游戏手柄外壳注塑模具设计 摘要 塑料模具是塑料成型工业中的重要组成部分,在模具发展历程中我国有了很好的进步,虽然一些注塑模具技术已和国际先进水平想持平,但是在质量和数量方面仍然满足不了现在国内市场的需求。其实模具的设计和制造影响着注塑件的质量的好坏,而且注塑件多种多样,其结构非常复杂,设计困难,所以设计注塑模具是一个非常复杂和知识需求非常高的产业。同时激烈的市场竞争带来越来越快的产品更新换代,对注塑模的设计和制造提出了更高的要求。因此在本次设计中充分考虑了模具设计标准化。 本设计以材料为尼龙1010的游戏机手柄外壳注塑模具设计为课题。该题目涉及了注塑模具模架的设计及校核、型腔数量的选择、模具结构设计、冷却管道的设计和优化、UG三维绘图软件学习和应用等方面知识。其中模架的选择尤为关键,它的选择关系到塑件成型质量的好坏和效率的高与低,可以说是整套模具的骨架。其次,冷却管道在整个模具中也中起着至关重要的作用,它能控制设计的模具整体温度,可以将熔料冷却过程中的大部分热量全都带走,起到快速成型的作用。 在本设计过程中充分利用了UG计算机软件辅助设计,绘制出完整的二维设计图纸和三维实体造型,使得整个模具设计的时间大大缩减,效率得到提高,从而简化了设计的整个过程。 关键词:游戏机手柄;注塑模具;结构设计 ABSTRACT Plastic mold is a
n importa
nt part of the plastic moldi
ng i
ndustry, i
n the mold developme
nt course i
n our cou
ntry has made very good progress, while some i
n mold tech
nology has the i
nal adva
nced level to flat, but
now i
n terms of quality a
nd qua
ntity still ca
n't satisfy the dema
nd i
n the domestic market. Actually the mold desig
n a
nd ma
nufacture of affecti
ng the quality of i
n molded parts, a
nd plastic are diverse, its structure is very complex a
nd desig
n difficulty, so the desig
n of i
n mold is a very complex a
nd the i
ndustry of k
nowledge dema
nd is very high. Therefore, the desig
n of i
n mold is a very complex i
ndustry with very high k
nowledge dema
nd. Mea
nwhile, the fierce market competitio
n bri
ngs about faster a
nd faster product upgradi
ng, a
nd higher requireme
nts for the desig
n a
nd ma
nufacture of i
n mold are put forward. Therefore, the sta
n of mold desig
n is fully co
nsidered i
n this desig
n. This desig
n is desig
ned to be a project with a molded plastic mold desig
ned to be made of
n 1010. The subject i
nvolves the desig
n of i
n mold die set a
nd check, the choice of cavity
number, i
n mold structural desig
n, the optimizatio
n desig
n of cooli
ng pipe, UG 3D drawi
ng software k
nowledge lear
ng a
nd applicatio
n, etc. The choice of the model is particularly critical, a
nd its selectio
n has to do with the quality of the plastic a
nd the quality of the shape a
nd the efficie
ncy of the high a
nd low, which is basically the skeleto
n of the e
ntire mold. Seco
ndly, the cooli
ng pipe also plays a crucial role i
n the whole mold. It ca
n co
ntrol the overall temperature of the mold desig
n, a
nd ca
n remove most of the heat from the molte
n material cooli
ng process. I
n this desig
n process, UG computer software aided desig
n is fully utilized to draw a complete 2D desig
n drawi
ng a
nd 3D solid modeli
ng. The desig
n time of the whole mold is greatly reduced, a
nd the efficie
ncy is improved, a
nd the whole process of desig
n is simplified. Key Words:Gamepad; I
n mold; Structural desig
n 目录 摘要I ABSTRACT II 1绪论1 1.1塑料模具目前发展现状1 1.2研究注塑模具的意义1 1.3现代注塑模具设计方法2 1.4本次设计的主要内容2 2注塑件的分析3 2.1明确塑件设计要求3 2.2塑件的原材料分析3 2.3计算塑件的体积和质量4 3总体方案设计5 3.1模架的方案设计5 3.2型腔的方案设计6 4注塑机的选择7 4.1实际注塑量7 4.2注射压力7 4.3锁模力7 4.4塑件注塑工艺参数的确定8 4.5注塑机的选取及校核9 5注塑模具的结构设计11 5.1分型面的选择11 5.2确定型腔的数目及排列方式12 5.3浇注系统的设计12 5.4排气系统的设计15 5.5成型零件的设计16 5.6抽芯机构的设计18 5.7推出机构的设计20 5.8温控系统的设计22 6注塑机有关参数的校核23 6.1开模行程校核23 6.2最大注塑量校核23 6.3模具与注塑机安装尺寸校核23 6.4模具闭和高度校核23 7绘制模具总装图及工作原理24 7.1二维模具总装图24 7.2三维模具总装图26 7.3本模具的工作原理28 8结论29 参考文献30 附录1:外文翻译29 附录2:外文原文35 致谢39
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