We use forklifts whe
n ha
ng materials, a
nd the heavy bala
nce forklift is used a lot. This ki
nd of forklift is ofte
n used i
n factories, mi
ng areas, warehouses, statio
ns, docks, ports a
nd other places, mai
nly for ha
ng a
nd tra
ng large, packaged or palletized objects, which ca
n be loaded a
nd u
nloaded Stacki
ng objects or tra
ng goods over short dista
nces. The most importa
nt part of forklift is its hydraulic system. The hydraulic device ca
n co
ntrol the load to do lifti
ng, loweri
ng, tilti
ng, lateral moveme
nt a
nd so o
n. This time, we mai
nly desig
n the hydraulic co
ntrol system of the cou
nterweight forklift. First, we i
ntroduce the developme
nt status of the forklift, the backgrou
nd of the i
ndustry, a
nd its use. After a
nalysis, we determi
ne the most suitable scheme of the hydraulic system, a
nd determi
ne the basic operatio
n circuit i
n the schematic diagram of the hydraulic co
ntrol system; Next, the co
ntrol oil circuit is desig
ned. Through calculatio
n, the suitable hydraulic pump model a
nd differe
nt types of co
ntrol valves are selected, a
nd the auxiliary compo
nts required by the system are determi
ned; Fi
nally, CAD software is used to draw the schematic diagram of the system a
nd the ge
neral assembly drawi
ng of the hydraulic cyli
nder. This desig
n should i
ntegrate the professio
nal k
nowledge lear
ned i
n four years of U
niversity. For the compositio
n scheme of the cou
nterweight forklift, we will start with the mecha
nical desig
n, desig
n its hydraulic co
ntrol part, determi
ne the releva
nt process flow, so as to make the forklift work more safe a
nd reliable, work more efficie
ntly, a
nd co
nvert more flexibly, The whole desig
n should be i
n li
ne with the releva
nt theory to achieve the value it
needs. Key words: forklift, hydraulic system, oil circuit, hydraulic pump; co
ntrol valve 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论1 1.1研究背景及意义1 1.2叉车液压系统简介1 1.3国内外研究现况2 1.3.1国内现状2 1.3.2行业发展趋势2 1.3.3技术发展趋势3 第2章液压系统总体设计4 第3章液压元件的设计与选择11 3.1执行元件的选择11 3.1.1提升装置液压缸的设计与选择11 3.1.2倾斜装置液压缸的设计与选择12 3.2动力元件的选择13 3.2.1液压泵的选择13 3.2.2柴油发动机的选择14 3.3液压阀的选择14 3.3.1提升系统液压阀选择14 3.3.2倾斜系统液压阀选择15 3.3.3其他液压阀的选择15 3.4其他辅助元件的设计与选择16 3.4.1油箱设计16 3.4.2油管设计16 3.4.3蓄能器的选择17 3.4.4过滤器的选择17 第4章液压系统性能验算18 4.1液压系统压力损失18 4.1.1沿程压力损失18 4.1.2局部压力损失18 4.2热平衡验算19 总结20 参考文献21 致谢22
n ha
ng materials, a
nd the heavy bala
nce forklift is used a lot. This ki
nd of forklift is ofte
n used i
n factories, mi
ng areas, warehouses, statio
ns, docks, ports a
nd other places, mai
nly for ha
ng a
nd tra
ng large, packaged or palletized objects, which ca
n be loaded a
nd u
nloaded Stacki
ng objects or tra
ng goods over short dista
nces. The most importa
nt part of forklift is its hydraulic system. The hydraulic device ca
n co
ntrol the load to do lifti
ng, loweri
ng, tilti
ng, lateral moveme
nt a
nd so o
n. This time, we mai
nly desig
n the hydraulic co
ntrol system of the cou
nterweight forklift. First, we i
ntroduce the developme
nt status of the forklift, the backgrou
nd of the i
ndustry, a
nd its use. After a
nalysis, we determi
ne the most suitable scheme of the hydraulic system, a
nd determi
ne the basic operatio
n circuit i
n the schematic diagram of the hydraulic co
ntrol system; Next, the co
ntrol oil circuit is desig
ned. Through calculatio
n, the suitable hydraulic pump model a
nd differe
nt types of co
ntrol valves are selected, a
nd the auxiliary compo
nts required by the system are determi
ned; Fi
nally, CAD software is used to draw the schematic diagram of the system a
nd the ge
neral assembly drawi
ng of the hydraulic cyli
nder. This desig
n should i
ntegrate the professio
nal k
nowledge lear
ned i
n four years of U
niversity. For the compositio
n scheme of the cou
nterweight forklift, we will start with the mecha
nical desig
n, desig
n its hydraulic co
ntrol part, determi
ne the releva
nt process flow, so as to make the forklift work more safe a
nd reliable, work more efficie
ntly, a
nd co
nvert more flexibly, The whole desig
n should be i
n li
ne with the releva
nt theory to achieve the value it
needs. Key words: forklift, hydraulic system, oil circuit, hydraulic pump; co
ntrol valve 目录 摘要I Abstract II 第1章绪论1 1.1研究背景及意义1 1.2叉车液压系统简介1 1.3国内外研究现况2 1.3.1国内现状2 1.3.2行业发展趋势2 1.3.3技术发展趋势3 第2章液压系统总体设计4 第3章液压元件的设计与选择11 3.1执行元件的选择11 3.1.1提升装置液压缸的设计与选择11 3.1.2倾斜装置液压缸的设计与选择12 3.2动力元件的选择13 3.2.1液压泵的选择13 3.2.2柴油发动机的选择14 3.3液压阀的选择14 3.3.1提升系统液压阀选择14 3.3.2倾斜系统液压阀选择15 3.3.3其他液压阀的选择15 3.4其他辅助元件的设计与选择16 3.4.1油箱设计16 3.4.2油管设计16 3.4.3蓄能器的选择17 3.4.4过滤器的选择17 第4章液压系统性能验算18 4.1液压系统压力损失18 4.1.1沿程压力损失18 4.1.2局部压力损失18 4.2热平衡验算19 总结20 参考文献21 致谢22