n hoist chai
n co
nveyor is a category of goods is mai
nly used to e
nce the co
nuous vertical co
nveyor, i
n the special co
ns also favor the use of tra
nsport. Co
nveyor a
nd other tha
n i
n achievi
ng upward hoist ha
ng cargo space occupied by the smallest. Chai
n hoist i
n the ceme
nt, metallurgy, a
nd food storage a
nd tra
n sector particularly i
n the warehouse has bee
n widely used. The research a
nalyzed the hoist steel rolli
ng mill of the pri
nciple, structure a
nd other characteristics, a
nd a
nalyzed the curre
nt situatio
n at home a
nd abroad hoist a
nd future developme
nt tre
nds, the desig
n of steel hoist is simple, reliable, high safety factor. Billets i
n the metallurgical i
ndustry hoist the traditio
nal basis of the chai
n hoist to do a certai
n amou
nt of improveme
nt, but the basic structure is the same pri
nciple, usi
ng the chai
n drive chai
n, the chai
n is i
nstalled i
n the bracket, as the steel has a certai
n le
ngth a
nd weight, so the use of steel hoist at the same time e
nce the multi-chai
n, i
n order to e
nsure the chai
n of each of our u
niform, to avoid a chai
n which led to over-stress the chai
n was broke
n a
nd the chai
needs to be each arra
nged i
n the bracket the same level, i
n the bracket is i
nstalled o
n both sides of the wheel, a
nd i
nstall upper a
nd lower guide rollers e
nsure a smooth upgrade process to preve
nt the upgrade process because of heavy steel tippi
ng brackets. Keywords: chai
n hoist;Chai
n Drive;co
nveyor chai
n 目录 中文摘要Ⅰ 英文摘要Ⅱ 1绪论1 1.1链条输送机的发展及现状1 1.1.1链条输送机发展过程1 1.1.2我国链条输送机行业现状2 1.1.3链条输送机在国民经济中的作用3 1.1.4发展方向3 1.2链条提升机基本简介4 1.2.1链条提升机基本结构4 1.2.2链条提升机基本工作原理6 1.3本课题的意义6 2钢坯提升机传动系统设计7 2.1钢坯提升机传动方式研究7 2.2传动系统分析8 2.2.1传动方案简介8 2.2.2方案的优缺点分析8 2.3传动系统的设计计算9 2.3.1链条链轮计算选择和设计9 2.3.2电机功率分析计算和选择10 2.3.3轴的设计计算11 2.3.4减速器与制动器的选择12 2.3.5轴承与联轴器的选择13 3钢坯提升机提升系统研究设计15 3.1提升方式的分析设计15 3.2提升机构的分析选择15 3.2.1托架的设计15 3.2.2导轨的设计安装17 3.3钢坯提升机提升过程分析17 4轴受力分析与校核19 4.1轴的受力分析19 4.2轴的强度校验计算19 4.3轴的刚度校验计算20 5钢坯提升机的使用和维护22 5.1钢坯提升机的操作使用22 5.2钢坯提升机的维护与保养22 总结24 参考文献25 致谢26
n hoist chai
n co
nveyor is a category of goods is mai
nly used to e
nce the co
nuous vertical co
nveyor, i
n the special co
ns also favor the use of tra
nsport. Co
nveyor a
nd other tha
n i
n achievi
ng upward hoist ha
ng cargo space occupied by the smallest. Chai
n hoist i
n the ceme
nt, metallurgy, a
nd food storage a
nd tra
n sector particularly i
n the warehouse has bee
n widely used. The research a
nalyzed the hoist steel rolli
ng mill of the pri
nciple, structure a
nd other characteristics, a
nd a
nalyzed the curre
nt situatio
n at home a
nd abroad hoist a
nd future developme
nt tre
nds, the desig
n of steel hoist is simple, reliable, high safety factor. Billets i
n the metallurgical i
ndustry hoist the traditio
nal basis of the chai
n hoist to do a certai
n amou
nt of improveme
nt, but the basic structure is the same pri
nciple, usi
ng the chai
n drive chai
n, the chai
n is i
nstalled i
n the bracket, as the steel has a certai
n le
ngth a
nd weight, so the use of steel hoist at the same time e
nce the multi-chai
n, i
n order to e
nsure the chai
n of each of our u
niform, to avoid a chai
n which led to over-stress the chai
n was broke
n a
nd the chai
needs to be each arra
nged i
n the bracket the same level, i
n the bracket is i
nstalled o
n both sides of the wheel, a
nd i
nstall upper a
nd lower guide rollers e
nsure a smooth upgrade process to preve
nt the upgrade process because of heavy steel tippi
ng brackets. Keywords: chai
n hoist;Chai
n Drive;co
nveyor chai
n 目录 中文摘要Ⅰ 英文摘要Ⅱ 1绪论1 1.1链条输送机的发展及现状1 1.1.1链条输送机发展过程1 1.1.2我国链条输送机行业现状2 1.1.3链条输送机在国民经济中的作用3 1.1.4发展方向3 1.2链条提升机基本简介4 1.2.1链条提升机基本结构4 1.2.2链条提升机基本工作原理6 1.3本课题的意义6 2钢坯提升机传动系统设计7 2.1钢坯提升机传动方式研究7 2.2传动系统分析8 2.2.1传动方案简介8 2.2.2方案的优缺点分析8 2.3传动系统的设计计算9 2.3.1链条链轮计算选择和设计9 2.3.2电机功率分析计算和选择10 2.3.3轴的设计计算11 2.3.4减速器与制动器的选择12 2.3.5轴承与联轴器的选择13 3钢坯提升机提升系统研究设计15 3.1提升方式的分析设计15 3.2提升机构的分析选择15 3.2.1托架的设计15 3.2.2导轨的设计安装17 3.3钢坯提升机提升过程分析17 4轴受力分析与校核19 4.1轴的受力分析19 4.2轴的强度校验计算19 4.3轴的刚度校验计算20 5钢坯提升机的使用和维护22 5.1钢坯提升机的操作使用22 5.2钢坯提升机的维护与保养22 总结24 参考文献25 致谢26