The desig
n of meat gri
nder based o
n processi
ng of food Abstract Meat gri
nder as food processi
ng machi
nery, is closely related to People's Daily life, its market share is growi
ng.Meat gri
nder is i
n the process of productio
n, meat processi
ng e
nterprises will be raw meat accordi
ng to differe
nt tech
nical requireme
nts specificatio
ns of gra
nular meat processi
ng, so that the mixed with other excipie
nts fully to meet the
needs of differe
nt products. Work whe
n usi
ng rotati
ng blade a
nd orifice plate hole edge o
n the formatio
n of the sheari
ng actio
n will chop raw meat, a
nd u
nder the actio
n of screw extrusio
n, co
nuous discharge materials will be closed.Ca
n accordi
ng to differe
nt material properties a
nd processi
ng requireme
nts, the co
n of the correspo
ng cutti
ng tool a
nd the orifice plate, ca
n produce differe
nt size of particles, to meet the tech
nological requireme
nts of
next worki
ng procedure.Ca
n be used for all ki
nds of froze
n meat, fresh meat, chicke
n skeleto
n skeleto
n, duck, pig ski
n, cowhide, goose, fish, fruit, vegetables a
nd other processi
ng.Widely used i
n all ki
nds of sausage, ham sausage, lu
nch meat, meat balls, salty flavor, pet food a
nd other meat products, etc. The desig
n of the meat gri
nder beautiful shape, compact structure.It’s suitable for hotel, meat processi
ng i
ndustry, schools, restaura
nts, or a
ny other food service i
ndustry. Keywords: meat gri
nder, food processi
ng, raw materials, cutti
ng tool, compact structure 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第一章绪论1 1.1概述1 1.2发展现状1 1.3设计意义2 第二章绞肉机结构及原理3 2.1绞肉机结构3 2.1.1送料机构3 2.1.2切割机构3 2.1.3驱动机构3 2.2工作原理4 2.3使用方法4 第三章绞肉机传动系统设计6 3.1电机的选择6 3.1.1传动比的分配6 3.1.2电机的选型6 3.1.3动力参数计算7 3.2带传动设计8 3.3齿轮传动设计11 3.3.1齿轮部分的设计11 3.3.2轴系部件的设计16 3.4联轴器的选择17 3.5轴段设计与校核17 3.5.1轴段部分设计17 3.5.2轴的强度校核计算19 3.6轴承选择与寿命计算21 3.7键选择与强度计算22 第四章绞肉机零件设计24 4.1绞龙的设计24 4.2十字绞刀的设计25 4.3机架的设计32 第五章绞肉机三维建模33 5.1带传动部分建模33 5.1.1小带轮建模33 5.1.2大带轮建模33 5.1.3V带建模34 5.1.4带传动装配34 5.2齿轮部分建模34 5.2.1齿轮轴建模34 5.2.2大齿轮建模35 5.2.3低速轴建模36 5.3其它零件建模36 5.3.1绞龙建模36 5.3.2十字绞刀建模36 5.3.3挤肉板建模37 5.3.4端盖建模37 5.3.5轴承建模38 5.3.6机架建模38 5.4绞肉机装配39 第六章润滑和密封的选择设计40 6.1轴承的润滑40 6.1.1滚动轴承的特点40 6.1.2滚动轴承选用润滑脂应考虑的因素40 6.2齿轮的润滑41 6.2.1润滑方式的选择41 6.2.2密封方式的选择41 6.2.3润滑油的选择41 设计总结42 参考文献43 致谢44
n of meat gri
nder based o
n processi
ng of food Abstract Meat gri
nder as food processi
ng machi
nery, is closely related to People's Daily life, its market share is growi
ng.Meat gri
nder is i
n the process of productio
n, meat processi
ng e
nterprises will be raw meat accordi
ng to differe
nt tech
nical requireme
nts specificatio
ns of gra
nular meat processi
ng, so that the mixed with other excipie
nts fully to meet the
needs of differe
nt products. Work whe
n usi
ng rotati
ng blade a
nd orifice plate hole edge o
n the formatio
n of the sheari
ng actio
n will chop raw meat, a
nd u
nder the actio
n of screw extrusio
n, co
nuous discharge materials will be closed.Ca
n accordi
ng to differe
nt material properties a
nd processi
ng requireme
nts, the co
n of the correspo
ng cutti
ng tool a
nd the orifice plate, ca
n produce differe
nt size of particles, to meet the tech
nological requireme
nts of
next worki
ng procedure.Ca
n be used for all ki
nds of froze
n meat, fresh meat, chicke
n skeleto
n skeleto
n, duck, pig ski
n, cowhide, goose, fish, fruit, vegetables a
nd other processi
ng.Widely used i
n all ki
nds of sausage, ham sausage, lu
nch meat, meat balls, salty flavor, pet food a
nd other meat products, etc. The desig
n of the meat gri
nder beautiful shape, compact structure.It’s suitable for hotel, meat processi
ng i
ndustry, schools, restaura
nts, or a
ny other food service i
ndustry. Keywords: meat gri
nder, food processi
ng, raw materials, cutti
ng tool, compact structure 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第一章绪论1 1.1概述1 1.2发展现状1 1.3设计意义2 第二章绞肉机结构及原理3 2.1绞肉机结构3 2.1.1送料机构3 2.1.2切割机构3 2.1.3驱动机构3 2.2工作原理4 2.3使用方法4 第三章绞肉机传动系统设计6 3.1电机的选择6 3.1.1传动比的分配6 3.1.2电机的选型6 3.1.3动力参数计算7 3.2带传动设计8 3.3齿轮传动设计11 3.3.1齿轮部分的设计11 3.3.2轴系部件的设计16 3.4联轴器的选择17 3.5轴段设计与校核17 3.5.1轴段部分设计17 3.5.2轴的强度校核计算19 3.6轴承选择与寿命计算21 3.7键选择与强度计算22 第四章绞肉机零件设计24 4.1绞龙的设计24 4.2十字绞刀的设计25 4.3机架的设计32 第五章绞肉机三维建模33 5.1带传动部分建模33 5.1.1小带轮建模33 5.1.2大带轮建模33 5.1.3V带建模34 5.1.4带传动装配34 5.2齿轮部分建模34 5.2.1齿轮轴建模34 5.2.2大齿轮建模35 5.2.3低速轴建模36 5.3其它零件建模36 5.3.1绞龙建模36 5.3.2十字绞刀建模36 5.3.3挤肉板建模37 5.3.4端盖建模37 5.3.5轴承建模38 5.3.6机架建模38 5.4绞肉机装配39 第六章润滑和密封的选择设计40 6.1轴承的润滑40 6.1.1滚动轴承的特点40 6.1.2滚动轴承选用润滑脂应考虑的因素40 6.2齿轮的润滑41 6.2.1润滑方式的选择41 6.2.2密封方式的选择41 6.2.3润滑油的选择41 设计总结42 参考文献43 致谢44