n。我主要对二级行星减速器和伸缩臂做了详细的结构设计,参照同类型掘进机的参数对其他部分做了设计。 关键词:EBZ200掘进机;截割部;齿轮减速器;带伸缩 Desig
n of cutti
ng part of EBZ200CA ca
ntilever Roadheader for Mi
ne Abstract Ca
ntilever bori
ng machi
ne is for coal mi
ng a
nd high quality, the surface mi
ng galleries of the machi
nery a
nd equipme
nt, a
nd its compact, adaptive, a
nd the pho
ne is low, low gravity, a
nd easy to operate, a
nd easier access. This desig
n of bori
ng cut structure has bee
n desig
ned to cut the motor, Reducer, scalability, a
nd cut the 4 compo
nts i
n the drive to motor output shaft by mea
ns of a coupli
ng to the torque delivered to the i
nput shaft, drive motor output shaft through the coupli
ng to the torque delivered to the spi
ndle, the spi
ndle drive cut a
nd rotate. To cut hard
ness of 80 Mpa, o
n the basis of the tra
n system for the selectio
n, as well as program desig
n a
nd use YBUD - 200 every burglary motor, level 2 pla
netary, retractable telescopic a
nd co
nical cut a
nd where the motor output speed of 1475 R/mi
n, cut a
nd cut speed to 47.5 R/mi
n. My mai
n level 2 pla
netary a
nd telescopi
ng arms to do the detailed desig
n, the refere
nce type bori
ng machi
ne parameters of the desig
n. Keywords: EBZ200 machi
ne; Cutti
ng departme
nt; Gear reducer; Belt scale 目录 摘要i Abstract ii 1绪论1 1.1掘进机在国内外的发展现状1 1.1.1国外掘进机的发展现状1 1.1.2国内掘进机的发展现状2 1.1.3掘进机技术的发展趋势3 1.2掘进机的种类4 1.3掘进机设计的目的及意义6 2悬臂式掘进机7 2.1悬臂式掘进机在我国的应用7 2.2悬臂式掘进机的结构8 2.3悬臂式掘进机的发展趋势9 2.4国内外悬臂式掘进机的差距10 3悬臂式掘进机截割机构方案设计11 3.1截割部的组成11 3.2传动方案设计12 3.2.1工况特点及要求12 3.2.2传动类型的设计12 3.3截割头转速的初步确定13 3.4截割功率以及电机的选择14 3.5截割速度方案设计14 3.6伸缩部方案确定15 3.7悬臂的长度和回转角度的确定16 3.8截割头及截齿类型的选择16 3.8.1切割头的设计16 3.8.2截齿的设计17 3.8.3截齿的排列18 3.9掘进机总体布置图20 3.10总体参数总结20 4截割部减速机构设计22 4.1行星减速器初步参数22 4.1.1传动比的分配22 4.1.2各轴功率、转速和转矩的计算23 4.2高速级齿轮传动设计24 4.2.1选择齿轮材料24 4.2.2齿轮齿数的选择24 4.2.3初步确定模数25 4.2.4高速级齿轮基本尺寸26 4.2.5高速级行星传动齿轮强度的校核26 4.3低速级齿轮传动的设计29 4.3.1选择齿轮材料: 29 4.3.2齿轮齿数的选择29 4.3.3初步确定模数30 4.3.4低速级齿轮基本尺寸31 4.3.5低速级行星齿轮强度的校核31 4.4轴设计及校核34 4.5轴承设计及校核36 4.6花键设计及校核37 4.7联轴器的选择38 4.7.1输入端联轴器的选择38 4.7.2输出端联轴器的选择38 5结论39 参考文献40 致谢63
n。我主要对二级行星减速器和伸缩臂做了详细的结构设计,参照同类型掘进机的参数对其他部分做了设计。 关键词:EBZ200掘进机;截割部;齿轮减速器;带伸缩 Desig
n of cutti
ng part of EBZ200CA ca
ntilever Roadheader for Mi
ne Abstract Ca
ntilever bori
ng machi
ne is for coal mi
ng a
nd high quality, the surface mi
ng galleries of the machi
nery a
nd equipme
nt, a
nd its compact, adaptive, a
nd the pho
ne is low, low gravity, a
nd easy to operate, a
nd easier access. This desig
n of bori
ng cut structure has bee
n desig
ned to cut the motor, Reducer, scalability, a
nd cut the 4 compo
nts i
n the drive to motor output shaft by mea
ns of a coupli
ng to the torque delivered to the i
nput shaft, drive motor output shaft through the coupli
ng to the torque delivered to the spi
ndle, the spi
ndle drive cut a
nd rotate. To cut hard
ness of 80 Mpa, o
n the basis of the tra
n system for the selectio
n, as well as program desig
n a
nd use YBUD - 200 every burglary motor, level 2 pla
netary, retractable telescopic a
nd co
nical cut a
nd where the motor output speed of 1475 R/mi
n, cut a
nd cut speed to 47.5 R/mi
n. My mai
n level 2 pla
netary a
nd telescopi
ng arms to do the detailed desig
n, the refere
nce type bori
ng machi
ne parameters of the desig
n. Keywords: EBZ200 machi
ne; Cutti
ng departme
nt; Gear reducer; Belt scale 目录 摘要i Abstract ii 1绪论1 1.1掘进机在国内外的发展现状1 1.1.1国外掘进机的发展现状1 1.1.2国内掘进机的发展现状2 1.1.3掘进机技术的发展趋势3 1.2掘进机的种类4 1.3掘进机设计的目的及意义6 2悬臂式掘进机7 2.1悬臂式掘进机在我国的应用7 2.2悬臂式掘进机的结构8 2.3悬臂式掘进机的发展趋势9 2.4国内外悬臂式掘进机的差距10 3悬臂式掘进机截割机构方案设计11 3.1截割部的组成11 3.2传动方案设计12 3.2.1工况特点及要求12 3.2.2传动类型的设计12 3.3截割头转速的初步确定13 3.4截割功率以及电机的选择14 3.5截割速度方案设计14 3.6伸缩部方案确定15 3.7悬臂的长度和回转角度的确定16 3.8截割头及截齿类型的选择16 3.8.1切割头的设计16 3.8.2截齿的设计17 3.8.3截齿的排列18 3.9掘进机总体布置图20 3.10总体参数总结20 4截割部减速机构设计22 4.1行星减速器初步参数22 4.1.1传动比的分配22 4.1.2各轴功率、转速和转矩的计算23 4.2高速级齿轮传动设计24 4.2.1选择齿轮材料24 4.2.2齿轮齿数的选择24 4.2.3初步确定模数25 4.2.4高速级齿轮基本尺寸26 4.2.5高速级行星传动齿轮强度的校核26 4.3低速级齿轮传动的设计29 4.3.1选择齿轮材料: 29 4.3.2齿轮齿数的选择29 4.3.3初步确定模数30 4.3.4低速级齿轮基本尺寸31 4.3.5低速级行星齿轮强度的校核31 4.4轴设计及校核34 4.5轴承设计及校核36 4.6花键设计及校核37 4.7联轴器的选择38 4.7.1输入端联轴器的选择38 4.7.2输出端联轴器的选择38 5结论39 参考文献40 致谢63