阀体气动钻床夹具设计及其装配工艺规划 摘要 在机械制造各行业的工艺过程中广泛应用着各种不同的,用以固定加工对象,使之占有正确位置,以便接受加工的一种工艺装备,统称为夹具。因此,无论是在机械加工,装配,检验,还是在焊接,热处理等冷,热工艺中,以及运输工作中都大量采用夹具。而钻床夹具在机械加工中在保证产品优质,高产,低成本,充分发挥现有设备的潜力,以便工人掌握复杂或精密零件加工技术,以减轻繁重的体力劳动等诸方面起着巨大的作用。因此,钻床夹具的设计和使用是促进生产迅速发展的重要工艺措施之一。 本次设计内容涉及了机械制造工艺及钻床夹具设计、金属切削机床、公差合与测量等多方面的知识。 阀体零件加工工艺及钻4×M8螺纹底孔钻床夹具设计是包括零件加工的工艺设计、工序设计以及专用夹具的设计三部分。在工艺设计中要首先对零件进行分析,了解零件的工艺再设计出毛坯的结构,并选择好零件的加工基准,设计出零件的工艺路线;接着对零件各个工步的工序进行尺寸计算,关键是决定出各个工序的工艺装备及切削用量;然后进行专用夹具的设计,选择设计出夹具的各个组成部件,如定位元件、夹紧元件、引导元件、夹具体与机床的连接部件以及其它部件;计算出夹具定位时产生的定位误差,分析夹具结构的合理性与不足之处,并在以后设计中加以改进。 关键词:钻床;切削用量;夹紧;定位; The valve p
neumatic drill jig desig
n a
nd assembly process pla
ng Abstract I
n machi
nery ma
ng i
ndustries are widely used i
n the process of a variety of differe
nt, to a fixed processi
ng object, make it possess the right place, to accept the co
n of a ki
nd of process equipme
nt, collectively k
n as the jig. Therefore, whether i
n the mecha
nical processi
ng, assembly, i
n, weldi
ng, heat treatme
nt, such as cold, heat process, a
nd fixture is used i
n great qua
ntities i
n the tra
n work. The drill jig to guara
ntee the high quality products i
n the mecha
nical processi
ng, high yield, low cost, give full play to the pote
ntial of existi
ng equipme
nt, so that workers lear
n complex or precisio
n parts processi
ng tech
nology, i
n order to reduce the heavy ma
nual work a
nd so o
n various aspects plays a
n e
normous role. Therefore, the desig
n of drilli
ng jig a
nd use is o
ne of the importa
nt tech
nical measures to promote the developme
nt of productio
n quickly. The desig
n co
nt of the mecha
nical ma
ng tech
nology a
nd drill jig desig
n, metal cutti
ng machi
ne tool, tolera
nce a
nd measuri
ng aspects of k
nowledge. Should first a
nalyze the parts i
n the process desig
n, u
nd parts of tech
nology to desig
n the structure of bla
nk, a
nd choose the good parts processi
ng be
nchmark, desig
n process of the parts; The
n the parts size of each work step of the process, the key is to determi
ne the process equipme
nt for each process a
nd cutti
ng parameter; For the desig
n of special fixture, the
n select desig
n out of the compo
nt parts of the fixture, such as the positio
ng device, clampi
ng device, led compo
nts, specific co
n with machi
ne parts a
nd other parts; Calculated at the exit of fixture locati
ng positio
n error, a
nalysis the ratio
nality of the fixture structure a
nd deficie
ncy, a
nd pay atte
n to the improveme
nt i
n the later desig
n. Key Words: drilli
ng machi
ng dosage;clampi
ng; 主要符号表 f进给量 v切削速度 ap背吃刀量
n主轴转速 k安全系数 M切削扭矩 F夹紧力 T温度 ΔD定位误差 ΔY位移误差 ΔT加工误差 δF分度误差 目录 1绪论1 1.1前言1 1.2夹具简介1 1.2.1夹具定义1 1.2.2按夹具的通用特性分类2 1.3本文研究内容及要求3 2阀体定位设计4 2.1阀体的工艺分析4 2.1.1零件的功能、材料和性能4 2.1.2毛坯选择4 2.1.3毛坯形状的确定4 2.1.4形态分析6 2.2加工工艺6 2.2.1工序顺序的安排6 2.2.2制定工艺路线7 2.3切削用量的计算8 2.3.1粗铣下端面的切削用量计算9 2.3.2精铣下端面的切削用量的计算9 2.4阀体定位设计10 2.4.1工件以平面定位10 2.4.2工件以外圆柱定位10 2.4.3工件以内圆孔定位11 2.4.4对定位元件的基本要求11 2.4.5常用定位元件所能限制的自由度11 2.4.6定位误差分析12 2.4.7定位误差产生的原因12 2.4.8常用定位方式基准位移误差13 2.4.9定位误差的合成14 2.4.10六点定位原理14 2.4.11应用定位的几种情况14 3夹具设计15 3.1夹具夹紧方案的设计15 3.2夹紧力计算17 3.2.1夹紧装置的组成17 3.2.2夹紧装置的设计原则18 3.2.3定位夹紧力的基本原则18 3.2.4减小夹紧变形的措施19 4夹具体及分度装置21 4.1夹具体21 4.2分度装置21 5阀体零件的钻床夹具设计22 5.1钻床夹具的主要类型22 5.2钻模的设计22 5.2.1钻套的确定22 5.2.2钻套内孔的基本尺寸及公差配合的选择23 5.2.3钻模板的确定23 5.3阀体的螺纹孔分度钻模结构设计23 5.4工件的加工精度分析24 6阀体夹具的装配工艺25 总结28 致谢29 参考文献30
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