制药工程专业XX级班XX 指导老师:XX 摘要:盐酸多奈哌齐是属于第二代乙酰胆碱酯酶抑制剂,它能可逆性地抑制乙酰胆碱酯酶所引起的乙酰胆碱水解,从而增加受体部位的乙酰胆碱酯含量,进而增强乙酰胆碱的生理作用。临床上作为治疗阿尔兹海默症的首选药物。本设计从可行性出发,设计了年产一亿颗盐酸多奈哌齐胶囊剂的工艺流程、物料衡算、设备选型、平面布置等。本着符合GMP要求、可操作性的角度出发,设计有一般中小型制药厂所需具备的简单、经济、合理、安全等优良性质。通过此次设计,使所学理论知识运用到实际设计中来,大大锻炼了学生能力。 关键词:盐酸多奈哌齐;工艺流程;物料衡算;生产设备;车间布置 窗体顶端 Abstract: do
nepezil hydrochloride belo
ngs to the seco
nd ge
n acetylcholi
nesterase i
nhibitor that reversibly i
nhibit the hydrolysis of acetylcholi
ne caused by acetylcholi
nesterase, thereby i
ng acetylcholi
ne receptor sites ester co
nt, thus e
ng the physiological role of acetylcholi
ne. As the drug of choice for the treatme
nt of Alzheimer's disease cli
nically. This desig
n starti
ng from feasibility, desig
n process o
ne hu
ndred millio
n a
nual do
nepezil hydrochloride capsules, material bala
nce, equipme
nt selectio
n, layout a
nd so o
n. I
n the GMP requireme
nts, operatio
nal poi
nt of view, the desig
n of most small a
nd medium pharmaceutical required of simple good
nature of eco
nomic, reaso
nable, a
nd security. With this graduatio
n project, so that the theory of k
nowledge i
nto actual desig
n to greatly exercise the stude
nts' ability.窗体底端 窗体顶端 Abstract: do
nepezil hydrochloride belo
ngs to the seco
nd ge
n acetylcholi
nesterase i
nhibitor that reversibly i
nhibit the hydrolysis of acetylcholi
ne caused by acetylcholi
nesterase, thereby i
ng acetylcholi
ne receptor sites ester co
nt, thus e
ng the physiological role of acetylcholi
ne. As the drug of choice for the treatme
nt of Alzheimer's disease cli
nically. This desig
n starti
ng from feasibility, desig
n process o
ne hu
ndred millio
n a
nual do
nepezil hydrochloride capsules, material bala
nce, equipme
nt selectio
n, layout a
nd so o
n. I
n the GMP requireme
nts, operatio
nal poi
nt of view, the desig
n of most small a
nd medium pharmaceutical required of simple good
nature of eco
nomic, reaso
nable, a
nd security. With this graduatio
n project, so that the theory of k
nowledge i
nto actual desig
n to greatly exercise the stude
nts' ability.窗体顶端 窗体顶端 A
n a
nual output of o
ne hu
ndred millio
n do
nepezil hydrochloride capsules productio
n workshop desig
n Pharmaceutical E
ng 2011 Ze
ng Fei Ya
n I
nstructor: Xiao Xi
ng窗体底端 A workshop desig
n about a
nual output of o
ne hu
ndred millio
n do
nepezil hydrochloride capsules Pharmaceutical E
ng Class XX GradeXX : XX I
nstructor: XX Abstract: do
nepezil hydrochloride belo
ngs to the seco
nd ge
n acetylcholi
nesterase i
nhibitor that reversibly i
nhibit the hydrolysis of acetylcholi
ne caused by acetylcholi
nesterase, thereby i
ng acetylcholi
ne receptor sites ester co
nt, thus e
ng the physiological role of acetylcholi
ne. As the drug of choice for the treatme
nt of Alzheimer's disease cli
nically. This desig
n starti
ng from feasibility, desig
ns the process flow ,material bala
nce, equipme
nt selectio
n a
nd layout of o
ne hu
ndred millio
n a
nual do
nepezil hydrochloride capsules.With the GMP requireme
nts a
nd operatio
nal poi
nt of view, the desig
n co
ns that the most small a
nd medium pharmaceutical require simple, eco
nomic, reaso
nable, a
nd security good
nature. With this graduatio
n project, the theory of k
nowledge i
nto actual desig
n greatly exercise the stude
nts' ability. Keywords: Do
nepezil hydrochloride; Process flow; Material bala
nce; Productio
n equipme
nt; Pla
nt layout 窗体底端 窗体底端 目录 一、概述1 1.1胶囊剂的概述1 1.2盐酸多奈哌齐胶囊剂的概述1 二、指导思想和设计原则3 2.1指导思想3 2.2设计原则3 2. 2.1厂区的选择和布置3 2. 2.2工艺流程3 2.2.3设备的选型4 2.2.4制剂车间的布置4 2.2.5空调净化系统4 三、生产工艺5 3.1工艺规定5 3.2工艺设计参数5 3.3工艺设计6 四、生产工艺的物料衡算10 4.1物料衡算10 4.2物料工艺流程15 4.3物料平衡表16 图4-2各组分物料流程图17 五、主要设备选型19 5.1主要设备选择19 5.1.1粉碎19 5.1.2筛分20 5.1.3混合21 5.1.4制粒22 5.1.5干燥23 5.1.6填充24 5.1.7抛光25 5.1.8包装26 5.2主要设备选型一览表: 28 六、车间布置设计30 6.1车间区域布置30 6.2车间总体布置31 6.2.1粉碎、筛分车间平面设计32 6.2.2称量配料车间平面设计32 6.2.3混合车间平面设计32 5.2.4制粒车间平面设计32 6.2.5干燥车间平面设计32 6.2.6填充车间平面设计33 6.2.7包装车间平面设计33 6.2.8车间布置表33 6.3车间布置图35 七、空调净化系统设计36 7.1净化系统概述36 7.2设计参数36 7.3净化系统设计37 八、环境保护39 8.1环境保护至关重要39 8.2制剂生产污染的特点39 8.3三废的处理39 九、谢辞41 参考文献42
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