液晶显示器主支架模具设计 摘要 本文主要介绍了显示器支架侧盖的注塑模具设计。其材料为ABS。根据ABS塑料的工艺特性和产品的使用要求,分析了显示器支架侧盖的结构特点和成型工艺。通过应用Pro/e软件对塑件进行模流分析的结果,可作为确定塑件的注射模结构以及工作过程的参考。采用pre/e软件进行3D分模,对模具进行了成型零部件、浇注系统、侧向抽芯机构、推出脱模机构及冷却系统的设计分析,并生成了爆炸图。 关键词:塑料模具;注射机;侧抽芯;冷却装置 Display Sta
nd Side cover Plastic I
n Mold Desig
n Abstract This article mai
nly i
ntroduced the display side cover i
n mold desig
n of the support. Its material is ABS. Accordi
ng to process characteristics a
nd product requireme
nts of the ABS plastic, a
nalyzes the display side cover structure characteristics a
nd moldi
ng process of the support. By usi
ng Pro/e software was carried out o
n the plastic parts mold flow a
nalysis, ca
n be used as a plastic part i
n mould structure a
nd worki
ng process of the refere
nce. Is 3 d parti
ng with the pre/e software, to the mold for moldi
ng parts lateral core-pulli
ng mecha
nism, gati
ng system, a
nd lau
nched demouldi
ng mecha
nism a
nd the desig
n of the cooli
ng system a
nalysis, a
nd ge
nerate the explosio
n diagram. Keywords: Plastic mold; I
n machi
ne; Side core-pulli
ng; Cooli
ng device 目录 1绪论1 1.1塑料制品的发展研究1 1.2我国模具技术的现状及发展趋势2 1.3采用注射模成形产品的优点3 2塑件成型分析设计4 2.1塑件分析4 2.2塑件材料分析5 2.3确定塑件设计批量7 2.4计算塑件的体积和质量7 2.5注塑机的预选择7 2.6塑件分型面的选择8 2.7型腔数目8 3成型零件结构设计与计算10 3.1成形零件的结构设计10 3.2成型零件工作尺寸的计算11 3.3型腔壁厚与底板厚度计算13 3.4侧向分型与抽芯机构的设计14 3.4.1气缸的设计14 3.4.2滑块的设计15 3.4.3楔紧块的设计16 4模具结构设计与计算17 4.1浇注系统的设计17 4.1.1浇口套的设计17 4.1.2分流道的设计18 4.1.3浇口的设计18 4.1.4定位圈的设计19 4.2脱模机构的设计19 4.3复位机构的设计20 4.4排气系统21 4.5导向机构的设计21 5塑料注射机的校核23 5.1最大注射量的校核23 5.2最大注射压力校核23 5.3锁模力的校核24 5.4模具厚度H与注射机闭合高度的校核24 5.5开模行程校核24 6模具的总体设计26 6.1模架的设计26 6.2模具的装配图: 26 7总结28 参考文献29 致谢30
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