摘要 随着国民经济的持续快速增长,社会对汽车运输的要求也越来越高,自卸汽车是通过液压系统来实现车厢举升并且能自动准确降落回位的汽车,它能够自动卸货,在道路运输,建筑等领域都应用广泛。自卸汽车作为专用汽车中一个分支,几十年来在我国快速发展,陆续出现了多种多样的型式,其中最常见的是后倾式自卸汽车,但是近10年来我国专用汽车生产的品种少且单一,缺乏创新,相较于国外等发达国家仍然比较落后,所以需要不断创新和发展,研究新的种类和技术,提高产品的质量,对于我国而言是非常重要的任务。 本文首先对自卸汽车国内外的研究现状作了相关的概述,讲述了本文研究的意义。接着,按照自卸汽车的设计步骤,选择合适的二类底盘,参照型号为CA3071PK2AEA80的二类底盘,对汽车的外廓尺寸、轮距与轴距尺寸以及整车的装载质量、整备质量、总质量等参数进行了相关的计算与设计,再对举升机构和液压系统进行设计选型然后对其关键部分进行校核以确保设计满足要求,最后进行catia三维画图。 关键字:自卸汽车;举升机构;液压系统 ABSTRACT Alo
ng with the sustai
ned a
nd rapid growth of the
nal eco
nomy, the society is becomi
ng more a
nd more high to the requireme
nt of motor tra
nsport, car by hydraulic system to impleme
nt the carriage self-dischargi
ng a
nd ca
n automatic la
ng retur
n car accurately, it ca
n automatic u
ng, i
n the road tra
nsport, co
n a
nd other fields are widely used. Dump trucks as a
new bra
nch of special vehicles, after decades of rapid developme
nt i
n our cou
ntry, have a variety of forms, o
ne of the most commo
n is backward of dump truck, but less varieties of specialized automobile productio
n i
n Chi
na i
n rece
nt 10 years a
nd a si
ngle, lack of i
n, compared with foreig
n developed cou
ntries such as still relatively backward, so
need to co
nt i
n a
nd developme
nt, research
new types a
nd tech
nologies, improve the quality of the product, is a very importa
nt task for our cou
ntry. At first, this paper gives a
n overview of the research status of dump trucks at home a
nd abroad, a
nd describes the sig
nce of this study. The
n, accordi
ng to the desig
n steps of the dump truck, select the appropriate category ii chassis, refere
nce model for CA3071PK2AEA80 seco
nd class chassis, the car outside of the profile size, the size of the wheel track a
nd wheelbase a
nd vehicle loadi
ng quality, curb weight, total quality a
nd releva
nt calculatio
n a
nd desig
n, the parameters of lifti
ng mecha
nism a
nd hydraulic system desig
n a
nd type selectio
n A
nd the
n to check to e
nsure that the desig
n of its key parts meet the requireme
nts, fi
nally carries o
n the catia 3 d drawi
ng. Key Words:Dump truck ;lifti
ng mecha
nism; hydraulic system 目录 摘要Ⅰ ABSTRACT Ⅱ 1绪论1 1.1引言1 1.2国内外专用车辆的发展概况1 1.3研究本课题的目的和意义2 1.4自卸汽车的概述2 2自卸汽车总体设计4 2.1总体设计方案确定4 2.2二类底盘的选择4 2.3主要尺寸参数5 2.4本章小结6 3举升机构和液压系统的设计7 3.1举升机构的选型7 3.2举升机构最大举升角的确定8 3.3举升机构的结构设计10 3.4液压系统的设计13 3.5本章小结17 4自卸汽车稳定性及运动部件的校核18 4.1自卸汽车稳定性计算校核18 4.2自卸汽车运动部件干涉的校核19 4.3本章小结21 5结论22 参考文献23 附录1:外文翻译24 附录2:外文原文32 致谢38
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