The process specificatio
n a
nd the desig
n of special fixture for the mass productio
n pump body are made. The process pla
n adopts the positio
ng mode of "o
ne side a
nd two holes", a
nd divides the processi
ng process i
nto rough machi
ng. A
nd accordi
ng to the process of ce
ntralized arra
nt of its processi
ng seque
nce, the preparatio
n of the process card, the mai
n choice of special machi
ne tools a
nd tooli
ng. Usi
ng the special fixture desig
n of AutoCAD for milli
ng the e
nd face to draw the two-dime
nal assembly drawi
ng. The special fixture for milli
ng face adopts A-type locati
ng pi
n a
nd B-type locati
ng pi
n, tool setti
ng block a
nd pressi
ng plate to clamp workpiece, a
nd a si
ngle screw clampi
ng mecha
nism is desig
ned. This ma
nual mai
nly co
nsists of three parts: the first part is the foreword, the formulatio
n of pump body machi
ng process specificatio
n, the seco
nd part is the desig
n of special fixture, a
nd the third part is the summary a
nd experie
nce, tha
nks a
nd refere
nces. Key words: Special fixture, milli
ng, productio
n efficie
ncy, process desig
n 目录 湖南涉外经济学院(设计)诚信声明I 摘要II ABSTRCT III 第一章前言1 1.1泵体简介1 1.2机械制造业的发展现状1 1.3 AutoCAD软件简介1 第二章工艺规程设计2 2.1生产纲领与生产类型2 2.1.1生产纲领2 2.1.2生产类型2 2.2零件分析2 2.2.1零件的作用2 2.2.2零件的工艺分析3 2.3毛坯及加工余量的选择3 2.3.1毛坯的选择3 2.3.2毛坯的制造形式4 2.3.3毛坯余量的确定4 2.4定位基准的选择5 2.4.1精基准的选择5 2.4.2粗基准的选择6 2.5制定工艺路线6 2.5.1表面加工方案选择6 2.5.2工序的集中与分散7 2.5.3机械加工顺序的安排7 2.5.4工艺路线的确定7 2.6工序内容设计8 2.6.1加工设备选择8 2.6.2切削用量选择9 第三章专用铣床夹具的设计11 3.1设计任务分析11 3.2工件定位、夹紧方案的确定11 3.3定位误差分析与计算11 3.4夹紧力的计算13 3.5夹具体的设计及与机床的联接14 3.6夹具体的装配要求14 结论15
n a
nd the desig
n of special fixture for the mass productio
n pump body are made. The process pla
n adopts the positio
ng mode of "o
ne side a
nd two holes", a
nd divides the processi
ng process i
nto rough machi
ng. A
nd accordi
ng to the process of ce
ntralized arra
nt of its processi
ng seque
nce, the preparatio
n of the process card, the mai
n choice of special machi
ne tools a
nd tooli
ng. Usi
ng the special fixture desig
n of AutoCAD for milli
ng the e
nd face to draw the two-dime
nal assembly drawi
ng. The special fixture for milli
ng face adopts A-type locati
ng pi
n a
nd B-type locati
ng pi
n, tool setti
ng block a
nd pressi
ng plate to clamp workpiece, a
nd a si
ngle screw clampi
ng mecha
nism is desig
ned. This ma
nual mai
nly co
nsists of three parts: the first part is the foreword, the formulatio
n of pump body machi
ng process specificatio
n, the seco
nd part is the desig
n of special fixture, a
nd the third part is the summary a
nd experie
nce, tha
nks a
nd refere
nces. Key words: Special fixture, milli
ng, productio
n efficie
ncy, process desig
n 目录 湖南涉外经济学院(设计)诚信声明I 摘要II ABSTRCT III 第一章前言1 1.1泵体简介1 1.2机械制造业的发展现状1 1.3 AutoCAD软件简介1 第二章工艺规程设计2 2.1生产纲领与生产类型2 2.1.1生产纲领2 2.1.2生产类型2 2.2零件分析2 2.2.1零件的作用2 2.2.2零件的工艺分析3 2.3毛坯及加工余量的选择3 2.3.1毛坯的选择3 2.3.2毛坯的制造形式4 2.3.3毛坯余量的确定4 2.4定位基准的选择5 2.4.1精基准的选择5 2.4.2粗基准的选择6 2.5制定工艺路线6 2.5.1表面加工方案选择6 2.5.2工序的集中与分散7 2.5.3机械加工顺序的安排7 2.5.4工艺路线的确定7 2.6工序内容设计8 2.6.1加工设备选择8 2.6.2切削用量选择9 第三章专用铣床夹具的设计11 3.1设计任务分析11 3.2工件定位、夹紧方案的确定11 3.3定位误差分析与计算11 3.4夹紧力的计算13 3.5夹具体的设计及与机床的联接14 3.6夹具体的装配要求14 结论15