With the market eco
nomy developme
nt tre
nd, the huge brick factory curre
ntly faci
ng the artificial factors difficult to please, artificial cost is too high, the brick brick pallet is the i
nevitable outcome of market developme
nt, but the ma
nual brick pallet i
n the face of daily output i
n more tha
n 250000 brick factory far ca
not meet the efficie
ncy of the brick tower, so o
nly choose bricks palletizi
ng equipme
nt automatically. By the desig
n code of brick machi
ne ga
ntry frame, ru
ng gear, lifti
ng mecha
nism a
nd the brick clampi
ng mecha
nism. The whole brick clampi
ng bodies with plywood, vertical a
nd horizo
ntal cyli
nder device, ce
nter of rotatio
n device, spli
nt ha
ng rack device, electric p
neumatic device a
nd other weldi
ng device. Spli
nt o
n both sides for li
near guide to guide the side pa
nel of square tube, u
nder pressure, a
nd straight li
ne performa
nce is good, frictio
n small, stable performa
nce is good, is adva
ntageous to the brick clampi
ng. Vertical cyli
nder device to i
nsify i
nal tra
nsverse force, also more co
nducive to the brick clampi
ng. This article is through everythi
ng i
nto co
n, comprehe
nsive compariso
n of traditio
nal brick clampi
ng mecha
nism, to obtai
n the parameters of the machi
ne the parts, a
nd through calculatio
n, demo
nstrates the feasibility of the desig
n. The use of 3 d SOLIDWORKS 3 d modeli
ng o
n the whole machi
ne Key words: brick yards machi
ne; Brick clampi
ng mecha
nism; 3 d modeli
ng 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1绪论1 1.1课题研究的目的及意义1 1.2码砖机在国内外的发展现状2 1.3国内外码垛机的研究状况及发展趋势2 1.3.1研究现状2 1.3.2发展趋势3 1.4课题研究的内容4 3码砖机整体方案的确定5 2.1码砖机的组成及各部分关系概述5 2.2码砖机驱动方案的确认5 2.2.1液压驱动5 2.2.2气压驱动6 2.2.3电动机驱动6 2.2.4驱动方案的确认6 2.3总体方案拟定6 3码砖机夹砖机构机构设计8 3.1夹砖机构机构总体设计方案8 3.1.1夹砖机构机构设计要求8 3.1.2夹砖机构各功能板块9 3.2转动机构的设计9 3.2.1轴的校核计算9 3.2.2轴承的校核11 3.3大小齿轮的校核计算和选用12 3.3.1选精度等级、材料及齿数材料及热处理12 3.3.2初步设计齿轮传动的主要尺寸12 3.3.3按齿根弯曲强度设计14 3.3.4几何尺寸计算: 15 3.3.5轴上键连接的选择及校核16 3.4气压传动机构的选用16 3.4.1横向气压装置的选用16 3.4.2纵向气压装置的选用16 3.5夹板机构的设计17 3.5.1夹板的整体设计17 3.5.2挂板轴的校核和设计18 3.6挂轮的设计20 3.6.1挂轮的整体设计20 3.6.2挂轮轴的校核和设计21 3.6.3轴承的选用23 3.6.4挂轮筒的设计23 3.7框架及各焊接件的作用和选用23 3.8电机的选用24 4码砖机行走机构的设计25 4.1行走机构结构组成25 4.2行走轮组件设计25 4.2.1电机的选用25 4.2.2行走驱动轴的设计26 4.2.3链轮的设计27 4.2.4轴承座的选用28 4.2.5行走轮的设计28 5码砖机三维造型的设计29 5.1 Solidworks软件简介29 5.2零件建模31 5.2.1龙门架三维建模的形成31 5.2.2油缸体的三维建模形成31 5.2.3其他零件的三维模型造型32 5.3零件装配33 5.4三维向二维的转换35 结论37 参考文献38 致谢39
nomy developme
nt tre
nd, the huge brick factory curre
ntly faci
ng the artificial factors difficult to please, artificial cost is too high, the brick brick pallet is the i
nevitable outcome of market developme
nt, but the ma
nual brick pallet i
n the face of daily output i
n more tha
n 250000 brick factory far ca
not meet the efficie
ncy of the brick tower, so o
nly choose bricks palletizi
ng equipme
nt automatically. By the desig
n code of brick machi
ne ga
ntry frame, ru
ng gear, lifti
ng mecha
nism a
nd the brick clampi
ng mecha
nism. The whole brick clampi
ng bodies with plywood, vertical a
nd horizo
ntal cyli
nder device, ce
nter of rotatio
n device, spli
nt ha
ng rack device, electric p
neumatic device a
nd other weldi
ng device. Spli
nt o
n both sides for li
near guide to guide the side pa
nel of square tube, u
nder pressure, a
nd straight li
ne performa
nce is good, frictio
n small, stable performa
nce is good, is adva
ntageous to the brick clampi
ng. Vertical cyli
nder device to i
nsify i
nal tra
nsverse force, also more co
nducive to the brick clampi
ng. This article is through everythi
ng i
nto co
n, comprehe
nsive compariso
n of traditio
nal brick clampi
ng mecha
nism, to obtai
n the parameters of the machi
ne the parts, a
nd through calculatio
n, demo
nstrates the feasibility of the desig
n. The use of 3 d SOLIDWORKS 3 d modeli
ng o
n the whole machi
ne Key words: brick yards machi
ne; Brick clampi
ng mecha
nism; 3 d modeli
ng 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1绪论1 1.1课题研究的目的及意义1 1.2码砖机在国内外的发展现状2 1.3国内外码垛机的研究状况及发展趋势2 1.3.1研究现状2 1.3.2发展趋势3 1.4课题研究的内容4 3码砖机整体方案的确定5 2.1码砖机的组成及各部分关系概述5 2.2码砖机驱动方案的确认5 2.2.1液压驱动5 2.2.2气压驱动6 2.2.3电动机驱动6 2.2.4驱动方案的确认6 2.3总体方案拟定6 3码砖机夹砖机构机构设计8 3.1夹砖机构机构总体设计方案8 3.1.1夹砖机构机构设计要求8 3.1.2夹砖机构各功能板块9 3.2转动机构的设计9 3.2.1轴的校核计算9 3.2.2轴承的校核11 3.3大小齿轮的校核计算和选用12 3.3.1选精度等级、材料及齿数材料及热处理12 3.3.2初步设计齿轮传动的主要尺寸12 3.3.3按齿根弯曲强度设计14 3.3.4几何尺寸计算: 15 3.3.5轴上键连接的选择及校核16 3.4气压传动机构的选用16 3.4.1横向气压装置的选用16 3.4.2纵向气压装置的选用16 3.5夹板机构的设计17 3.5.1夹板的整体设计17 3.5.2挂板轴的校核和设计18 3.6挂轮的设计20 3.6.1挂轮的整体设计20 3.6.2挂轮轴的校核和设计21 3.6.3轴承的选用23 3.6.4挂轮筒的设计23 3.7框架及各焊接件的作用和选用23 3.8电机的选用24 4码砖机行走机构的设计25 4.1行走机构结构组成25 4.2行走轮组件设计25 4.2.1电机的选用25 4.2.2行走驱动轴的设计26 4.2.3链轮的设计27 4.2.4轴承座的选用28 4.2.5行走轮的设计28 5码砖机三维造型的设计29 5.1 Solidworks软件简介29 5.2零件建模31 5.2.1龙门架三维建模的形成31 5.2.2油缸体的三维建模形成31 5.2.3其他零件的三维模型造型32 5.3零件装配33 5.4三维向二维的转换35 结论37 参考文献38 致谢39