nsk Peashrub is o
ne of the species of Legumi
nosae Caraga
na Fabr which is a ki
ng of pere
nial shrub, drought-resista
nt, cold-resista
nt, widely a
nd dusty-resista
nt, stro
ng vitality a
nd I
nce. I
n view of the particular biological
nature of Korshi
nsk Peashrub, it straightly grow
n i
n the west i
ner Mo
ngolia, the
northwest of Sha
nxi, Shaa
nxi a
nd Ga
nsu a
nd it played a
n sig
nt role of defe
ng the breeze sa
nd a
nd keep water a
nd soil, the total pla
ng areas i
n the whole cou
ntry is up to 66,666,600,000 hm2, , the pla
ng area of Dato
ng is already up to 200 thousa
nd hm2,. Korshi
nsk Peashrub is rich i
n protai
n, i
n the time of a
nthesis, the fresh Korshi
nsk Peashrub co
ns 14% simple protei
n, 3.5% simple fat, 33.9% coarse fibre,31.3%
n free eotra
nt,5.4% ash. Thus from this poi
nt, Korshi
nsk Peashrub is also a fi
ne eco
nomic feed. Ow
ng to the grow
n latitude of the Korshi
nsk Peashrub is at the area with bad ecosystem. After bei
ng carried out the Captive feedi
ng ba
n, it is difficult to achieve the eco
nomic value. By way of i
nate the feedi
ng value of Korshi
nsk Peashrub,we pi
ng stubbles to the measured up a
nd with the followed-up processi
ng ,appe
nd i
nto the feedi
ng stuff fi
nally, that Korshi
nsk Peashrub is difficult to reap has become a co
nsus i
n the ma
nufacture of agriculture machi
nery zo
ne. The existi
ng mecha
nical cutti
ng effect of pi
ng stubble is poor a
nd the cutti
ng shrub falls u
nder the earth directly. Those machi
nes have bad adaptability a
need to reap by ma
npower because of the Korshi
nsk Peashrub had high level of lig
ns a
nd much hard stem thor
ns, it is difficult to reap a
nd collect by ma
npower .As a result the i
nt of harvesti
ng a
nd very poor effect. I
n order to solve this problem that make a better eco
nomic value of Korshi
nsk Peashrub, co
nt the requireme
nt of Korshi
nsk Peashrub pla
ng areas, this paper project a machi
ne of Korshi
nsk Peashrub Combi
ned Harvester use 65-horsepower diesel e
ne a
nd first use the chai
n collectio
n co
nveyer device to push the Korshi
nsk Peashrub i
nto the harvest; use the reciprocati
ng cutter to cue the Korshi
nsk Peashrub; the
n through the chai
n co
nveyer i
nto the vertical flatti
ng a
nd co
nveyer machi
ne; se
nd i
nto the reciprocati
ng tumbli
ng-box cutti
ng part to cut up the Korshi
nsk Peashrub; the cut Korshi
nsk Peashrub falls i
nto the co
ner box u
nder the tumbli
ng-box, eve
ntually achieve the collectio
n of the stem a
nd combi
ned-harvest. The flatte
ng roll a
nd the cyli
nder cutter are i
nstalled i
n three-dime
nal way which
not o
nly ca
n make the whole co
ntract well-k
nit but also ca
n save the space; furthermore, it ca
n be fully coordi
nated with the reciprocati
ng cutti
ng system. The desig
ng of this Korshi
nsk Peashrub Combi
ned Harvester
not o
nly promote a
new way of combi
ng but also start a directio
n o
n the follow up study a
nd research o
n the desig
ng. Features: 1. The high degree of combi
n. 2. This machi
ne has do
ne the rough cut of the reaped Korshi
nsk Peashrub which is co
nt for the follow up processi
ng. 目录 1引言1 1.1课题的提出和意义1 1.2国内外研究现状1 1.3本文的研究内容及方法2 2技术任务书2 3设计计算说明书3 3.1传动方案的确定3 3.2传动皮带轮的设计计算4 3.2.1减速箱主动轴传出的皮带轮组4 3.2.2滚筒到减速轴的皮带轮组6 3.2.3减速轴到压扁输送辊的皮带轮组6 3.2.4减速器从动轴到拨禾链齿轮箱的带轮组7 3.3立式收割台设计7 3.3.1梳理器的选择8 3.3.2往复式梳理器的设计9 3.3.3往复式梳理器的构造9 3.3.4往复式梳理器的类型11 3.3.5往复式梳理器的结构标准化13 3.3.6割刀进距13 3.3.7影响往复式梳理器工作性能的因素13 3.4芦苇多功能收割机割刀传动机构的组成14 3.4.1曲柄摇杆ABC的运动方程14 3.4.2曲柄摇杆ABC的旋转惯性力问题15 3.4.3割刀的动力学问题16 3.4.4三角摆块的动力学方程17 3.4.5总结17 3.5拨禾器的设计17 3.5.1链传动的设计计算18 3.6立辊式输送装置的设计19 3.7打捆装置的设计19 3.8收集料斗的设计20 4使用说明书20 5标注化审核报告(BS) 21 5.1产品图样的审查21 5.2产品技术文件的审查21 5.3标注件的使用情况21 5.4审查结论22 6结论22 参考文献23 致谢24 多功能芦苇收割机设计 1引言 1.1课题的提出和意义 鉴于芦苇独特的生物特性,多年来它一直是山西西北部和陕西、甘肃等防风固沙、防止水土流失的重要选用植物。全国芦苇种植面积已达到666.66万hm2 ,仅山西大同市芦苇种植面积达到2万hm2 [2]。芦苇含有丰富的蛋白质,糖类。由此可见,芦苇还是优良的经济饲料。未实施禁牧前,种植芦苇的经济效益主要以牲畜的自然采食来体现,采食率一般在20%~30%之间。然而由于种植芦苇的地区都是生态状况较差的地区,这类地区实行了严格的禁牧舍饲圈养后,使芦苇的经济价值很难体现。其中最关键的问题就是芦苇的机械化平茬收割技术没有得到根本解决。一方面,因为大部分地区圈养牲畜的主要饲草青贮或压缩后的玉米秸秆,牲畜采食种类单一,营养成分不全,导致肉奶品质部高,抗病能力下降,不少牲畜都处于亚健康状态;另一方面,含有多种营养成分的芦苇得不到利用。另外,根据芦苇生长特性,最好3~4年平茬一次,否则它的生长速度就会减慢甚至消失[3]。为解决这些问题,给生态建设和舍饲圈养创造可持续发展的空间,当务之急是研制一种可实现对芦苇进行多功能收割的机械。 1.2国内外研究现状 现在国内外暂时还没有出现对芦苇多功能收割机成型机械的报道,现有的对芦苇进行收割的装置只有普通的割草机,还有适用于芦苇的平茬机。普通的圆盘锯齿式和甩刀式机具梳理后,切口表面形成不光滑的所谓“毛口”,不利于次年发芽生长[3]。这些机械只能把芦苇梳理,并没有处理和收集装置,梳理完以后直接散落到地里,还需要人工进行收集。这些机械的适应性差,很多地方还是需要人工砍收割。由于芦苇茎秆木质化较高,而且茎秆上多硬刺,人工砍割和收集都非常不容易,收割效率极低而且效果非常差。 1.3本文的研究内容及方法 根据国内外芦苇多功能收割机研究的发展现状,以及国内对芦苇多功能收割机的需求,本文对芦苇多功能收割机的整体设计进行了研究,首先设计有效的拨禾装置把芦苇拨入收割台,采用了往复式梳理器对芦苇进行梳理,随后送入立式传送输送辊系统进行传送及输送,然后送入立式滚筒梳理系统对芦苇进行打捆。本文着重对梳理以后的工作部分进行了研究。 综上所述,我国芦苇收割机的研制势在必行,尤其是既能对芦苇进行收割,又能对芦苇进行切断和收集的多功能收割机械的研制更有发展潜力和应用前景。在分析了国内外有关研究现状之后,发现本文针对芦苇所设计的立辊式传送梳理系统还没有相关研究,所以有必要进行研究分析。
nsk Peashrub is o
ne of the species of Legumi
nosae Caraga
na Fabr which is a ki
ng of pere
nial shrub, drought-resista
nt, cold-resista
nt, widely a
nd dusty-resista
nt, stro
ng vitality a
nd I
nce. I
n view of the particular biological
nature of Korshi
nsk Peashrub, it straightly grow
n i
n the west i
ner Mo
ngolia, the
northwest of Sha
nxi, Shaa
nxi a
nd Ga
nsu a
nd it played a
n sig
nt role of defe
ng the breeze sa
nd a
nd keep water a
nd soil, the total pla
ng areas i
n the whole cou
ntry is up to 66,666,600,000 hm2, , the pla
ng area of Dato
ng is already up to 200 thousa
nd hm2,. Korshi
nsk Peashrub is rich i
n protai
n, i
n the time of a
nthesis, the fresh Korshi
nsk Peashrub co
ns 14% simple protei
n, 3.5% simple fat, 33.9% coarse fibre,31.3%
n free eotra
nt,5.4% ash. Thus from this poi
nt, Korshi
nsk Peashrub is also a fi
ne eco
nomic feed. Ow
ng to the grow
n latitude of the Korshi
nsk Peashrub is at the area with bad ecosystem. After bei
ng carried out the Captive feedi
ng ba
n, it is difficult to achieve the eco
nomic value. By way of i
nate the feedi
ng value of Korshi
nsk Peashrub,we pi
ng stubbles to the measured up a
nd with the followed-up processi
ng ,appe
nd i
nto the feedi
ng stuff fi
nally, that Korshi
nsk Peashrub is difficult to reap has become a co
nsus i
n the ma
nufacture of agriculture machi
nery zo
ne. The existi
ng mecha
nical cutti
ng effect of pi
ng stubble is poor a
nd the cutti
ng shrub falls u
nder the earth directly. Those machi
nes have bad adaptability a
need to reap by ma
npower because of the Korshi
nsk Peashrub had high level of lig
ns a
nd much hard stem thor
ns, it is difficult to reap a
nd collect by ma
npower .As a result the i
nt of harvesti
ng a
nd very poor effect. I
n order to solve this problem that make a better eco
nomic value of Korshi
nsk Peashrub, co
nt the requireme
nt of Korshi
nsk Peashrub pla
ng areas, this paper project a machi
ne of Korshi
nsk Peashrub Combi
ned Harvester use 65-horsepower diesel e
ne a
nd first use the chai
n collectio
n co
nveyer device to push the Korshi
nsk Peashrub i
nto the harvest; use the reciprocati
ng cutter to cue the Korshi
nsk Peashrub; the
n through the chai
n co
nveyer i
nto the vertical flatti
ng a
nd co
nveyer machi
ne; se
nd i
nto the reciprocati
ng tumbli
ng-box cutti
ng part to cut up the Korshi
nsk Peashrub; the cut Korshi
nsk Peashrub falls i
nto the co
ner box u
nder the tumbli
ng-box, eve
ntually achieve the collectio
n of the stem a
nd combi
ned-harvest. The flatte
ng roll a
nd the cyli
nder cutter are i
nstalled i
n three-dime
nal way which
not o
nly ca
n make the whole co
ntract well-k
nit but also ca
n save the space; furthermore, it ca
n be fully coordi
nated with the reciprocati
ng cutti
ng system. The desig
ng of this Korshi
nsk Peashrub Combi
ned Harvester
not o
nly promote a
new way of combi
ng but also start a directio
n o
n the follow up study a
nd research o
n the desig
ng. Features: 1. The high degree of combi
n. 2. This machi
ne has do
ne the rough cut of the reaped Korshi
nsk Peashrub which is co
nt for the follow up processi
ng. 目录 1引言1 1.1课题的提出和意义1 1.2国内外研究现状1 1.3本文的研究内容及方法2 2技术任务书2 3设计计算说明书3 3.1传动方案的确定3 3.2传动皮带轮的设计计算4 3.2.1减速箱主动轴传出的皮带轮组4 3.2.2滚筒到减速轴的皮带轮组6 3.2.3减速轴到压扁输送辊的皮带轮组6 3.2.4减速器从动轴到拨禾链齿轮箱的带轮组7 3.3立式收割台设计7 3.3.1梳理器的选择8 3.3.2往复式梳理器的设计9 3.3.3往复式梳理器的构造9 3.3.4往复式梳理器的类型11 3.3.5往复式梳理器的结构标准化13 3.3.6割刀进距13 3.3.7影响往复式梳理器工作性能的因素13 3.4芦苇多功能收割机割刀传动机构的组成14 3.4.1曲柄摇杆ABC的运动方程14 3.4.2曲柄摇杆ABC的旋转惯性力问题15 3.4.3割刀的动力学问题16 3.4.4三角摆块的动力学方程17 3.4.5总结17 3.5拨禾器的设计17 3.5.1链传动的设计计算18 3.6立辊式输送装置的设计19 3.7打捆装置的设计19 3.8收集料斗的设计20 4使用说明书20 5标注化审核报告(BS) 21 5.1产品图样的审查21 5.2产品技术文件的审查21 5.3标注件的使用情况21 5.4审查结论22 6结论22 参考文献23 致谢24 多功能芦苇收割机设计 1引言 1.1课题的提出和意义 鉴于芦苇独特的生物特性,多年来它一直是山西西北部和陕西、甘肃等防风固沙、防止水土流失的重要选用植物。全国芦苇种植面积已达到666.66万hm2 ,仅山西大同市芦苇种植面积达到2万hm2 [2]。芦苇含有丰富的蛋白质,糖类。由此可见,芦苇还是优良的经济饲料。未实施禁牧前,种植芦苇的经济效益主要以牲畜的自然采食来体现,采食率一般在20%~30%之间。然而由于种植芦苇的地区都是生态状况较差的地区,这类地区实行了严格的禁牧舍饲圈养后,使芦苇的经济价值很难体现。其中最关键的问题就是芦苇的机械化平茬收割技术没有得到根本解决。一方面,因为大部分地区圈养牲畜的主要饲草青贮或压缩后的玉米秸秆,牲畜采食种类单一,营养成分不全,导致肉奶品质部高,抗病能力下降,不少牲畜都处于亚健康状态;另一方面,含有多种营养成分的芦苇得不到利用。另外,根据芦苇生长特性,最好3~4年平茬一次,否则它的生长速度就会减慢甚至消失[3]。为解决这些问题,给生态建设和舍饲圈养创造可持续发展的空间,当务之急是研制一种可实现对芦苇进行多功能收割的机械。 1.2国内外研究现状 现在国内外暂时还没有出现对芦苇多功能收割机成型机械的报道,现有的对芦苇进行收割的装置只有普通的割草机,还有适用于芦苇的平茬机。普通的圆盘锯齿式和甩刀式机具梳理后,切口表面形成不光滑的所谓“毛口”,不利于次年发芽生长[3]。这些机械只能把芦苇梳理,并没有处理和收集装置,梳理完以后直接散落到地里,还需要人工进行收集。这些机械的适应性差,很多地方还是需要人工砍收割。由于芦苇茎秆木质化较高,而且茎秆上多硬刺,人工砍割和收集都非常不容易,收割效率极低而且效果非常差。 1.3本文的研究内容及方法 根据国内外芦苇多功能收割机研究的发展现状,以及国内对芦苇多功能收割机的需求,本文对芦苇多功能收割机的整体设计进行了研究,首先设计有效的拨禾装置把芦苇拨入收割台,采用了往复式梳理器对芦苇进行梳理,随后送入立式传送输送辊系统进行传送及输送,然后送入立式滚筒梳理系统对芦苇进行打捆。本文着重对梳理以后的工作部分进行了研究。 综上所述,我国芦苇收割机的研制势在必行,尤其是既能对芦苇进行收割,又能对芦苇进行切断和收集的多功能收割机械的研制更有发展潜力和应用前景。在分析了国内外有关研究现状之后,发现本文针对芦苇所设计的立辊式传送梳理系统还没有相关研究,所以有必要进行研究分析。