ntly ma
ny of our coal mi
ne has tur
ned to deep mi
ng. Mi
ne coal upgradi
ng equipme
nt as the key equipme
nt holds a
n importa
nt positio
n i
n mecha
nized productio
n of the mi
ne. The brakes are o
ne of the importa
nt compo
nts of a direct beari
ng o
n hoistthe safe operatio
n of equipme
nt. Multi-rope frictio
n hoist with small size, light weight, safe, reliable, a
nd stro
ng ability to upgrade apply to the deeper mi
ne hoist. I
n this paper, the braki
ng system for JK type hoist have bee
n desig
ned. I
n the hoist brake selectio
n process, because i
n rece
nt years disc brake is used i
n the
new brakes It's u
nique stre
ngths a
nd good safety performa
nce recog
nized by the majority of use。Especially i
n the light of the hydraulic co
ntrol system a
nd the PLC, Hydraulic System a
nd PLC super performa
nce of the disc brake provide treme
ndous platform for the work. Brake disc braki
ng force a
nd rely o
n the fuel ta
nk filled with oil that drives the pisto
n to compress spri
ng to achieve Disc. Hydraulic disc brakes as the latest developme
nt of a brake, which has ma
ny adva
ntages. Therefore it i
n a moder
n aircraft types to upgrade gai
n wider applicatio
n. It is the braki
ng force, flexibility stability, high se
nsitivity; o
n productio
n safety is of great sig
nce. Keywords: Hoist; Multi-rope frictio
n; Brake; Desig
n; Hydraulic drive. 目录 1绪论1 2提升机的选型设计3 2.1选型设计的基本原则3 2.2设计依据4 2.3提升方式的确定5 2.4提升容器的的选择及计算6 2.5提升钢丝绳的选择及计算9 2.5.1计算单位长度钢丝绳的重力p 9 2.5.2钢丝绳最大悬垂长度11 2.5.3验算安全系数m 11 2.6选择提升机12 2.6.1滚筒的设计12 2.6.2提升机的强度校核16 2.7选择天轮直径17 2.8提升机与井筒相对位置的确定18 2.8.1井架高度H 19 2.8.2提升机与井筒提升中心线水平距离L 19 2.8.3钢丝绳弦长L 20 2.8.4钢丝绳偏角20 2.8.5卷筒的下出绳角22 2.9提升系统运动、学动力学参数计算22 2.9.1预选电动机22 2.9.2提升系统变位质量23 2.9.3主加,减速度的确定23 2.9.4运动学参数计算25 2.9.5动力学参数计算28 2.10提升电机容量的校核31 2.10.1电动机的等效容量32 2.10.2按电动机发热条件校核32 2.10.3按正常运行时电动机过负荷能力校核33 2.10.4特殊过负荷校核33 2.11电耗及其效率34 2.11.1耗电量W’的计算(每KN电耗) 34 2.11.2提升设备效率34 2.12年产量验算35 3升机主轴的设计及校核36 4提升机的深度指示器44 4.1牌坊式深度指示器44 4.2圆盘式深度指示器45 5矿井提升机的制动装置48 5.1概述48 5.2盘式制动器50 5.2.1盘式制动器的结构及布置50 5.2.2盘式制动器工作原理53 5.3液压站55 5.3.1工作制动力矩的调节56 5.3.2安全制动59 5.4制动器及液压站的设计60 5.4.1 2JK-3/11.5型提升机盘闸制动器的主要参数: 60 5.4.2液压泵站的设计61 6减速器68 7联轴器、轴承和键的选择69 致谢70 参考文献71 1绪论 矿山提升设备是矿山运输中的咽喉设备占有特殊地位是井下与地面联系的主要工具。 矿山提升设备的用途是沿井筒提运矿石和废石,升降人员下放材料工具和设备。矿山提升设备在工作中如果一旦发生机械和电气故障就会造成停产甚至人身伤亡。为了保证生产和人员的安全,所以对矿山提升设备要求运行准确,安全可靠,必须配有性能良好的控制设备和保护装置。矿山提升设备的耗电量一般占总耗电量的3
ntly ma
ny of our coal mi
ne has tur
ned to deep mi
ng. Mi
ne coal upgradi
ng equipme
nt as the key equipme
nt holds a
n importa
nt positio
n i
n mecha
nized productio
n of the mi
ne. The brakes are o
ne of the importa
nt compo
nts of a direct beari
ng o
n hoistthe safe operatio
n of equipme
nt. Multi-rope frictio
n hoist with small size, light weight, safe, reliable, a
nd stro
ng ability to upgrade apply to the deeper mi
ne hoist. I
n this paper, the braki
ng system for JK type hoist have bee
n desig
ned. I
n the hoist brake selectio
n process, because i
n rece
nt years disc brake is used i
n the
new brakes It's u
nique stre
ngths a
nd good safety performa
nce recog
nized by the majority of use。Especially i
n the light of the hydraulic co
ntrol system a
nd the PLC, Hydraulic System a
nd PLC super performa
nce of the disc brake provide treme
ndous platform for the work. Brake disc braki
ng force a
nd rely o
n the fuel ta
nk filled with oil that drives the pisto
n to compress spri
ng to achieve Disc. Hydraulic disc brakes as the latest developme
nt of a brake, which has ma
ny adva
ntages. Therefore it i
n a moder
n aircraft types to upgrade gai
n wider applicatio
n. It is the braki
ng force, flexibility stability, high se
nsitivity; o
n productio
n safety is of great sig
nce. Keywords: Hoist; Multi-rope frictio
n; Brake; Desig
n; Hydraulic drive. 目录 1绪论1 2提升机的选型设计3 2.1选型设计的基本原则3 2.2设计依据4 2.3提升方式的确定5 2.4提升容器的的选择及计算6 2.5提升钢丝绳的选择及计算9 2.5.1计算单位长度钢丝绳的重力p 9 2.5.2钢丝绳最大悬垂长度11 2.5.3验算安全系数m 11 2.6选择提升机12 2.6.1滚筒的设计12 2.6.2提升机的强度校核16 2.7选择天轮直径17 2.8提升机与井筒相对位置的确定18 2.8.1井架高度H 19 2.8.2提升机与井筒提升中心线水平距离L 19 2.8.3钢丝绳弦长L 20 2.8.4钢丝绳偏角20 2.8.5卷筒的下出绳角22 2.9提升系统运动、学动力学参数计算22 2.9.1预选电动机22 2.9.2提升系统变位质量23 2.9.3主加,减速度的确定23 2.9.4运动学参数计算25 2.9.5动力学参数计算28 2.10提升电机容量的校核31 2.10.1电动机的等效容量32 2.10.2按电动机发热条件校核32 2.10.3按正常运行时电动机过负荷能力校核33 2.10.4特殊过负荷校核33 2.11电耗及其效率34 2.11.1耗电量W’的计算(每KN电耗) 34 2.11.2提升设备效率34 2.12年产量验算35 3升机主轴的设计及校核36 4提升机的深度指示器44 4.1牌坊式深度指示器44 4.2圆盘式深度指示器45 5矿井提升机的制动装置48 5.1概述48 5.2盘式制动器50 5.2.1盘式制动器的结构及布置50 5.2.2盘式制动器工作原理53 5.3液压站55 5.3.1工作制动力矩的调节56 5.3.2安全制动59 5.4制动器及液压站的设计60 5.4.1 2JK-3/11.5型提升机盘闸制动器的主要参数: 60 5.4.2液压泵站的设计61 6减速器68 7联轴器、轴承和键的选择69 致谢70 参考文献71 1绪论 矿山提升设备是矿山运输中的咽喉设备占有特殊地位是井下与地面联系的主要工具。 矿山提升设备的用途是沿井筒提运矿石和废石,升降人员下放材料工具和设备。矿山提升设备在工作中如果一旦发生机械和电气故障就会造成停产甚至人身伤亡。为了保证生产和人员的安全,所以对矿山提升设备要求运行准确,安全可靠,必须配有性能良好的控制设备和保护装置。矿山提升设备的耗电量一般占总耗电量的3