The desig
n of J31-125 Cra
nk Press ABSTRACT 摘要 目前,曲柄压力机是现代化矿井工作面主要关键的设备,随着锻压生产自动化、智能化普及和应用,虽然有庞大的社会需求,但闭式曲柄压力机所应用的范围大多偏向低端产品。针对此问题,设计了闭式曲柄压力机。总体方案采用了它主要是用电机将皮带轮旋转,经过二档减速后,根据导轨滑块旋转运动结构,将皮带轮旋转的运动变成导轨滑块左右方向运动,进而得到锻造的产品工件。设计中,根据与设计方案的对比,传动装置采用三级传动系统,末级采用轴向齿轮代替发动机曲轴传动系统。完成皮带轮、离合器、制动装置、轴向齿轮、轴承等关键零件的采用和压力机整体设计,并对其抗压能力和抗弯刚度进行了校对。该计算结果说明该设计符合要求。由摩擦式离合器及其制动装置控制。采用压塌块式保护装置,避免了压力机工作时的过载。使用气动平衡装置防止当滑块往下运动时,因其自重而迅速下降,使传动系统中的齿轮反向力而造成撞击和噪音。应用CAD绘图软件,对液压机的传动装置中的关键元件的尺寸经行绘制。 关键词:曲柄压力机;曲柄滑块;齿轮传动 The desig
n of J31-125 Cra
nk Press ABSTRACT At prese
nt, cra
nk press is the mai
n key equipme
nt of moder
n mi
ne worki
ng face. With the popularizatio
n a
nd applicatio
n of automatio
n a
nd i
nce i
n forgi
ng productio
n, although there is a huge social dema
nd, the applicatio
n scope of closed cra
nk press is mostly low-e
nd products. To solve this problem, a closed cra
nk press is desig
ned. The overall scheme adopts it, which mai
nly uses the motor to rotate the belt pulley. After the seco
nd gear deceleratio
n, accordi
ng to the rotatio
n motio
n structure of the guide slider, the rotatio
n motio
n of the belt pulley is cha
nged i
nto the left a
nd right motio
n of the guide slider, a
nd the
n the forged product workpiece is obtai
ned. I
n the desig
n, accordi
ng to the compariso
n with the desig
n scheme, the tra
n device adopts three-stage tra
n system, a
nd the last stage adopts axial gear i
nstead of e
ne cra
nkshaft tra
n system. The belt pulley, clutch, braki
ng device, axial gear, beari
ng a
nd other key parts were adopted a
nd the overall desig
n of the press was completed, a
nd its compressio
n capacity a
nd be
ng stiff
ness were proofread. The calculatio
n results show that the desig
n meets the requireme
nts. It is co
ntrolled by frictio
n clutch a
nd its braki
ng device. The collapse block protectio
n device is used to avoid the overload of the press. The p
neumatic bala
nce device is used to preve
nt the slide from falli
ng rapidly due to its self weight whe
n it moves dow
nward, which causes the impact a
noise caused by the reverse force of the gear i
n the tra
n system. Usi
ng CAD drawi
ng software, the dime
ns of key compo
nts i
n the tra
n device of hydraulic press are draw
n Key words: cra
nk press: Cra
nk press; Cra
nk slider; Gear 目录 绪论1 第一章J31-125压力机概述2 1.1 J31-125压力机工作原理及构件2 1.2 J31-125压力机主要技术参数4 第二章J31-125压力机的方案对比和选择4 2.1电动机的选择4 2.2传动系统的对比和设计8 2.2.1确定滑块上加力点的数目及机构的运动分析8 2.2.2确定传动系统的布置方式11 2.2.3确定传动级数和各传动比的分配13 2.2.4选择离合器和制动器的类型15 第三章主要零件的设计与校核17 3.1 V带和带轮设计17 3.2齿轮的设计18 3.2.1概述18 3.2.2一级传动齿轮的设计19 3.2.2偏心齿轮的设计23 3.3轴的设计26 3.3.1大皮带轮轴的设计26 3.3.2中间轴的设计28 3.3.3偏心齿轮轴的设计30 3.4滑块与导轨的设计34 3.5连杆的设计34 3.5.1连杆及装模高度调节机构34 3.5.2连杆及调节螺杆的强度校核35 3.5.3滑动轴承的校核36 第四章机身的设计37 4.1机身的比较和选择37 4.2机身的强度计算38 4.2.1立柱和拉紧螺栓强度校核38 4.2.2上梁的强度校核39 4.2.3底座的强度校核40 第五章辅助装置的选择41 5.1过载保护装置的选择41 5.2拉延垫42 5.3滑块平衡装置42 5.4润滑系统42 总结42 谢辞43 参考文献44
n of J31-125 Cra
nk Press ABSTRACT 摘要 目前,曲柄压力机是现代化矿井工作面主要关键的设备,随着锻压生产自动化、智能化普及和应用,虽然有庞大的社会需求,但闭式曲柄压力机所应用的范围大多偏向低端产品。针对此问题,设计了闭式曲柄压力机。总体方案采用了它主要是用电机将皮带轮旋转,经过二档减速后,根据导轨滑块旋转运动结构,将皮带轮旋转的运动变成导轨滑块左右方向运动,进而得到锻造的产品工件。设计中,根据与设计方案的对比,传动装置采用三级传动系统,末级采用轴向齿轮代替发动机曲轴传动系统。完成皮带轮、离合器、制动装置、轴向齿轮、轴承等关键零件的采用和压力机整体设计,并对其抗压能力和抗弯刚度进行了校对。该计算结果说明该设计符合要求。由摩擦式离合器及其制动装置控制。采用压塌块式保护装置,避免了压力机工作时的过载。使用气动平衡装置防止当滑块往下运动时,因其自重而迅速下降,使传动系统中的齿轮反向力而造成撞击和噪音。应用CAD绘图软件,对液压机的传动装置中的关键元件的尺寸经行绘制。 关键词:曲柄压力机;曲柄滑块;齿轮传动 The desig
n of J31-125 Cra
nk Press ABSTRACT At prese
nt, cra
nk press is the mai
n key equipme
nt of moder
n mi
ne worki
ng face. With the popularizatio
n a
nd applicatio
n of automatio
n a
nd i
nce i
n forgi
ng productio
n, although there is a huge social dema
nd, the applicatio
n scope of closed cra
nk press is mostly low-e
nd products. To solve this problem, a closed cra
nk press is desig
ned. The overall scheme adopts it, which mai
nly uses the motor to rotate the belt pulley. After the seco
nd gear deceleratio
n, accordi
ng to the rotatio
n motio
n structure of the guide slider, the rotatio
n motio
n of the belt pulley is cha
nged i
nto the left a
nd right motio
n of the guide slider, a
nd the
n the forged product workpiece is obtai
ned. I
n the desig
n, accordi
ng to the compariso
n with the desig
n scheme, the tra
n device adopts three-stage tra
n system, a
nd the last stage adopts axial gear i
nstead of e
ne cra
nkshaft tra
n system. The belt pulley, clutch, braki
ng device, axial gear, beari
ng a
nd other key parts were adopted a
nd the overall desig
n of the press was completed, a
nd its compressio
n capacity a
nd be
ng stiff
ness were proofread. The calculatio
n results show that the desig
n meets the requireme
nts. It is co
ntrolled by frictio
n clutch a
nd its braki
ng device. The collapse block protectio
n device is used to avoid the overload of the press. The p
neumatic bala
nce device is used to preve
nt the slide from falli
ng rapidly due to its self weight whe
n it moves dow
nward, which causes the impact a
noise caused by the reverse force of the gear i
n the tra
n system. Usi
ng CAD drawi
ng software, the dime
ns of key compo
nts i
n the tra
n device of hydraulic press are draw
n Key words: cra
nk press: Cra
nk press; Cra
nk slider; Gear 目录 绪论1 第一章J31-125压力机概述2 1.1 J31-125压力机工作原理及构件2 1.2 J31-125压力机主要技术参数4 第二章J31-125压力机的方案对比和选择4 2.1电动机的选择4 2.2传动系统的对比和设计8 2.2.1确定滑块上加力点的数目及机构的运动分析8 2.2.2确定传动系统的布置方式11 2.2.3确定传动级数和各传动比的分配13 2.2.4选择离合器和制动器的类型15 第三章主要零件的设计与校核17 3.1 V带和带轮设计17 3.2齿轮的设计18 3.2.1概述18 3.2.2一级传动齿轮的设计19 3.2.2偏心齿轮的设计23 3.3轴的设计26 3.3.1大皮带轮轴的设计26 3.3.2中间轴的设计28 3.3.3偏心齿轮轴的设计30 3.4滑块与导轨的设计34 3.5连杆的设计34 3.5.1连杆及装模高度调节机构34 3.5.2连杆及调节螺杆的强度校核35 3.5.3滑动轴承的校核36 第四章机身的设计37 4.1机身的比较和选择37 4.2机身的强度计算38 4.2.1立柱和拉紧螺栓强度校核38 4.2.2上梁的强度校核39 4.2.3底座的强度校核40 第五章辅助装置的选择41 5.1过载保护装置的选择41 5.2拉延垫42 5.3滑块平衡装置42 5.4润滑系统42 总结42 谢辞43 参考文献44