摘要 本次设计的任务是北京市一栋综合教学楼的供热系统施工设计及绿洲小区换热站施工设计。 教学楼建筑高度是35.7m,建筑面积大约为9316.4㎡。采暖部分为9层,供热除了楼梯间与大厅的所有房间。 热源采用的是市政热网,室内采暖供回水温度为85/60℃。以北京市当地的冬季室外气象参数及围护结构的热工计算参数为依据,计算出该综合教学楼的热负荷。 根据教学楼结构,房间用途和及经济性和技术可行性比较,采用了竖向分两区,各区又分两支,垂直单管顺流上供下回同程式热水采暖系统。 本次设计采用散热器供暖的采暖方式,考虑到到新型散热器--铜铝散热器较传统铸铁等散热器的优点,选用该种类型的散热器。根据教学楼内各房间负荷大小(预计算需散热器组数)及构造,将系统立管位置确定,算出各组散热器片数,做出水力计算草图并进行水力计算。 最后根据小区整体情况,进行换热站设计。 关键词:热负荷散热器水力计算换热站 ABSTRACT The graduatio
n project's missio
n is to Beiji
ng a comprehe
nsive teachi
ng buildi
ng desig
n a
nd co
n of heati
ng systems heat tra
nsfer statio
n co
n desig
n district oasis. Teachi
ng buildi
ng buildi
ng height is 35.7m, gross floor area of approximately 9,316.4 square meters. Heati
ng part of the 9-layer, heat i
n additio
n to the stairwell a
nd hall all rooms. Heat is used i
n mu
nicipal heati
network, i
ndoor heati
ng supply a
nd retur
n water temperature of 85/60 ℃. I
n Beiji
ng the local wi
nter outdoor meteorological parameters a
nd the thermal e
nvelope calculatio
n parameters as the basis to calculate the comprehe
nsive teachi
ng buildi
ng heat load. Accordi
ng to the teachi
ng buildi
ng structure, purpose a
nd the room a
nd the tech
nical feasibility a
nd eco
nomic compariso
n, usi
ng a vertical two-zo
ne, the district was divided i
nto two vertical si
ngle-pipe memorial program the
next time the same hot water heati
ng system. The desig
n uses a radiator heati
ng heati
ng methods, taki
ng i
nto accou
nt the
new radiator - copper a
nd alumi
num radiators tha
n traditio
nal cast iro
n radiators adva
ntages, the choice of this type of radiator. Accordi
ng to the teachi
ng buildi
ng of the room load size (
number of groups precomputed
need radiator) a
nd the structure of the system riser positio
n to determi
ne, calculate the
number of each group radiator, make sketches a
nd hydraulic calculatio
n for hydraulic calculatio
ns. Fi
nally, accordi
ng to the whole cell, co
ng heat tra
nsfer statio
n desig
n. Keywords: Heat load radiator hydraulic calculatio
n heat tra
nsfer statio
n 引言3 1.工程概况4 2.采暖热负荷计算6 2.1热负荷计算原理7 2.2热负荷计算9 3.采暖系统的选择与确定11 3.1供热系统分类11 3.2供热方案12 4.散热器的选型计算13 4.1散热设备的选取原则13 4.1.1散热设备的基本要求13 4.1.2散热器选取的规定13 4.1.3散热器布置的注意事项14 4.2散热器选定14 4.3散热器的计算15 4.3.1计算原理15 4.3.2散热器的片数示例计算16 5.系统水力计算18 5.1确定系统原理图18 5.2水力计算示例19 6 .换热站的设计计算20 6.1换热站设计的基本情况20 6.2换热站的设备选型20 6.2.1换热站热负荷的确定20 6.2.2换热器的选择与计算21 6.3水泵的选择与计算22 6.4换热站换热设备的工艺布置27 6.5供热管道的保温27 结尾致谢词28
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