ng axle assembly is o
ne of the importa
nt vehicle carryi
ng pieces a
nd ca
n directly impact o
n the whole vehicle's performa
nce a
nd its effective life. Drivi
ng Axle is co
nsisted of Mai
n Decelerator, Differe
ntial Mecha
nism, Half Shaft a
nd Axle Housi
ng. The basic fu
n of Drivi
ng Axle is to i
ncrease the torque tra
nsmitted by Drive Shaft or directly tra
nsmitted by Gearbox, the
n distributes it to left a
nd right wheel, a
nd make these two wheels have the differe
ntial fu
n which is required i
n Automobile Drivi
ng Ki
nematics; besides, the Drivi
ng Axle must also sta
nd the lead ha
ngs dow
n stre
ngth, the lo
nal force a
nd the tra
nsverse force acted o
n the road surface, the frame or the compartme
nt lead.The co
n of the Drivi
ng Axle is i
ntroduced i
n the thesis at first. O
n the basis of the a
nalysis of the structure a
nd the developi
ng process of Drivi
ng Axle, the desig
n adopted the I
ntegral Drivi
ng Axle, Double Reductio
n Gear for Mai
n Decelerator’s deceleratio
n form, Spiral Bevel Gear for Mai
n Decelerator’s gear, Full Floati
ng for Axle a
nd Casti
ng I
ntegral Axle Housi
ng for Axle Housi
ng. I
n the desig
n, we accomplished the desig
n for Double Reductio
n Gear, tapered Pla
netary Gear Differe
ntial Mecha
nism, Full Floati
ng Axle, the checki
ng of Axle Housi
ng a
nd the electio
n of the material a
nd so o
n. Key words: Drivi
ng Axle;Double Mai
n Decelerator;Si
ngle Reductio
n Fi
nal Drive 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 目录III 第1章绪论1 1.1选题的目的和意义1 1.2研究现状1 1.2.1国内现状1 1.2.2国外现状2 第2章驱动桥结构方案分析4 第3章主减速器设计5 3.1主减速器的结构形式5 3.1.1主减速器的齿轮类型5 3.1.2主减速器的减速形式5 3.1.3主减速器主,从动锥齿轮的支承形式5 3.2主减速器的基本参数选择与设计计算6 3.2.1主减速器计算载荷的确定6 3.2.2主减速器基本参数的选择8 3.2.3主减速器圆弧锥齿轮的几何尺寸计算10 3.2.4主减速器圆弧锥齿轮的强度计算10 3.2.5主减速器齿轮的材料及热处理14 3.2.6主减速器轴承的计算15 第4章差速器设计22 4.1对称式圆锥行星齿轮差速器的差速原理22 4.2对称式圆锥行星齿轮差速器的结构23 4.3对称式圆锥行星齿轮差速器的设计24 4.3.1差速器齿轮的基本参数的选择24 4.3.2差速器齿轮的几何计算26 4.3.3差速器齿轮的强度计算26 第5章驱动半轴的设计28 5.1全浮式半轴计算载荷的确定28 5.2全浮式半轴的杆部直径的初选29 5.3全浮式半轴的强度计算29 5.4半轴花键的强度计算30 第6章驱动桥壳的设计31 6.1铸造整体式桥壳的结构31 6.2桥壳的受力分析与强度计算32 6.2.1桥壳的静弯曲应力计算32 6.2.2在不平路面冲击载荷作用下的桥壳强度计算35 6.2.3汽车以最大牵引力行驶时的桥壳强度计算35 结论38 致谢39 参考文献40 附录41
ng axle assembly is o
ne of the importa
nt vehicle carryi
ng pieces a
nd ca
n directly impact o
n the whole vehicle's performa
nce a
nd its effective life. Drivi
ng Axle is co
nsisted of Mai
n Decelerator, Differe
ntial Mecha
nism, Half Shaft a
nd Axle Housi
ng. The basic fu
n of Drivi
ng Axle is to i
ncrease the torque tra
nsmitted by Drive Shaft or directly tra
nsmitted by Gearbox, the
n distributes it to left a
nd right wheel, a
nd make these two wheels have the differe
ntial fu
n which is required i
n Automobile Drivi
ng Ki
nematics; besides, the Drivi
ng Axle must also sta
nd the lead ha
ngs dow
n stre
ngth, the lo
nal force a
nd the tra
nsverse force acted o
n the road surface, the frame or the compartme
nt lead.The co
n of the Drivi
ng Axle is i
ntroduced i
n the thesis at first. O
n the basis of the a
nalysis of the structure a
nd the developi
ng process of Drivi
ng Axle, the desig
n adopted the I
ntegral Drivi
ng Axle, Double Reductio
n Gear for Mai
n Decelerator’s deceleratio
n form, Spiral Bevel Gear for Mai
n Decelerator’s gear, Full Floati
ng for Axle a
nd Casti
ng I
ntegral Axle Housi
ng for Axle Housi
ng. I
n the desig
n, we accomplished the desig
n for Double Reductio
n Gear, tapered Pla
netary Gear Differe
ntial Mecha
nism, Full Floati
ng Axle, the checki
ng of Axle Housi
ng a
nd the electio
n of the material a
nd so o
n. Key words: Drivi
ng Axle;Double Mai
n Decelerator;Si
ngle Reductio
n Fi
nal Drive 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 目录III 第1章绪论1 1.1选题的目的和意义1 1.2研究现状1 1.2.1国内现状1 1.2.2国外现状2 第2章驱动桥结构方案分析4 第3章主减速器设计5 3.1主减速器的结构形式5 3.1.1主减速器的齿轮类型5 3.1.2主减速器的减速形式5 3.1.3主减速器主,从动锥齿轮的支承形式5 3.2主减速器的基本参数选择与设计计算6 3.2.1主减速器计算载荷的确定6 3.2.2主减速器基本参数的选择8 3.2.3主减速器圆弧锥齿轮的几何尺寸计算10 3.2.4主减速器圆弧锥齿轮的强度计算10 3.2.5主减速器齿轮的材料及热处理14 3.2.6主减速器轴承的计算15 第4章差速器设计22 4.1对称式圆锥行星齿轮差速器的差速原理22 4.2对称式圆锥行星齿轮差速器的结构23 4.3对称式圆锥行星齿轮差速器的设计24 4.3.1差速器齿轮的基本参数的选择24 4.3.2差速器齿轮的几何计算26 4.3.3差速器齿轮的强度计算26 第5章驱动半轴的设计28 5.1全浮式半轴计算载荷的确定28 5.2全浮式半轴的杆部直径的初选29 5.3全浮式半轴的强度计算29 5.4半轴花键的强度计算30 第6章驱动桥壳的设计31 6.1铸造整体式桥壳的结构31 6.2桥壳的受力分析与强度计算32 6.2.1桥壳的静弯曲应力计算32 6.2.2在不平路面冲击载荷作用下的桥壳强度计算35 6.2.3汽车以最大牵引力行驶时的桥壳强度计算35 结论38 致谢39 参考文献40 附录41