Gears are o
ne of the most importa
nt mecha
nical parts i
n the mecha
nical i
ndustry. Gears are ofte
n used to tra
nsmit motio
n a
nd power. Differe
nt requireme
nts, geometric parameters, there will be some errors i
n the productio
n a
nd i
n, it will affect the quality of its use. I
n order to meet the requireme
nts of the use of gears, the gears
need to be tested. The radial comprehe
nsive error of the gear has a great i
nce o
n the tra
n precisio
n of the gear, a
nd is also a
n importa
nt i
ndex for comprehe
nsively detecti
ng the gear. At prese
nt, the detectio
n mai
nly uses mecha
nical a
nd ma
nual error measureme
nt mecha
nical measureme
nt methods, this traditio
nal detectio
n method is time-co
ng a
nd labor-co
ng a
nd difficult to e
nsure the accuracy of the test results. I
n order to improve the detectio
n accuracy a
nd efficie
ncy, it is
necessary to automatically improve the traditio
nal gear double-side meshi
ng i
ntegrated measuri
ng i
nt. This desig
n is mai
nly aimed at the automatio
n of the detectio
n of low efficie
ncy, large errors a
nd other defects of traditio
nal gear double-side meshi
ng i
ntegrated measuri
ng i
nt, thus improvi
ng the detectio
n efficie
ncy, accuracy a
nd reliability. The improved gear double-side meshi
ng comprehe
nsive measuri
ng i
nt is mai
nly composed of a mecha
nical body part, a steppi
ng motor a
nd the like, a
nd has the characteristics of small size, light weight, co
nt operatio
n a
nd good stability. The improved gear double-side meshi
ng i
ntegrated measuri
ng i
nt adopts a steppi
ng motor to co
ntrol the rotatio
n of the gears, a
nd a
n eddy curre
nt se
nsor is used i
nstead of the mecha
nical micrometer to sample, a
nd a
n automatic measureme
nt of the radial comprehe
nsive error of the gear ca
n be achieved, which improves the measureme
nt accuracy a
nd elimi
nates the huma
n error. The i
nce of factors a
nd the improveme
nt of measureme
nt efficie
ncy have practical sig
nce. Keywords: Gear double-side meshi
ng comprehe
nsive measuri
ng i
nt; Gear radial comprehe
nsive error; Stepper motor; Gear 目录 摘要II Abstract III 第1章绪论- 1 - 1.1齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪现状- 1 - 1.1.1齿轮检测技术的发展- 1 - 1.2齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪发展趋势- 1 - 1.2.1齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪的理论研究现状- 1 - 1.2.2齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪市场需求及产品应用前景分析- 2 - 1.3课题要达到的设计目的- 2 - 第2章齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪方案设计及可行性论证- 3 - 2.1齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪方案设计- 3 - 2.1.1方案1自动化齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪- 3 - 2.1.2方案2滑板直线移动式双齿仪- 4 - 2.1.3方案3支架摆动式双齿仪- 4 - 2.2齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪方案可行性论证- 5 - 2.2.1方案1评价- 5 - 2.2.2方案2评价- 5 - 2.2.3方案3评价- 5 - 2.3方案确定- 5 - 第3章齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪设计计算- 5 - 3.1齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪的工作原理- 5 - 3.2轴的设计- 6 - 3.2.1轴的计算流程- 6 - 3.2.2轴的材料和毛坯- 6 - 3.2.3零件在轴上的定位形式- 7 - 3.2.4轴的设计计算- 7 - 3.3丝杠螺母副的计算- 9 - 3.3.1滚珠丝杠螺母副的组成- 9 - 3.3.2耐磨性计算- 10 - 3.3.3丝杠的强度计算14 3.3.4螺母凸缘的强度计算- 13 - 3.3.5丝杠的稳定性计算- 14 - 3.4滚动轴承的选用和计算- 15 - 3.4.1滚动轴承类型的选择- 15 - 3.4.2滚动轴承的构造及材料选择- 16 - 3.4.3滚动轴承的校核计算- 16 - 3.5联轴器的选用和计算- 17 - 3.5.1联轴器的类型- 17 - 3.5.2联轴器的选择原则- 17 - 3.5.3联轴器的选取计算- 18 - 3.6螺纹联接的选用计算- 19 - 3.6.1螺纹联接- 19 - 3.6.2螺纹联接计算- 19 - 3.7键的选用- 22 - 3.7.1键联接的分类- 22 - 3.7.2键联接的强度计算- 23 - 3.8销的选用- 24 - 3.8.1销的分类- 24 - 3.8.2销的强度计算- 24 - 3.9导轨的设计- 25 - 3.9.1导轨的作用和设计要求- 25 - 3.9.2导轨的主要结构- 25 - 3.10步进电机的选择- 26 - 3.10.1步进电机的定义- 26 - 3.10.2步进电机的种类- 26 - 3.10.3步进电机的特点- 26 - 3.11环境保护和可持续发展方面的思考32 3.11.1环境保护32 3.11.2可持续发展32 第4章产品使用与维护33 4.1齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪的使用33 4.2齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪的维护33 结论37 参考文献38 致谢40
ne of the most importa
nt mecha
nical parts i
n the mecha
nical i
ndustry. Gears are ofte
n used to tra
nsmit motio
n a
nd power. Differe
nt requireme
nts, geometric parameters, there will be some errors i
n the productio
n a
nd i
n, it will affect the quality of its use. I
n order to meet the requireme
nts of the use of gears, the gears
need to be tested. The radial comprehe
nsive error of the gear has a great i
nce o
n the tra
n precisio
n of the gear, a
nd is also a
n importa
nt i
ndex for comprehe
nsively detecti
ng the gear. At prese
nt, the detectio
n mai
nly uses mecha
nical a
nd ma
nual error measureme
nt mecha
nical measureme
nt methods, this traditio
nal detectio
n method is time-co
ng a
nd labor-co
ng a
nd difficult to e
nsure the accuracy of the test results. I
n order to improve the detectio
n accuracy a
nd efficie
ncy, it is
necessary to automatically improve the traditio
nal gear double-side meshi
ng i
ntegrated measuri
ng i
nt. This desig
n is mai
nly aimed at the automatio
n of the detectio
n of low efficie
ncy, large errors a
nd other defects of traditio
nal gear double-side meshi
ng i
ntegrated measuri
ng i
nt, thus improvi
ng the detectio
n efficie
ncy, accuracy a
nd reliability. The improved gear double-side meshi
ng comprehe
nsive measuri
ng i
nt is mai
nly composed of a mecha
nical body part, a steppi
ng motor a
nd the like, a
nd has the characteristics of small size, light weight, co
nt operatio
n a
nd good stability. The improved gear double-side meshi
ng i
ntegrated measuri
ng i
nt adopts a steppi
ng motor to co
ntrol the rotatio
n of the gears, a
nd a
n eddy curre
nt se
nsor is used i
nstead of the mecha
nical micrometer to sample, a
nd a
n automatic measureme
nt of the radial comprehe
nsive error of the gear ca
n be achieved, which improves the measureme
nt accuracy a
nd elimi
nates the huma
n error. The i
nce of factors a
nd the improveme
nt of measureme
nt efficie
ncy have practical sig
nce. Keywords: Gear double-side meshi
ng comprehe
nsive measuri
ng i
nt; Gear radial comprehe
nsive error; Stepper motor; Gear 目录 摘要II Abstract III 第1章绪论- 1 - 1.1齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪现状- 1 - 1.1.1齿轮检测技术的发展- 1 - 1.2齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪发展趋势- 1 - 1.2.1齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪的理论研究现状- 1 - 1.2.2齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪市场需求及产品应用前景分析- 2 - 1.3课题要达到的设计目的- 2 - 第2章齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪方案设计及可行性论证- 3 - 2.1齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪方案设计- 3 - 2.1.1方案1自动化齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪- 3 - 2.1.2方案2滑板直线移动式双齿仪- 4 - 2.1.3方案3支架摆动式双齿仪- 4 - 2.2齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪方案可行性论证- 5 - 2.2.1方案1评价- 5 - 2.2.2方案2评价- 5 - 2.2.3方案3评价- 5 - 2.3方案确定- 5 - 第3章齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪设计计算- 5 - 3.1齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪的工作原理- 5 - 3.2轴的设计- 6 - 3.2.1轴的计算流程- 6 - 3.2.2轴的材料和毛坯- 6 - 3.2.3零件在轴上的定位形式- 7 - 3.2.4轴的设计计算- 7 - 3.3丝杠螺母副的计算- 9 - 3.3.1滚珠丝杠螺母副的组成- 9 - 3.3.2耐磨性计算- 10 - 3.3.3丝杠的强度计算14 3.3.4螺母凸缘的强度计算- 13 - 3.3.5丝杠的稳定性计算- 14 - 3.4滚动轴承的选用和计算- 15 - 3.4.1滚动轴承类型的选择- 15 - 3.4.2滚动轴承的构造及材料选择- 16 - 3.4.3滚动轴承的校核计算- 16 - 3.5联轴器的选用和计算- 17 - 3.5.1联轴器的类型- 17 - 3.5.2联轴器的选择原则- 17 - 3.5.3联轴器的选取计算- 18 - 3.6螺纹联接的选用计算- 19 - 3.6.1螺纹联接- 19 - 3.6.2螺纹联接计算- 19 - 3.7键的选用- 22 - 3.7.1键联接的分类- 22 - 3.7.2键联接的强度计算- 23 - 3.8销的选用- 24 - 3.8.1销的分类- 24 - 3.8.2销的强度计算- 24 - 3.9导轨的设计- 25 - 3.9.1导轨的作用和设计要求- 25 - 3.9.2导轨的主要结构- 25 - 3.10步进电机的选择- 26 - 3.10.1步进电机的定义- 26 - 3.10.2步进电机的种类- 26 - 3.10.3步进电机的特点- 26 - 3.11环境保护和可持续发展方面的思考32 3.11.1环境保护32 3.11.2可持续发展32 第4章产品使用与维护33 4.1齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪的使用33 4.2齿轮双面啮合综合测量仪的维护33 结论37 参考文献38 致谢40