n of cor
n threshi
ng a
nd harvesti
ng device Abstract As the seco
nd largest crop i
n Chi
na, threshi
ng efficie
ncy of maize has a great i
nce o
n maize yield. At prese
nt, the existi
ng large scale cor
n harvesters at home a
nd abroad are
not suitable for small scale agricultural productio
n. Whe
n the large-scale i
ntegrated machi
ne e
nters the farmla
nd, it will cause la
nd compactio
n a
nd the crushi
ng rate of cor
n is high. I
n order to solve this problem, this paper has combi
ned the adva
ntages of extruder a
nd differe
ntial threshi
ng device, a
nd improved the drum structure of the existi
ng small a
nd medium-sized cor
n threshi
ng device. A cor
n threshi
ng a
nd harvesti
ng device was desig
ned, which was mai
nly composed of hopper, roller, motor a
nd V belt. The mai
n desig
n of the fu
nel a
nd drum structure desig
n. At work, the cor
n is artificially put i
nto the feed mouth to make the cor
n slide i
nto the threshi
ng area. I
n the threshi
ng area, the
nail teeth o
n the drum squeeze a
nd rub the cor
n, a
nd at the same time, the drum a
nd the co
ncave plate form a differe
ntial velocity, a
nd the
n the threshi
ng is completed. The hopper is desig
ned a
nd its structure is improved to preve
nt too much equipme
nt from getti
ng stuck at o
ne time. Whe
n the threshi
ng area is desig
ned, the drum structure is cha
nged, a
nd the
nail tooth is desig
ned as the tooth plate structure, so as to facilitate the desig
n of the telescopic structure. The rack a
nd pi
n co
ntrol is adopted to drive the screw tra
n, so as to realize the telescopic co
ntrol of the tooth. The device desig
n of small cor
n threshi
ng device, suitable for small agricultural productio
n, ca
n meet the differe
nt direct cor
n threshi
ng, has the characteristics of high
net rate, high efficie
ncy, while adjusti
ng the expa
n of the tooth ca
n reduce the rate of damage. The price is affordable, the operatio
n is simple, the farmer is willi
ng to accept. Keywords: breakage rate; Crowded rub type; Extrusio
n; Drum 目录 1绪论1 1.1选题的依据及意义1 1.2国内外研究现状1 1.2.1国外玉米脱粒机发展现状1 1.2.2我国玉米脱粒机的发展过程2 1.2.3玉米挤搓式原理脱粒装置2 1.2.4差速式原理玉米脱粒装置3 2技术任务书(RJ) 5 2.1设计依据5 2.2产品的用途及适用范围5 2.3主要参数设计5 2.4主要研究内容与方案6 3设计技术说明书7 3.1装置的工作原理7 3.2电机的设计7 3.2.1电动机功率设计7 3.2.2电动机的选择9 3.3整机结构的设计10 3.4外部结构的设计11 3.4.1入料斗的设计11 3.4.2出料斗的设计11 3.4.1排芯斗的设计12 3.5滚筒的设计13 3.5.1滚筒的作用13 3.5.2齿板的设计13 3.5.3圆柱滚筒的设计14 3.6伸缩结构的设计14 3.6.1伸缩结构的作用14 3.6.2齿轮齿条的设计14 3.6.3伸缩杆的设计16 3.6.4齿条轴的设计17 3.6.5右端螺纹控制结构18 3.7圆锥滚杆的设计18 3.7.1圆锥滚杆的作用18 3.7.2圆锥滚杆的尺寸设计18 3.8小齿轮传动部分的设计19 3.8.1齿轮设计的作用19 3.8.2主动轮的设计19 3.8.3从动轮的设计20 3.9 V带传动部分的设计22 3.9.1 V带的作用22 3.9.2 V带型号的选择23 3.9.3主动轮的设计23 3.9.4从动轮的设计23 3.9.5 V带长度的设计24 3.9.6带的参数设计25 3.9.7主动轮结构的设计26 3.9.8从动轮的结构设计28 3.10滚筒阶梯轴的设计29 3.10.1轴的基准直径的设计29 3.10.2阶梯轴的强度校核31 3.11圆锥滚杠轴的设计35 3.12凹板的设计35 3.12.1凹凸板的作用35 3.12.2凹板的选择36 3.12.3凹板的尺寸设计36 3.13轴承的选择37 3.14脱粒仓的设计37 3.14.1脱粒仓的作用37 3.14.2脱粒仓的结构尺寸37 4使用说明书39 4.1操作说明39 4.2注意事项39 5标准化审查报告40 结论41 参考文献42 致谢44
n of cor
n threshi
ng a
nd harvesti
ng device Abstract As the seco
nd largest crop i
n Chi
na, threshi
ng efficie
ncy of maize has a great i
nce o
n maize yield. At prese
nt, the existi
ng large scale cor
n harvesters at home a
nd abroad are
not suitable for small scale agricultural productio
n. Whe
n the large-scale i
ntegrated machi
ne e
nters the farmla
nd, it will cause la
nd compactio
n a
nd the crushi
ng rate of cor
n is high. I
n order to solve this problem, this paper has combi
ned the adva
ntages of extruder a
nd differe
ntial threshi
ng device, a
nd improved the drum structure of the existi
ng small a
nd medium-sized cor
n threshi
ng device. A cor
n threshi
ng a
nd harvesti
ng device was desig
ned, which was mai
nly composed of hopper, roller, motor a
nd V belt. The mai
n desig
n of the fu
nel a
nd drum structure desig
n. At work, the cor
n is artificially put i
nto the feed mouth to make the cor
n slide i
nto the threshi
ng area. I
n the threshi
ng area, the
nail teeth o
n the drum squeeze a
nd rub the cor
n, a
nd at the same time, the drum a
nd the co
ncave plate form a differe
ntial velocity, a
nd the
n the threshi
ng is completed. The hopper is desig
ned a
nd its structure is improved to preve
nt too much equipme
nt from getti
ng stuck at o
ne time. Whe
n the threshi
ng area is desig
ned, the drum structure is cha
nged, a
nd the
nail tooth is desig
ned as the tooth plate structure, so as to facilitate the desig
n of the telescopic structure. The rack a
nd pi
n co
ntrol is adopted to drive the screw tra
n, so as to realize the telescopic co
ntrol of the tooth. The device desig
n of small cor
n threshi
ng device, suitable for small agricultural productio
n, ca
n meet the differe
nt direct cor
n threshi
ng, has the characteristics of high
net rate, high efficie
ncy, while adjusti
ng the expa
n of the tooth ca
n reduce the rate of damage. The price is affordable, the operatio
n is simple, the farmer is willi
ng to accept. Keywords: breakage rate; Crowded rub type; Extrusio
n; Drum 目录 1绪论1 1.1选题的依据及意义1 1.2国内外研究现状1 1.2.1国外玉米脱粒机发展现状1 1.2.2我国玉米脱粒机的发展过程2 1.2.3玉米挤搓式原理脱粒装置2 1.2.4差速式原理玉米脱粒装置3 2技术任务书(RJ) 5 2.1设计依据5 2.2产品的用途及适用范围5 2.3主要参数设计5 2.4主要研究内容与方案6 3设计技术说明书7 3.1装置的工作原理7 3.2电机的设计7 3.2.1电动机功率设计7 3.2.2电动机的选择9 3.3整机结构的设计10 3.4外部结构的设计11 3.4.1入料斗的设计11 3.4.2出料斗的设计11 3.4.1排芯斗的设计12 3.5滚筒的设计13 3.5.1滚筒的作用13 3.5.2齿板的设计13 3.5.3圆柱滚筒的设计14 3.6伸缩结构的设计14 3.6.1伸缩结构的作用14 3.6.2齿轮齿条的设计14 3.6.3伸缩杆的设计16 3.6.4齿条轴的设计17 3.6.5右端螺纹控制结构18 3.7圆锥滚杆的设计18 3.7.1圆锥滚杆的作用18 3.7.2圆锥滚杆的尺寸设计18 3.8小齿轮传动部分的设计19 3.8.1齿轮设计的作用19 3.8.2主动轮的设计19 3.8.3从动轮的设计20 3.9 V带传动部分的设计22 3.9.1 V带的作用22 3.9.2 V带型号的选择23 3.9.3主动轮的设计23 3.9.4从动轮的设计23 3.9.5 V带长度的设计24 3.9.6带的参数设计25 3.9.7主动轮结构的设计26 3.9.8从动轮的结构设计28 3.10滚筒阶梯轴的设计29 3.10.1轴的基准直径的设计29 3.10.2阶梯轴的强度校核31 3.11圆锥滚杠轴的设计35 3.12凹板的设计35 3.12.1凹凸板的作用35 3.12.2凹板的选择36 3.12.3凹板的尺寸设计36 3.13轴承的选择37 3.14脱粒仓的设计37 3.14.1脱粒仓的作用37 3.14.2脱粒仓的结构尺寸37 4使用说明书39 4.1操作说明39 4.2注意事项39 5标准化审查报告40 结论41 参考文献42 致谢44