5000m3/d啤酒废水处理站工艺设计 摘要 啤酒工业在我国迅猛发展的同时,排出了大量的啤酒废水,给环境造成了极大的威胁。本设计为某啤酒废水处理设计。设计程度为初步设计。啤酒废水水质的主要特点是含有大量的有机物,属高浓度有机废水,故其生化需氧量也较大。该啤酒废水处理厂的处理水量为5000,不考虑远期发展。原污水中各项指标为:BOD浓度为900 mg/L ,COD浓度为1500 mg/L ,SS浓度为400 mg/L 。因该废水BOD值较大,不经处理会对环境造成巨大污染,故要求处理后的排放水要严格达到国家二级排放标准,即BOD ≤ 20 mg/L ,COD ≤ 80 mg/L ,SS ≤ 70mg/L 。 本文分析了啤酒生产中废水产生的环节、污染物及主要污染来源,并从好氧、厌氧生物处理两方面来考虑了废水治理工艺,提出了UASB+A/O的组合工艺流程。可将废水COD由1500 mg/L降至50~100 mg/L ,BOD从900mg/L降至20 mg/L以下,SS由400 mg/L降到70 mg/L以下,出水符合标准。 本设计工艺流程为: 啤酒废水→格栅→调节池→污水提升泵房→ UASB反应器→ A/O池→→气浮池→处理出水 该处理工艺具有结构紧凑简洁,运行控制灵活,抗冲击负荷,污泥量小等特点,实践表明该组合工艺处理性能可靠,投资少,运行管理简单的特点。为啤酒工业废水处理提供了一条可行途径。具有良好的经济效益、环境效益和社会效益。 关键词:啤酒废水;UASB;A/O 5000m3/d beer wastewater treatme
nt pla
nt process desig
n Abstract With the rapid developme
nt of brewery i
ndustry i
n Chi
na, more brewery wastewater is discharged, which e
ngers e
nt.This desig
n is o
ne beer waste water treatme
nt. The degree of the desig
n is i
n a prelimi
nary phase. The mai
n disti
ng feature of the beer waste water is that it co
ns the massive orga
nic matters, so it belo
ngs to the high co
n orga
nic waste water. Therefore its biochemical oxyge
n dema
nd is also high. The water which
needs to be treated i
n the beer waste water treatme
nt pla
nt was 5000, regardless of the specified future developme
nt. I
ndicators of the raw waste water were below. The co
n of BOD was 900 mg/L .The co
n of COD was 1500 mg/L . The co
n of SS was 400 mg/L . For the beer waste water's BOD was high, it could pollute the e
nt if drai
ned before treatme
nt, so it requested that the beer waste water was drai
ned which was strictly treated to the two efflue
nce sta
ndard i
n the cou
ntry, which is as followi
ng: BOD ≤ 20 mg/L , COD ≤ 80 mg/L , SS ≤ 70 mg/L . This paper a
nalyzed the ge
n processes of wastewater, the major co
nats a
nd their major sources i
n beer productio
n. It also i
ntroduced the primary biological processi
ng tech
niques of aerobic a
nd a
naerobic treatme
nt. Accordi
ng to the product scale of beer brewery, the mai
n sta
ndard of drai
ng water\
natural materials, a
nd so o
n.The mai
n process tech
nology of the beer waste water disposal statio
n is defi
ned was UASB + A/O .Practice of project i
ndicate, whe
n COD of wastewater reduced from 1500mg/l to 50~100mg/l, BOD reduced from 900mg/l to 20mg/l, SS reduced from 400mg/l to 70mg/l. So that drai
nage could reached the sta
ndard. The tech
nological process of this desig
n was: Beer waste water → Scree
ng→ Regulates ta
nk → The sewage lift pump house→ UASB →A/O →Aeratio
n→ Treatme
nt water This tech
nology of wastewater treatme
nt had ma
ny traits. Such as, structure, pithy quick co
ntrol, lasti
ng attacked, less sledge capacity. Practice i
ndicated that the composed craft had reliable fu
n, its i
nt was little, a
nd its ru
ng a
nd ma
nt was u
ncomplicated. Key words:beer waste water;UASB;A/O 目录 1绪论8 1.1选题的背景及意义8 1.2啤酒废水的主要来源9 1.3啤酒废水的特点9 1.4工艺介绍10 1.4.1好氧法10 1.4.2厌氧法11 2工艺方案比较13 2.1生物工艺比较13 2.1.1 IC-CIRCOX处理工艺13 2.1.2 UASB-A/O处理工艺15 2.1.3经济比较16 2.1.4技术比较17 2.2物理、化学处理工艺比较18 2.2.1气浮法18 2.2.2沉淀法(二沉池) 18 2.3工艺方案的确定19 3设计计算20 3.1格栅设计计算20 3.1.1格栅尺寸21 3.1.2水头损失21 3.2调匀池设计21 3.3间歇式平流沉淀池设计23 3.3.1沉淀池表面积23 3.3.2沉淀部分有效水深24 3.3.3沉淀部分有效容积24 3.3.4沉淀池长度24 3.3.5沉淀池宽度24 3.3.6沉淀池格数24 3.3.7校核长宽比长深比25 3.3.8污泥部分的所需容积25 3.3.9每个沉淀池污泥部分所需容积25 3.3.10污泥斗容积25 3.3.11沉淀池总高度26 3.3.12进水渠道26 3.3.13进水穿孔花墙27 3.3.14出水堰27 3.3.15出水渠道28 3.3.16进水挡板、出水挡板28 3.3.17刮泥装置28 3.4生物处理法上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB) 28 3.4.1一般说明29 3.4.2设计参数29 3.4.3工艺尺寸31 3.5 A/O除磷脱氮工艺38 3.5.1估算出水中的38 3.5.2曝气池容积确定V 39 3.5.3剩余污泥量算40 3.5.4回流泥量和硝化混合液回流量(内回流)计算41 3.6气浮池41 3.6.1投药量计算42 3.6.2溶气罐计算43 3.6.3反应室计算44 3.6.4气浮分离池45 3.8污泥处理系统45 3.8.1剩余污泥量计算45 3.8.2浓缩池47 3.8.3污泥脱水设备49 4污水厂平面及高程布置50 4.1总平面布置原则50 4.2高程布置原则50 4.3构筑物水头损失50 4.4管渠水力计算50 4.5污水处理高程布置50 4.6总水头损失52 5设备选型53 5.1污水提升泵53 5.2污泥泵53 6结论55 参考文献56 致谢58
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