The project of this graduatio
n project is to a
nalyze the thermoformi
ng process of a desig
nated plastic part a
nd complete the mold structure desig
n of the moldi
ng a
nd ma
ng. This time, the selected plastic parts belo
ng to the shell type of plastic products. This time, the desig
n is a four hole screw cover plastic part. The outside of the four hole screw cover is required to have a very beautiful upper surface with high surface requireme
nts. Because it is a product related to food, this time, it is co
nsidered to use e
ntal protectio
n grade materials as this product. After the tech
nical requireme
nts are specified, the mai
n schemes such as parti
ng surface a
nd cavity are fi
nalized. After the first mock exam is take
n to co
nsider the factors such as the size a
nd the productio
n efficie
ncy, the fi
nal mold is mai
nly made up of two cavity. The casti
ng poi
nt is used for the gati
ng side filli
ng method. Before the mold desig
n, it is
necessary to a
nalyze the material selectio
n a
nd moldi
ng process of plastic parts a
nd determi
ne the i
n moldi
ng machi
ne. Therefore, this mold desig
n selects a more suitable i
n moldi
ng machi
ne a
nd checks a
nd calculates several importa
nt parameters of the i
n moldi
ng machi
ne. The parti
ng surface of the plastic mold is selected a
nd desig
ned. Through the compariso
n a
nd a
nalysis of ma
ny ki
nds of data, we ca
n choose the most reaso
nable scheme by i
ng various factors. All the parts a
nd assembly drawi
ngs of the mold are draw
n i
nto UG a
nd CAD electro
nic files. The drawi
ng of UG drawi
ng is do
ne by CAD software. The desig
n drawi
ng of the mecha
nism a
nd mold base of the plastic part is made, a
nd the two-dime
nal CAD assembly drawi
ng a
nd the mai
n part drawi
ng are draw
n. The
n, the importa
nt parameters of the die are desig
ned a
nd checked i
n a systematic way to complete the whole desig
n. Key Words: plastic four hole screw cap; i
n mold; mold desig
n; side core pulli
ng mecha
nism; 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1前言1 1.1塑料简介1 1.2注塑成型及注塑模1 2材料分析4 2.1塑料的基本特性4 2.2塑件材料成型性能5 2.3塑件材料的主要用途5 3塑件的工艺分析7 3.1塑料件的外形设计7 3.2塑料件的表面粗糙度7 3.3塑料件的体积与质量8 3.4注射机的选择与校核8 3.4.1预估整模具成型需求的体积8 3.4.1选定模具恰用的注射机10 4成型工艺方案及模具结构的分析和确定11 4.1注射成型工艺过程分析11 4.2浇口种类的确定12 4.3型腔的数量选择12 4.4分型面的设计12 4.5型腔的布局13 5注射模具结构设计14 5.1浇注系统的设计14 5.1.1浇注系统组成14 5.1.2设计浇注系统的原则14 5.1.3主流道的设计14 5.1.4分流道的设计16 5.1.5浇口的设计17 5.1.6冷料穴的设计19 5.2注射模成型零部件的设计20 5.2.1成型零部件结构设计20 5.3成型零部件工作尺寸的计算21 5.3.1成型凹模尺寸计算校核21 5.3.2成型凸模尺寸计算校核22 5.4排气结构设计23 5.5脱模机构的设计23 5.5.1脱模机构的选用原则23 5.5.2脱模机构类型的选择24 5.5.3标准圆形推杆机构具体设计24 5.6注射模温度调节系统25 5.6.1温度调节对塑件质量的影响25 5.6.2冷却系统之设计规则26 5.7模架及标准件的选用27 5.8侧向抽芯机构类型选择28 5.8.1滑块的设计29 5.8.2导滑槽设计29 5.8.3滑块定位装置设计30 5.8.4楔紧块设计30 5.8.5斜导柱抽芯机构的结构形式30 5.8.6滑块的抽芯机构设计30 6注塑机与模具安装校核32 6.1注射量的校核32 6.2注射机材料成型压力校核32 6.3塑料件在分型面上的投影面积与锁模力的校核32 6.4模具与注塑机安装模具部分尺寸校核33 6.5模具运动的行程尺寸校核34 7模具材料的选用36 总结37 致谢38 参考文献39 附录A 40 附录B 41 1前言 模具是国民经济生产的一项重要的工具,在各行各业的生产过程中,模具的使用与制造也日益受到了人们的关注。在轿车,数码,家具,手机等消耗品等行业中,60%至80%的零部件的生产需要用到模具的成型。模具的使用可以使生产出来的零件具有高度一致性,高精度,容易加工等一系列优
n project is to a
nalyze the thermoformi
ng process of a desig
nated plastic part a
nd complete the mold structure desig
n of the moldi
ng a
nd ma
ng. This time, the selected plastic parts belo
ng to the shell type of plastic products. This time, the desig
n is a four hole screw cover plastic part. The outside of the four hole screw cover is required to have a very beautiful upper surface with high surface requireme
nts. Because it is a product related to food, this time, it is co
nsidered to use e
ntal protectio
n grade materials as this product. After the tech
nical requireme
nts are specified, the mai
n schemes such as parti
ng surface a
nd cavity are fi
nalized. After the first mock exam is take
n to co
nsider the factors such as the size a
nd the productio
n efficie
ncy, the fi
nal mold is mai
nly made up of two cavity. The casti
ng poi
nt is used for the gati
ng side filli
ng method. Before the mold desig
n, it is
necessary to a
nalyze the material selectio
n a
nd moldi
ng process of plastic parts a
nd determi
ne the i
n moldi
ng machi
ne. Therefore, this mold desig
n selects a more suitable i
n moldi
ng machi
ne a
nd checks a
nd calculates several importa
nt parameters of the i
n moldi
ng machi
ne. The parti
ng surface of the plastic mold is selected a
nd desig
ned. Through the compariso
n a
nd a
nalysis of ma
ny ki
nds of data, we ca
n choose the most reaso
nable scheme by i
ng various factors. All the parts a
nd assembly drawi
ngs of the mold are draw
n i
nto UG a
nd CAD electro
nic files. The drawi
ng of UG drawi
ng is do
ne by CAD software. The desig
n drawi
ng of the mecha
nism a
nd mold base of the plastic part is made, a
nd the two-dime
nal CAD assembly drawi
ng a
nd the mai
n part drawi
ng are draw
n. The
n, the importa
nt parameters of the die are desig
ned a
nd checked i
n a systematic way to complete the whole desig
n. Key Words: plastic four hole screw cap; i
n mold; mold desig
n; side core pulli
ng mecha
nism; 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1前言1 1.1塑料简介1 1.2注塑成型及注塑模1 2材料分析4 2.1塑料的基本特性4 2.2塑件材料成型性能5 2.3塑件材料的主要用途5 3塑件的工艺分析7 3.1塑料件的外形设计7 3.2塑料件的表面粗糙度7 3.3塑料件的体积与质量8 3.4注射机的选择与校核8 3.4.1预估整模具成型需求的体积8 3.4.1选定模具恰用的注射机10 4成型工艺方案及模具结构的分析和确定11 4.1注射成型工艺过程分析11 4.2浇口种类的确定12 4.3型腔的数量选择12 4.4分型面的设计12 4.5型腔的布局13 5注射模具结构设计14 5.1浇注系统的设计14 5.1.1浇注系统组成14 5.1.2设计浇注系统的原则14 5.1.3主流道的设计14 5.1.4分流道的设计16 5.1.5浇口的设计17 5.1.6冷料穴的设计19 5.2注射模成型零部件的设计20 5.2.1成型零部件结构设计20 5.3成型零部件工作尺寸的计算21 5.3.1成型凹模尺寸计算校核21 5.3.2成型凸模尺寸计算校核22 5.4排气结构设计23 5.5脱模机构的设计23 5.5.1脱模机构的选用原则23 5.5.2脱模机构类型的选择24 5.5.3标准圆形推杆机构具体设计24 5.6注射模温度调节系统25 5.6.1温度调节对塑件质量的影响25 5.6.2冷却系统之设计规则26 5.7模架及标准件的选用27 5.8侧向抽芯机构类型选择28 5.8.1滑块的设计29 5.8.2导滑槽设计29 5.8.3滑块定位装置设计30 5.8.4楔紧块设计30 5.8.5斜导柱抽芯机构的结构形式30 5.8.6滑块的抽芯机构设计30 6注塑机与模具安装校核32 6.1注射量的校核32 6.2注射机材料成型压力校核32 6.3塑料件在分型面上的投影面积与锁模力的校核32 6.4模具与注塑机安装模具部分尺寸校核33 6.5模具运动的行程尺寸校核34 7模具材料的选用36 总结37 致谢38 参考文献39 附录A 40 附录B 41 1前言 模具是国民经济生产的一项重要的工具,在各行各业的生产过程中,模具的使用与制造也日益受到了人们的关注。在轿车,数码,家具,手机等消耗品等行业中,60%至80%的零部件的生产需要用到模具的成型。模具的使用可以使生产出来的零件具有高度一致性,高精度,容易加工等一系列优