With the curre
nt developme
nt of scie
nce a
nd tech
nology, huma
n activities have become i
ngly i
nseparable from the productio
n machi
nery. Nowadays, Chi
na is a global ma
ng power, machi
nery a
nd equipme
nt i
ndustry i
n the developme
nt of a sig
nt impact o
n the
nal eco
nomy. We k
now that each of the adoptio
n of a product are produced by machi
nes, a
nd each machi
ne are composed of a variety of parts. Processi
ng tech
nology is to desig
n a program which ca
n meet the processi
ng requireme
nts a
nd improveme
nt of labor efficie
ncy through the a
nalysis of parts of size a
nd tech
nical requireme
nts. It is the bridge of the co
ntact betwee
n part desig
n a
nd ma
nufacture. The mai
n purpose of this paper is the desig
n of the outer race processi
ng tech
nology a
nd special fixture. Paper summarizes the backgrou
nd k
nowledge of the outer race, process desig
n a
nd a
nalysis, fixture desig
n a
nd related calculatio
ns a
nd drawi
ngs. Overall, the structure of the outer race is relatively simple. Its exter
nal surface is the rotati
ng surface, which ca
n be processed through the CNC lathe, so that processi
ng ca
n e
nsure quality but also e
nsures that processi
ng efficie
ncy a
nd the i
nal surface is more complex, there are lots of i
nal sphere a
nd a space curve surface with a arc segme
nt alo
ng the path to form. The two surface machi
ng accuracy is higher. This paper is to usi
ng a special fixture desig
ned to work arou
nd a fixed poi
nt of the arc o
n the required moveme
nt, through the moldi
ng a
nd formi
ng wheel cutter to process arc trough. This method is relatively simple o
n structure a
nd ca
n be easy to realize, eve
n a
n ordi
nary lathe ca
n fi
nish the surface processi
ng. This paper gives the fixture desig
n cutti
ng usage a
nd related terms, the fi
nal summarizi
ng the mai
n poi
nts of the e
ntire desig
n process, a
nd poi
ng out those shortcomi
ngs i
n this graduatio
n desig
n. Key words:Tech
nological desig
n Rough Special fixture The space curved face Outer race 目录 第一章绪论1 1.1零件简介1 1.1.1钟形壳的外形和结构1 1.1.2钟形壳的工作原理1 1.2研究的意义2 1.3设计条件和任务3 1.3.1设计条件3 1.3.2设计任务3 第二章工艺设计5 2.1零件图工艺性分析5 2.1.1零件功用和结构分析5 2.1.2零件的工艺性分析6 2.1.3技术条件分析及初定加工方式8 2.1.4设计思路流程图8 2.2毛坯的确定8 2.2.1毛坯的类型8 2.2.2毛坯余量的确定9 2.2.3毛坯模锻斜度和圆角10 2.2.4零件毛坯确定10 2.3机械工艺路线的确定11 2.3.1零件主要加工面的分析11 2.3.2定位基准的选择12 2.3.3零件加工顺序的确定12 2.3.4工序的组合13 2.3.5各加工表面加工余量的确定14 2.3.6设备及其工艺装备确定15 2.4切削用量及工时定额确定15 2.4.1钻中心孔16 2.4.2粗车外圆和端面17 2.4.3粗车内腔面20 2.4.4第二次粗车外圆及端面21 2.4.5滚压花键23 2.4.6.滚压螺纹M20*1.5 25 2.4.7半精车内球面至S 26 2.4.8粗铣滚道至及45°倒角27 2.4.9精铣滚道至28 2.4.10精车端面29 2.4.11磨内球面至S 30 2.4.12粗磨滚道至31 2.4.13精磨滚道32 第三章粗铣滚道夹具设计说明书34 3.1工序尺寸精度分析34 3.2定位方案分析及确定35 3.3定位误差的分析和计算37 3.4计算切削力和夹紧力38 3.5夹具工作原理38 结论40 致谢41 参考文献42 附录43 第一章绪论 1.1零件简介 1.1.1钟形壳的外形和结构 钟形壳零件的成品如图1.1,它属于回旋体零件,零件一端是一个类似钟形的壳,壳的内表面由一些球面和圆弧槽构成,是零件的主要工作
nt developme
nt of scie
nce a
nd tech
nology, huma
n activities have become i
ngly i
nseparable from the productio
n machi
nery. Nowadays, Chi
na is a global ma
ng power, machi
nery a
nd equipme
nt i
ndustry i
n the developme
nt of a sig
nt impact o
n the
nal eco
nomy. We k
now that each of the adoptio
n of a product are produced by machi
nes, a
nd each machi
ne are composed of a variety of parts. Processi
ng tech
nology is to desig
n a program which ca
n meet the processi
ng requireme
nts a
nd improveme
nt of labor efficie
ncy through the a
nalysis of parts of size a
nd tech
nical requireme
nts. It is the bridge of the co
ntact betwee
n part desig
n a
nd ma
nufacture. The mai
n purpose of this paper is the desig
n of the outer race processi
ng tech
nology a
nd special fixture. Paper summarizes the backgrou
nd k
nowledge of the outer race, process desig
n a
nd a
nalysis, fixture desig
n a
nd related calculatio
ns a
nd drawi
ngs. Overall, the structure of the outer race is relatively simple. Its exter
nal surface is the rotati
ng surface, which ca
n be processed through the CNC lathe, so that processi
ng ca
n e
nsure quality but also e
nsures that processi
ng efficie
ncy a
nd the i
nal surface is more complex, there are lots of i
nal sphere a
nd a space curve surface with a arc segme
nt alo
ng the path to form. The two surface machi
ng accuracy is higher. This paper is to usi
ng a special fixture desig
ned to work arou
nd a fixed poi
nt of the arc o
n the required moveme
nt, through the moldi
ng a
nd formi
ng wheel cutter to process arc trough. This method is relatively simple o
n structure a
nd ca
n be easy to realize, eve
n a
n ordi
nary lathe ca
n fi
nish the surface processi
ng. This paper gives the fixture desig
n cutti
ng usage a
nd related terms, the fi
nal summarizi
ng the mai
n poi
nts of the e
ntire desig
n process, a
nd poi
ng out those shortcomi
ngs i
n this graduatio
n desig
n. Key words:Tech
nological desig
n Rough Special fixture The space curved face Outer race 目录 第一章绪论1 1.1零件简介1 1.1.1钟形壳的外形和结构1 1.1.2钟形壳的工作原理1 1.2研究的意义2 1.3设计条件和任务3 1.3.1设计条件3 1.3.2设计任务3 第二章工艺设计5 2.1零件图工艺性分析5 2.1.1零件功用和结构分析5 2.1.2零件的工艺性分析6 2.1.3技术条件分析及初定加工方式8 2.1.4设计思路流程图8 2.2毛坯的确定8 2.2.1毛坯的类型8 2.2.2毛坯余量的确定9 2.2.3毛坯模锻斜度和圆角10 2.2.4零件毛坯确定10 2.3机械工艺路线的确定11 2.3.1零件主要加工面的分析11 2.3.2定位基准的选择12 2.3.3零件加工顺序的确定12 2.3.4工序的组合13 2.3.5各加工表面加工余量的确定14 2.3.6设备及其工艺装备确定15 2.4切削用量及工时定额确定15 2.4.1钻中心孔16 2.4.2粗车外圆和端面17 2.4.3粗车内腔面20 2.4.4第二次粗车外圆及端面21 2.4.5滚压花键23 2.4.6.滚压螺纹M20*1.5 25 2.4.7半精车内球面至S 26 2.4.8粗铣滚道至及45°倒角27 2.4.9精铣滚道至28 2.4.10精车端面29 2.4.11磨内球面至S 30 2.4.12粗磨滚道至31 2.4.13精磨滚道32 第三章粗铣滚道夹具设计说明书34 3.1工序尺寸精度分析34 3.2定位方案分析及确定35 3.3定位误差的分析和计算37 3.4计算切削力和夹紧力38 3.5夹具工作原理38 结论40 致谢41 参考文献42 附录43 第一章绪论 1.1零件简介 1.1.1钟形壳的外形和结构 钟形壳零件的成品如图1.1,它属于回旋体零件,零件一端是一个类似钟形的壳,壳的内表面由一些球面和圆弧槽构成,是零件的主要工作