n of Diamo
nd Wire Cutti
ng Machi
ne 【Abstract】 I
n this paper, diamo
nd wire saw cutti
ng machi
ne has co
nducted i
n-depth research. I
n theory of mo
ne silico
n a
nisotropic material properties of electroplated diamo
nd wire saw cutti
ng silico
n wafer process affect. Wire sawi
ng alo
ng the crystal surface, crystal a
nd recomme
nd a preferred saw Siqie i
nto the directio
n of the i
nce of sawi
ng the wafer. The study fou
nd that, whe
n the saw wire i
nto the directio
n of the cutti
ng material o
n both sides of the elastic modulus distributio
n symmetrical saw cut wire i
nto the directio
n, which ca
n effectively improve the quality of the wafer surface shape to determi
ne the process parameters. The saw wire i
nto the sawi
ng crystal surface easy to crack the same directio
n, the directio
n, may have to reduce the wafer surface broke
n. The mai
n subject of the cutter rail platform, work holdi
ng, reel a
nd cutti
ng thread te
n adjusti
ng device structure desig
n. Through the collectio
n of releva
nt literature, research tre
nds about this topic, a
nd to determi
ne the desig
n of research programs; completio
n of the diamo
nd wire saw cutti
ng machi
ne ball screws,
nuts, stepper motors,
nuts a
nd other related parts a
nd assembly drawi
ngs of desig
n; complete the releva
nt parts desig
n specificatio
n a
nd its drawi
ngs. 【Key Words】 Diamo
nd;Wire Saw Cutti
ng Machi
ne;Rail Platform 目录 1绪论1 1.1概述1 1.2国内外研究现状及发展趋势1 1.3金刚石线锯切割机的简介4 2金刚石线锯切割机的设计方案5 2.1有关首选参数5 2.2切割机特点6 2.3金刚石线锯切割机设计方案6 2.3.1原理分析和总体结构设计7 2.3.2传动系统和工作台的设计7 2.3.3张力调整装置设计8 3金刚石线锯切割机传动设计10 3.1滚珠丝杆的选择与计算10 3.1.1滚珠丝杆的定义10 3.1.2滚珠丝杆副间隙调整法11 3.1.3滚珠丝杆的循环方式13 3.1.4滚珠丝杆的计算14 3.1.5滚珠丝杆安装方式17 3.2步进电动机的选择18 3.3张紧轮设计21 3.4绕线轮的设计25 3.5二维夹具的设计27 结论28 参考文献29 致谢30 1绪论 1.1概述 脆性材料,如单晶硅、多晶硅、宝石、玻璃、陶瓷等,具有优良、稳定的物理和化学性能耐磨损性、抗腐蚀性、电绝缘性等,在电子、光学及其它领域得到广泛应用,特别是单晶硅、多晶硅、陶瓷材料被广泛用于太阳能光伏产业、半导体、真空电镀等高精端产业中。伴随半导体、光伏材料技术的发展,需求量不断增加,切割加工量大幅增长,由于硬脆材料硬度高、脆性大,因此加工难度较大。锯切是硬脆材料机械加工的第一道工序,锯切加工成本约占加工总成本的50%以上,因此,切割工艺、工具及设备受到越来越广泛的关注,并得到迅速发展[1]。金刚石线锯切割机是近十几年来获得快速发展的一种硬脆材料切割设备,包括使用游离磨料和固结磨料两类。根据锯丝的运动方式和机床结构,也可分为往复式和单向线锯。金刚石线锯使用高硬度的金刚石作为磨料,其典型磨粒尺寸为数十个微米,同时具备线锯切割的特点,能够对硬脆材料进行精密、窄锯缝切割,且可实现成形加工。随着在大尺寸半导体和光电池薄片切割中的应用和发展,金刚石线锯逐渐显现出一系列无可比拟的优点:加工表面损伤小、挠曲变形小,切片薄、片厚一致性好,能切割大尺寸硅锭,省材料、效益高,产量大,效率高等[2]。 1.2国内外研究现状及发展趋势 用金刚石线锯切割脆性半导体材料的工艺最早由Mesh于20世纪70年代提出W.Eb
nders J.R使用日本Yasu
n of Diamo
nd Wire Cutti
ng Machi
ne 【Abstract】 I
n this paper, diamo
nd wire saw cutti
ng machi
ne has co
nducted i
n-depth research. I
n theory of mo
ne silico
n a
nisotropic material properties of electroplated diamo
nd wire saw cutti
ng silico
n wafer process affect. Wire sawi
ng alo
ng the crystal surface, crystal a
nd recomme
nd a preferred saw Siqie i
nto the directio
n of the i
nce of sawi
ng the wafer. The study fou
nd that, whe
n the saw wire i
nto the directio
n of the cutti
ng material o
n both sides of the elastic modulus distributio
n symmetrical saw cut wire i
nto the directio
n, which ca
n effectively improve the quality of the wafer surface shape to determi
ne the process parameters. The saw wire i
nto the sawi
ng crystal surface easy to crack the same directio
n, the directio
n, may have to reduce the wafer surface broke
n. The mai
n subject of the cutter rail platform, work holdi
ng, reel a
nd cutti
ng thread te
n adjusti
ng device structure desig
n. Through the collectio
n of releva
nt literature, research tre
nds about this topic, a
nd to determi
ne the desig
n of research programs; completio
n of the diamo
nd wire saw cutti
ng machi
ne ball screws,
nuts, stepper motors,
nuts a
nd other related parts a
nd assembly drawi
ngs of desig
n; complete the releva
nt parts desig
n specificatio
n a
nd its drawi
ngs. 【Key Words】 Diamo
nd;Wire Saw Cutti
ng Machi
ne;Rail Platform 目录 1绪论1 1.1概述1 1.2国内外研究现状及发展趋势1 1.3金刚石线锯切割机的简介4 2金刚石线锯切割机的设计方案5 2.1有关首选参数5 2.2切割机特点6 2.3金刚石线锯切割机设计方案6 2.3.1原理分析和总体结构设计7 2.3.2传动系统和工作台的设计7 2.3.3张力调整装置设计8 3金刚石线锯切割机传动设计10 3.1滚珠丝杆的选择与计算10 3.1.1滚珠丝杆的定义10 3.1.2滚珠丝杆副间隙调整法11 3.1.3滚珠丝杆的循环方式13 3.1.4滚珠丝杆的计算14 3.1.5滚珠丝杆安装方式17 3.2步进电动机的选择18 3.3张紧轮设计21 3.4绕线轮的设计25 3.5二维夹具的设计27 结论28 参考文献29 致谢30 1绪论 1.1概述 脆性材料,如单晶硅、多晶硅、宝石、玻璃、陶瓷等,具有优良、稳定的物理和化学性能耐磨损性、抗腐蚀性、电绝缘性等,在电子、光学及其它领域得到广泛应用,特别是单晶硅、多晶硅、陶瓷材料被广泛用于太阳能光伏产业、半导体、真空电镀等高精端产业中。伴随半导体、光伏材料技术的发展,需求量不断增加,切割加工量大幅增长,由于硬脆材料硬度高、脆性大,因此加工难度较大。锯切是硬脆材料机械加工的第一道工序,锯切加工成本约占加工总成本的50%以上,因此,切割工艺、工具及设备受到越来越广泛的关注,并得到迅速发展[1]。金刚石线锯切割机是近十几年来获得快速发展的一种硬脆材料切割设备,包括使用游离磨料和固结磨料两类。根据锯丝的运动方式和机床结构,也可分为往复式和单向线锯。金刚石线锯使用高硬度的金刚石作为磨料,其典型磨粒尺寸为数十个微米,同时具备线锯切割的特点,能够对硬脆材料进行精密、窄锯缝切割,且可实现成形加工。随着在大尺寸半导体和光电池薄片切割中的应用和发展,金刚石线锯逐渐显现出一系列无可比拟的优点:加工表面损伤小、挠曲变形小,切片薄、片厚一致性好,能切割大尺寸硅锭,省材料、效益高,产量大,效率高等[2]。 1.2国内外研究现状及发展趋势 用金刚石线锯切割脆性半导体材料的工艺最早由Mesh于20世纪70年代提出W.Eb
nders J.R使用日本Yasu