n mold desig
n of buildi
ng block toys Abstract:This article studies the related desig
n of the i
n moldi
ng mold of the CPU cooli
ng fa
n. I
n this mold graduatio
n desig
n, we first prepared the parts drawi
ng of the CPU cooli
ng fa
n, draw
n a three-dime
nal drawi
ng of the CPU cooli
ng fa
n product, a
nd worked out a reaso
nable mold desig
n pla
n by a
ng its exter
nal structure, shape, size, a
nd accuracy. The plastic raw materials of the product were selected a
nd the similar performa
nce a
nalysis was made. The product volume was obtai
ned through three-dime
nal software a
nalysis. The i
n moldi
ng machi
ne model was selected as HTF86J/TJ. I
n this desig
n, the parti
ng surface positio
n is selected at the bottom surface of the product a
nd the largest co
ntour surface composed of the bottom surface of 7 fa
n blades. The
number of cavities determi
nes the structure of o
ne mold a
nd two cavities. The cavity layout is arra
nged i
n a straight li
ne, a
nd the gate type The poi
nt gate type was selected o
n the previous page, a
nd i
n the demouldi
ng mecha
nism of the product, we used the push rod to lau
nch the CPU cooli
ng fa
n to lau
nch the product. Fi
nally, after a
nalysis, it is believed that the plastic mold desig
n this time also
needs to desig
n a mold cooli
ng system, which ca
n improve the moldi
ng quality of the product. Fi
nally, the mai
n parameters of the i
n moldi
ng machi
ne were checked. Keywords: CPU cooli
ng fa
n; i
n mold; parti
ng surface; demouldi
ng mecha
nism; o
ne mold with two cavities 目录 1绪论2 1.1概述2 1.2我国塑料模具发展的现状2 1.3我国模具技术发展的趋势3 1.4设计的意义3 2 CPU散热风扇的工艺性分析5 2.1塑件结构分析5 2.2原材料分析7 2.2.1 ABS的基本特性7 2.2.2 ABS的性能分析8 2.3塑件的注塑成型工艺参数8 3 CPU散热风扇相关计算及注塑机型号选择10 3.1投影面积计算10 3.2体积及质量计算10 3.3选择注塑机11 4分型面的选择及型腔排布13 4.1分型面及型腔确定13 4.2型腔数目的确定及布局13 5浇注系统设计15 5.1主流道设计15 5.2主流道衬套形式16 5.3分流道设计16 5.4浇口设计17 5.5冷料穴设计18 5.6主流道剪切速率校核19 5.6.1计算主流道的体积容量19 5.6.2计算主流道的剪切速率19 6成型零部件设计20 6.1成型零件的材料选择20 6.2型芯结构设计20 6.3型腔结构设计21 6.4成型零部件的设计与计算22 6.4.2型芯径向尺寸计算23 6.4.1型腔深度尺寸计算24 6.4.2型芯高度尺寸计算24 7抽芯机构设计25 7.1抽芯机构类型选择25 7.2抽芯距确定与抽芯力的计算26 7.3斜导柱分型与抽芯机构零部件设计26 7.4滑块的设计27 8脱模机构设计28 8.1推出机构的设计原则28 8.2脱模力的计算28 8.3推杆布置29 9冷却及排气系统设计30 9.1设计原则30 9.2求冷却水的体积流量30 9.3冷却时间计算31 9.4排气机构31 10模架的选用32 11注射机校核35 11.1注射量的校核35 11.2锁模力的校核35 11.3模具闭合高度的校核1 11.4模具开模行程校核1 12结论2 参考文献3 致谢4 绪论 概述 随着中国当前的经济形势的日趋好转,在“实现中华民族的伟大复兴”口号的倡引下,中国的制造业也日趋蓬勃发展,而模具技术已成为衡量一个国家制造业水平的重要标志之一,模具工业能促进工业产品生产的发展和质量提高,并能获得极大的经济效益,因而引起了各国的高度重视和赞赏[1]。在日本,模具被誉为“进入富裕的原动力”,德国则冠之为“金属加工业的帝王”,在罗马尼亚则更为直接“模具就是黄金”,可见模具工业在国民经济中重要地位。我国对模具工业的发展也十分重视,早在1989年3月颁布的《关于当前国家产业政策要点的决定》中,就把模具技术的发展作为机械行业的首要任务。 近年来,塑料模具的产量和水平发展十分迅速,高效率、自动化、大型、长寿命、精密模具在模具产量中所占比例越来越大。注塑成型模具就是将塑料先加在注塑机的加热料筒内,塑料受热熔化后,在注塑机的螺杆或活塞的推动下,经过喷嘴和模具的浇注系统进入模具型腔内,塑料在其中固化成型。 塑料模具的设计和制造水平反映了机械设计的加工水平,模具的设计已应用了当代先进的设计手段。用塑料模具加工的零件,具有生产率高、质量好、节约材料、成本低等一系列优点,因此已经成为现代工业生产的重要手段和工艺发展方向。塑料模具技术,特别是对精密、复杂、大型模具的制造,已成为衡量一个国家机械制造水平的重要标志之一。
n mold desig
n of buildi
ng block toys Abstract:This article studies the related desig
n of the i
n moldi
ng mold of the CPU cooli
ng fa
n. I
n this mold graduatio
n desig
n, we first prepared the parts drawi
ng of the CPU cooli
ng fa
n, draw
n a three-dime
nal drawi
ng of the CPU cooli
ng fa
n product, a
nd worked out a reaso
nable mold desig
n pla
n by a
ng its exter
nal structure, shape, size, a
nd accuracy. The plastic raw materials of the product were selected a
nd the similar performa
nce a
nalysis was made. The product volume was obtai
ned through three-dime
nal software a
nalysis. The i
n moldi
ng machi
ne model was selected as HTF86J/TJ. I
n this desig
n, the parti
ng surface positio
n is selected at the bottom surface of the product a
nd the largest co
ntour surface composed of the bottom surface of 7 fa
n blades. The
number of cavities determi
nes the structure of o
ne mold a
nd two cavities. The cavity layout is arra
nged i
n a straight li
ne, a
nd the gate type The poi
nt gate type was selected o
n the previous page, a
nd i
n the demouldi
ng mecha
nism of the product, we used the push rod to lau
nch the CPU cooli
ng fa
n to lau
nch the product. Fi
nally, after a
nalysis, it is believed that the plastic mold desig
n this time also
needs to desig
n a mold cooli
ng system, which ca
n improve the moldi
ng quality of the product. Fi
nally, the mai
n parameters of the i
n moldi
ng machi
ne were checked. Keywords: CPU cooli
ng fa
n; i
n mold; parti
ng surface; demouldi
ng mecha
nism; o
ne mold with two cavities 目录 1绪论2 1.1概述2 1.2我国塑料模具发展的现状2 1.3我国模具技术发展的趋势3 1.4设计的意义3 2 CPU散热风扇的工艺性分析5 2.1塑件结构分析5 2.2原材料分析7 2.2.1 ABS的基本特性7 2.2.2 ABS的性能分析8 2.3塑件的注塑成型工艺参数8 3 CPU散热风扇相关计算及注塑机型号选择10 3.1投影面积计算10 3.2体积及质量计算10 3.3选择注塑机11 4分型面的选择及型腔排布13 4.1分型面及型腔确定13 4.2型腔数目的确定及布局13 5浇注系统设计15 5.1主流道设计15 5.2主流道衬套形式16 5.3分流道设计16 5.4浇口设计17 5.5冷料穴设计18 5.6主流道剪切速率校核19 5.6.1计算主流道的体积容量19 5.6.2计算主流道的剪切速率19 6成型零部件设计20 6.1成型零件的材料选择20 6.2型芯结构设计20 6.3型腔结构设计21 6.4成型零部件的设计与计算22 6.4.2型芯径向尺寸计算23 6.4.1型腔深度尺寸计算24 6.4.2型芯高度尺寸计算24 7抽芯机构设计25 7.1抽芯机构类型选择25 7.2抽芯距确定与抽芯力的计算26 7.3斜导柱分型与抽芯机构零部件设计26 7.4滑块的设计27 8脱模机构设计28 8.1推出机构的设计原则28 8.2脱模力的计算28 8.3推杆布置29 9冷却及排气系统设计30 9.1设计原则30 9.2求冷却水的体积流量30 9.3冷却时间计算31 9.4排气机构31 10模架的选用32 11注射机校核35 11.1注射量的校核35 11.2锁模力的校核35 11.3模具闭合高度的校核1 11.4模具开模行程校核1 12结论2 参考文献3 致谢4 绪论 概述 随着中国当前的经济形势的日趋好转,在“实现中华民族的伟大复兴”口号的倡引下,中国的制造业也日趋蓬勃发展,而模具技术已成为衡量一个国家制造业水平的重要标志之一,模具工业能促进工业产品生产的发展和质量提高,并能获得极大的经济效益,因而引起了各国的高度重视和赞赏[1]。在日本,模具被誉为“进入富裕的原动力”,德国则冠之为“金属加工业的帝王”,在罗马尼亚则更为直接“模具就是黄金”,可见模具工业在国民经济中重要地位。我国对模具工业的发展也十分重视,早在1989年3月颁布的《关于当前国家产业政策要点的决定》中,就把模具技术的发展作为机械行业的首要任务。 近年来,塑料模具的产量和水平发展十分迅速,高效率、自动化、大型、长寿命、精密模具在模具产量中所占比例越来越大。注塑成型模具就是将塑料先加在注塑机的加热料筒内,塑料受热熔化后,在注塑机的螺杆或活塞的推动下,经过喷嘴和模具的浇注系统进入模具型腔内,塑料在其中固化成型。 塑料模具的设计和制造水平反映了机械设计的加工水平,模具的设计已应用了当代先进的设计手段。用塑料模具加工的零件,具有生产率高、质量好、节约材料、成本低等一系列优点,因此已经成为现代工业生产的重要手段和工艺发展方向。塑料模具技术,特别是对精密、复杂、大型模具的制造,已成为衡量一个国家机械制造水平的重要标志之一。