本文详细论述了针对缺乏自理能力的老年人及行动不便的病人设计的多功能护理床的基本结构和功能原理。这种病床能够帮助病人实现抬背、屈膝、吃饭,床体的升降解决了护理病人患病过程的很多不方便,从而提高了我国医疗护理业服务,强而有力的加快了我国的医疗保健事业的进步。 关键词:医疗设备护理床医院病床设计 Abstract What this article is researchi
ng is rowi
ng machi
ne,the bor
n of rowi
ng machi
ne has brought great co
nce to people who taki
ng boat rowi
ng exercise i
ndoors,due to the u
nique fu
n a
nd structure of body-buildi
ng rowi
ng machi
ne,it is gradually becomi
ng a favor for people to joi
n i
n rowi
ng exercise,which also has become o
ne of the world's most popular te
n exercises,this article mai
nly aims at the source of rowi
ng machi
ne a
nd the form of rowi
ng exercise,the temporary situatio
n of researchi
ng i
n rowi
ng machi
ne a
nd the problems to be resolved i
n the developme
nt of rowi
ng machi
ne. Key words :Medical equipme
nt Nurse bed Hospital beds desig
n; 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论1 1.1多功能护理床的研究背景2 1.2多功能护理床的发展前景2 第2章多功能护理床的方案论证4 2.1设计原则4 2.1.1安全性原则4 2.1.2人性化、舒适性原则4 2.1.3功能多样化原则4 2.1.4标准化原则4 2.1.5轻量化原则4 2.2功能要求及设计指标5 2.2.1外形尺寸5 2.2.2承载指标5 2.2.3体位调整指标6 2.3整体要求及床面设计8 2.4抬背方案的设计分析11 2.5屈膝方案的设计分析14 2.6整床升降的设计分析14 第3章多功能护理床的详细设计16 3.1液压缸的选择16 3.2拟定液压系统图17 3.3液压元件的选择18 3.4抬背机构的设计19 3.5屈膝机构的设计20 3.6整床升降机构的设计22 3.7脚轮的选取23 3.8杆端关节轴承的选取24 第4章总结与展望10 4.1设计总结10 4.2展望10 致谢27 参考文献28
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