This desig
n is rei
nforced tru
ncated device desig
n. Rei
nforced guilloti
ne is a motor via a belt drive, drive
n pull rolls, rei
nforced by pulli
ng straight i
nto the tra
nsfer roller bar straighte
ng after falli
ng i
nto the feeder, whe
n it reaches the limit switch positio
n, it will touch the limit switch, a
nd the
n the trip switch It will sig
nal the co
ntrol system tra
nsfers co
ntrol to stop the motor. I
n this case, the tractio
n system a
nd straighte
ng system motor stops rotati
ng, the two motors are drive
n by screw cut-off system a
nd the tool begi
ns to tur
n. Steel screw drive
n stage to close the directio
n of moveme
nt whe
n the tool touches the wheel of rei
nforced steel will be cut u
ntil the cut-off. Co
nts of this paper: (1) overall structural desig
n of rei
nforced cut-off device. (2) Rei
nforced tru
ncated equipme
nt performa
nce a
nalysis. (3) Select the motor. (4) Rei
nforced tru
ncated equipme
nt rack desig
n a
nd executio
n u
nit. (5) Calculatio
n of desig
n parts desig
n a
nalysis a
nd verificatio
n. (6) to draw the whole assembly drawi
ngs a
nd assembly drawi
ngs importa
nt compo
nt part drawi
ng a
nd desig
n compo
nts. Keywords: rei
nforced cut-off device; coupli
ng; ball screw 目录 摘要III Abstract IV 目录V 1引言1 1.1圆钢棒料剪切机特点1 1.3圆钢棒料剪切机分类1 1.4圆钢棒料剪切机的发展现状1 1.5本课题研究的内容及方法3 1.5.1主要的研究内容3 1.5.2设计要求3 1.5.3关键的技术问题4 2圆钢棒料剪切机总体结构设计5 2.1设计的要求与数据5 4.1圆钢棒料需用力计算5 4.2圆钢棒料截断需用功率计算5 2.2同步带传动计算6 2.2.1同步带计算选型6 2.2.2同步带的主要参数(结构部分) 9 2.2.3同步带的设计11 2.2.4同步带轮的设计12 2.3夹紧装置设计13 3 X结构及传动设计15 3.1 X向滚珠丝杆副的选择16 3.1.1导程确定16 3.1.2确定丝杆的等效转速16 3.1.3估计工作台质量及负重16 3.1.4确定丝杆的等效负载16 3.1.5确定丝杆所受的最大动载荷17 3.1.6精度的选择18 3.1.7选择滚珠丝杆型号18 3.2校核19 3.2.1临界压缩负荷验证19 3.2.2临界转速验证20 3.2.3丝杆拉压振动与扭转振动的固有频率21 3.3电机的选择21 3.3.1电机轴的转动惯量22 3.3.2电机扭矩计算23 4 Y向结构设计25 4.1 Y轴滚动导轨副的计算、选择25 4.2滚珠丝杠计算、选择26 4.3步进电机惯性负载的计算29 5截断系统设计计算32 5.1截断系统主轴的基本要求32 5.1.1旋转精度32 5.1.2刚度32 5.1.3抗振性33 5.1.4温升和热变形33 5.1.5耐磨性34 5.2主轴组件的布局34 5.3主轴结构的初步拟定34 5.4主轴的材料与热处理34 5.5主轴的技术要求35 5.6主轴直径的选择35 5.7主轴前后轴承的选择36 5.8轴承的选型及校核37 5.9主轴前端悬伸量38 5.10主轴支承跨距38 5.11主轴结构图39 5.12主轴的校核39 5.13轴承寿命校核42 5.14主轴组件的润滑和密封42 5.15主轴组件中相关部件44 结论46 参考文献47 致谢48
n is rei
nforced tru
ncated device desig
n. Rei
nforced guilloti
ne is a motor via a belt drive, drive
n pull rolls, rei
nforced by pulli
ng straight i
nto the tra
nsfer roller bar straighte
ng after falli
ng i
nto the feeder, whe
n it reaches the limit switch positio
n, it will touch the limit switch, a
nd the
n the trip switch It will sig
nal the co
ntrol system tra
nsfers co
ntrol to stop the motor. I
n this case, the tractio
n system a
nd straighte
ng system motor stops rotati
ng, the two motors are drive
n by screw cut-off system a
nd the tool begi
ns to tur
n. Steel screw drive
n stage to close the directio
n of moveme
nt whe
n the tool touches the wheel of rei
nforced steel will be cut u
ntil the cut-off. Co
nts of this paper: (1) overall structural desig
n of rei
nforced cut-off device. (2) Rei
nforced tru
ncated equipme
nt performa
nce a
nalysis. (3) Select the motor. (4) Rei
nforced tru
ncated equipme
nt rack desig
n a
nd executio
n u
nit. (5) Calculatio
n of desig
n parts desig
n a
nalysis a
nd verificatio
n. (6) to draw the whole assembly drawi
ngs a
nd assembly drawi
ngs importa
nt compo
nt part drawi
ng a
nd desig
n compo
nts. Keywords: rei
nforced cut-off device; coupli
ng; ball screw 目录 摘要III Abstract IV 目录V 1引言1 1.1圆钢棒料剪切机特点1 1.3圆钢棒料剪切机分类1 1.4圆钢棒料剪切机的发展现状1 1.5本课题研究的内容及方法3 1.5.1主要的研究内容3 1.5.2设计要求3 1.5.3关键的技术问题4 2圆钢棒料剪切机总体结构设计5 2.1设计的要求与数据5 4.1圆钢棒料需用力计算5 4.2圆钢棒料截断需用功率计算5 2.2同步带传动计算6 2.2.1同步带计算选型6 2.2.2同步带的主要参数(结构部分) 9 2.2.3同步带的设计11 2.2.4同步带轮的设计12 2.3夹紧装置设计13 3 X结构及传动设计15 3.1 X向滚珠丝杆副的选择16 3.1.1导程确定16 3.1.2确定丝杆的等效转速16 3.1.3估计工作台质量及负重16 3.1.4确定丝杆的等效负载16 3.1.5确定丝杆所受的最大动载荷17 3.1.6精度的选择18 3.1.7选择滚珠丝杆型号18 3.2校核19 3.2.1临界压缩负荷验证19 3.2.2临界转速验证20 3.2.3丝杆拉压振动与扭转振动的固有频率21 3.3电机的选择21 3.3.1电机轴的转动惯量22 3.3.2电机扭矩计算23 4 Y向结构设计25 4.1 Y轴滚动导轨副的计算、选择25 4.2滚珠丝杠计算、选择26 4.3步进电机惯性负载的计算29 5截断系统设计计算32 5.1截断系统主轴的基本要求32 5.1.1旋转精度32 5.1.2刚度32 5.1.3抗振性33 5.1.4温升和热变形33 5.1.5耐磨性34 5.2主轴组件的布局34 5.3主轴结构的初步拟定34 5.4主轴的材料与热处理34 5.5主轴的技术要求35 5.6主轴直径的选择35 5.7主轴前后轴承的选择36 5.8轴承的选型及校核37 5.9主轴前端悬伸量38 5.10主轴支承跨距38 5.11主轴结构图39 5.12主轴的校核39 5.13轴承寿命校核42 5.14主轴组件的润滑和密封42 5.15主轴组件中相关部件44 结论46 参考文献47 致谢48