摘要 实际应用中,车床主要进行车外圆、车端面和镗孔等工作。车削很少在其他种类的机床上进行,而且任何一种其它机床都不像车床那样方便的进行车削加工。由于车床还可以用来钻孔和铰孔,车床的多功能性可以使工件一次安装中进行几种加工。因此,在生产中使用的各种车床比任何其它种类的机床都多。 现代机床正在向高速度化、高精度化、高柔性化、高自动化、高可靠性等方向发展。CM6150型车床是一种中型精密普通机床,它具有操作方便,轻巧,结构简单,工艺性好,振动、噪声小,加工精度高,生产率高等优点。因此它被广泛的应用在各种车间。本设计以CM6150机床为基础,进行了车床中若干部件的设计。本设计的主要内容包括以下三部分: 主轴箱的设计,这部分主要包括:总体的设计与布局、各传动轴的设计及验算、主轴的设计及验算、各齿轮的设计及验算、主轴箱CAD图的绘制。 变速箱的设计,这部分主要包括:主要参数的选择原则,确定个档变速齿轮的模数、齿数等齿轮参数。 齿轮计算和轴的计算,对齿轮的接触强度和弯曲强度进行计算,进行轴的设计。介绍了轴的结构,轴径的选择方法,计算个档位的弯矩,扭矩,并找出轴的危险截面进行强度校核。 关键字:主轴箱;变速箱;传动 Abstract Lathes are machi
ne tools desig
ned primarily to do tur
ng, faci
ng, a
nd bori
ng. Very little tur
ng is do
ne o
n other types of machi
ne tools, a
ne ca
n do it with equal facility. Because lathes also ca
n do drilli
ng a
nd reami
ng, their versatility permits several operatio
ns to be do
ne with a si
ngle setup of the workpiece. Co
ntly, more lathes of various type are used i
n ma
ng tha
n a
ny other machi
ne tool. The developme
nt of the machi
ne tool has the followi
ng te
ncies: high velocity, high precisio
n, high automatio
n a
nd high reliability etc. However, The CM6150 is a medium-sized lathe with high precisio
n. It has followi
ng adva
ntages such as co
nt operati
ng, simple structure, good crafti
ng, low
noise a
nd vibratio
n, high ma
ng accuracy, high productivity a
nd so o
n. So it is widely used i
n ki
nds of workshops. The desig
n is based o
n CM6150 machi
ne, a lathe i
n the desig
n of a
number of compo
nts.This desig
n i
ncludes three parts below: Desig
n of the mai
n shaft box,What is i
nvolved i
n this part are: the total layout a
nd desig
n, the desig
n a
nd calculati
ng of each tra
ng shaft, the desig
n of spi
ndle, desig
n of each gear a
nd the CAD drawi
ng of the spi
ndle box. Desig
n of the tra
n box ,What is i
nvolved i
n this part are: I explai
ned the choosi
ng pri
nciple of the mai
n parameters I determi
ned some parameters about gears, for example, the helical a
ngle, the tooth width, the tooth
number etc. Gears ’s calculated a
nd shaft ’s calculated ,I calculated the rigidity a
nd stre
ngth about the mai
n gears. I desig
ned shaft a
nd i
ntroduced their structure, the choosi
ng method of their radius, I fou
nd their hazardous sectio
n ,the
n calculated the rigidity a
nd stre
ngth. Keywords: the mai
n shaft box; the tra
n box; tra
n 目录 摘要I Abstract II 1引言1 1.1车床简介及发展概况1 1.2本课题的目的和意义.................................................................................................2 2机床总体设计.........................................................................................................................3 2.1参数拟定3 2.1.1主要参数3 2.1.2确定转数公比值、转数数列、调速范围3 2.2总体布局3 2.2.1影响本机床总体布局的基本因素3 2.2.2布局简图5 2.2.3机床设计应满足的基本要求............................................................................5 3主传动系统设计6 3.1主传动系统概述..........................................................................................................6 3.1.1主传动的功用....................................................................................................6 3.1.2主传动的组成....................................................................................................6 3.1.3主传动系统的设计要求....................................................................................6 3.2传动方案确定10 3.2.1集中传动方式10 3.2.2分离传动方式10 3.3论证并确定合理的结构式和转速图11 3.3.1主变速系统传动系设计的一般原则11 3.3.2确定转速图11 3.3.3几点补充说明12 3.4齿数的确定14 3.4.1在确定齿数时应注意的几个问题14 3.4.2齿数的最终确定14 3.5拟定主传动系统图15 3.6确定带轮直径16 3.7计算主轴转速误差17 3.8原理简单叙述18 4传动件估算19 4.1主轴及各传动轴、各传动齿轮的计算转速19 4.1.1主轴的计算转速19 4.1.2各传动轴的计算转速19 4.1.3各齿轮计算转速19 4.2主轴支承轴颈尺寸和内孔径尺寸的确定20 4.2.1主轴前轴直径的确定20 4.2.2主轴后轴直径的确定20 4.2.3主轴内孔径的确定20 4.3传动轴直径初定20 4.4传动齿轮模数的初步计算21 5结构设计24 5.1带轮设计24 5.2制动机构设计24 5.3主轴的支承形式设计24 5.4轴的轴向固定25 5.5齿轮块设计25 5.6其它传动轴轴承的选择26 5.7主轴端部的结构形式26 5.8主轴的润滑与密封26 5.9操纵机构设计27 6主要零件核算29 6.1主轴强度校核29 6.1.1求切削力Fc和背向力错误!未找到引用源。 29 6.1.2求该轴齿轮受力30 6.1.3作出受力图、弯矩图、扭矩图30 6.1.4校核轴的强度31 6.2花键联接强度校核32 6.3齿轮的强度计算33 6.4滚动轴承的校核35 7结论37 致谢.........................................................................................................................................38 参考文献39 附录A英文原文40 附录B汉语翻译.......................................................................................................................47
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