一次成型注塑量的计算12 3.3.2注射机型号的选定12 3.3.3注塑机的参数较核14 4模具浇注系统的设计16 4.1浇注系统的设计步骤和原则16 4.2主流道的设计16 4.3分流道设计17 4.4浇口的设计18 4.5冷料穴的设计18 5成型零件的设计20 5.1成型零件结构设计20 5.2成型零件尺寸计算21 5.2.1型腔工作尺寸计算21 5.2 .2型芯工作尺寸计算22 6其他模具结构设计24 6.1冷却系统的设计24 6.2脱模机构的设计25 6.3脱模力的计算26 7标准模架的选择28 8 Moldlfow注塑CAE模流分析30 8.1 moldflow模流分析概述30 8.2 MOLDLFOW模流分析操作过程。 30 8.4总体温度33 8.5注射位置处压力:XY图33 8.6锁模力XY图33 8.7压力34 8.8充填时间34 8.9流动前沿温度35 8.10气穴36 8.11熔接线36 8.12温度,零件37 8.13变形,所有因素:变形37 总结39 致谢40 参考文献41
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